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Posts posted by tyswom

  1. Yesterday we delivered some milky mushrooms in town and decided to try the local market for potential points of sale. There was a lot of comments about the mushroom being dangerous to eat. It was all in Thai so I didn't get the details but since the Milky is new to this country and this area I can only assume it was being mistaken for something else. Anyone have any idea what this other mushroom might be? Or what the issue is? Something about nursing mothers who eat this mystery mushroom.

    We are at that point where everyone has "helped" us get sales started so now it is a matter of developing steady sales to people we do not know. This factor may mean we cannot sell the Milkys around here. So a proceed or change decision is needed quickly. I admit to being a bit at a loss.

    if people dun confident about this CI.may be u can try to send some sample to minitry of agriculture

    and ask them to certify and get a certificat of this edible mushroom(in Malaysia we can pratice like this but of course u hav to pay to the deparment).after the certified people won scare of this mushroom coz there is no more poison n dangerous for them anymore.

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