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Posts posted by bcooksons

  1. Actually the second series in 5 episodes long and the first 3 episodes are definitely worth watching, episode 4 is highlights of the 1st series and episode 5 is bits from the second series.

    Season 2 episode 1 is all about the exceptionally laid back and cool David and his beautiful girlfriend Annie (both from the first season) and David's very mature thinking son Troy. A really good episode looking into family dynamics and you will be impressed with David and Annie's relationship, Annie doesn't take no for an answer and usually is proved right and I think David knows he has a diamond there

    Season 2 episode 2 is what this topic is mostly about, Scott and Paeng (read my earlier post in the thread on page 3) sorry if my link isn't working, there are lots of links to be found on the internet if you are patient and keep looking, also definitely worth a watch

    Season 2 episode 3 is about the beauty pageant in Thailand, miss international queen I think it is called, really good episode also looking into how the girls push themselves through the pageant, its gruelling and emotional for them but also it seems a great escape for some of them as they give insights into their real life problems and dramas trying to gain acceptance and understanding.

    these girls are not hurting anyone and the stories they tell of hard times are really upsetting especially when you twin the personal emotions they must be going through themselves with feeling they are in the wrong gender body. The fact that some of them choose not to get full gender reassignment seems to have a few reasons, money being the most obvious, some of the girls seem scared to lose their money making powers by getting full reassignments, that may sound conflicting but from what I can gather about the culture the girls are under pressure to make money to support large families.

    I am no expert but watch the episodes yourself and see what you think, enjoy

  2. if you can click through all the ads you can watch scot and paengs second season episode on this link, just copy and paste it into your browser and keep clicking off the ads, you don't need to update your codec performer or flash player or whatever else it says you need to do, just click off the ads and keep going and you will see the video.


    when you watch the video regardless of what you may feel about ladyboys or anything else for that matter I defy any rational person not to be impressed by paengs drive, generosity, energy and fridge moving ability and scot makes a good point about people enjoying the ladyboy company in terms of the way the girls are quirky and giggly and just nice to see enjoying themselves. I have never been in the company of a ladyboy but I can see what scot means, they look after themselves so much you couldn't help be impressed by them. you don't have to be inspired by scot and paengs story but its easy to be impressed by their relationship.

    paeng what is inspiring about you is the way you have overcome your hard start in life and your determination to look after your niece who is adorable.

    scot your openness is refreshing and i'd love a beer with you in the bar one day, specially if poppy is there, she seems cool.

    an open mind is a beautiful thing

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