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Posts posted by Dennisdob

  1. I must say, Siam is much worse that BKK Bank. The employees stole several car payments since paying in cash, totaling 80,000 baht. I was told that the bank will not replace the money but will cut the time of my contract. I must make double payments until it has been caught up. That brought great hardship during those months. I was also informed to only go into a regular bank and not the sub branches for instance; Tesco Lotus,etc. I was to call the lady in charge when the payment was made.

    Once again, police report but they have the copy of the fake receipts but closed the case stating Siam will handle the problem. Concerning bank improprieties, I have lost over 100,000 baht. Please learn from my mistakes!


  2. I accept your apology concerning the wisecrack about my happily married wife! No harm done.

    For an update as promised: two people were skimmed at the night plaza in Chiang Mai last night, they both have chip cards! Now to my understanding after spending 2 hours at the BKK Bank and speaking to others, foreigners are very responsibe pertaining to this rash of crimes. This was coming from a foreigner. They are somehow gluing chips to the regular cards. Results, skimming. When asking the bank official if I am scammed with this Chip, will you replace my money and there was no reply given!

    I filled out another report due to the fact, a transfer was made from my foreign deposit account of $141.20 U.S. That is not skimming, that came from the bank itself. I was on my way to play golf during the time of the transfer. I'm at lost for words! I am coming to the conclusion that nothing is safe while in Thailand! That hurts me to make that comment.


  3. I have several accounts and one account has a chip but the machines are limited. Girlfriend? I've been married for 10 years!

    The police report was somewhat of a joke and quite aggravating. I tried to explain the times, etc. he replied, next! I just sat there in disbelief. Finally my wife said, its useless.

    BKK has several cards but only one with a chip as stated prior, the blue and white card, allows to be used on line. The chip card was not accepted at the mall. That is one of the reasons for me obtaining that particular card.

    Yes, correct, BKK bank does offer both kinds of cards but I explained why I chose the other.

    No, I don't know the person who is stating about a girlfriend! To ridiculous to address. Sorry! I'm only stating the situation that applies to me and hopefully will assist others.

    No bills were paid. I was checking the exchange rates and checked my FDA and realized two withdrawals on the day that I was checking. That's how I am aware of the skimming.

    I hoped I helped others become aware of skimming and other discrepancies that are taking place. I'm not here to formulate an opinion but to help. I hoped I answered your questions and if not, I apologize!

  4. I live in Chiang Mai and on October 13-14, 10,000 was taken from my ATM card of BKK Bank. When reporting it to the Meechock branch, they tried to blame me for the withdrawal! I explained that I was in bed during both incidents . Started by taking 4000 on the 13th and proceeded to withdraw 6000 on the 14th at 7:32 am. I showed them my card and it never left my wallet. They also said that there was no activity of skimming on those days. I replied "how did I lose my money?" Never had a problem in 10 years! Now I'm reading almost daily about skimming! Hmmmmmm

    Brain Dead!

  5. Well the United States won the Philippine's from the Spanish as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898, after the Philippine- American War 1899-1902 the Americans defeated the revolt of the people of the Philippines and made English the primary language of, the government, education and business, The US controlled the Philippines from 1898 to 1946.

    So to answer your question, Why the people of the Philippines have more English speakers and teachers then Thailand, was a result of 48 years of English language was forced on the people of the Philippines as it official language!


    First of all sir it was never forced on the Filipino culture. They did have two bases there but are now down to one and Subic Bay is located outside of Angeles city.

    English is there second-language because of the American influence, that is correct! I visited many schools when I was in the Philippines basically because I was a principal from the USA. They are taught English on the first grade level through the 12th grade level. They are the third largest English speaking country in the world. They have approximately 94% literacy in the Philippines.

    I visited a first grade class with 51 students and you could hear a pin drop. When working for my Doctorate I also did a survey of some of the Filipino educational systems. Their curriculum is very sound and their universities are basically top notch. The number one University is located outside of Manila in Quezon City and the number two is in Dumaguete. The International Universities are totally top notch and with the core of instructors that they have it appears that they are extremely sound.

    To sum up most of the questions asked here, it mainly depends on the lecturers or the instructors at the University that makes them a sound and quality-based educational system.

    If Thailand had this quality of instructors I truly believe that their educational system could have possibilities, But they must change the curriculum in order to meet the accreditation requirements. Thai students can only be as good as the instructors or the leaders of that individual school. Thai students are extremely intelligent if Instructed properly with quality educators. Once again do not give total Autonomy to the owners of the school and the school must meet accreditation because the teachers are qualified but not in English. This is not the problem of the teachers but the leaders of the school.

    I'll agree with you to a point. There are major cultural differences too. Thais are taught not to question authority and not to lose face So independent, analytic thinking is not a trait that is developed in the school systems, nor is risk taking. And in order to learn, you need to to do both. You need to be willing to make mistakes and then learn from your mistakes. That doesn't happen here. And there are some excellent instructors here. Don't let that Doctorate go to your head. Unless those cultural issues are addressed, effective learning doesn't take place, regardless of how dedicated an instructor is.

    I didn't see those issue in the PI school systems or with Filipino students. It's a different culture. So please don't arbitrarily blame it on 'poor instructors' or 'poor curriculum'. Within the education system, Thais need a 'quantum leap' in their cultural perspective .

    My Doctorate is in Technology and Curriculum and it is not going into my head! I have 12 years as an administrator in the USA and three years experience at an international University in Thailand. I've had teaching experience and have taught teachers from different countries to teach English in their home countries to their students. I have nothing to prove to you nor am I my trying to prove anything to you other than voicing actual facts as I have seen it in the past years. You cannot compare to my qualifications nor experiences so basically cheers! Quality of the curriculum in this country is less than desirable because my daughter attends a Thai school. Her English is better than the instructors.

    To enter into a cultural background is the least of the educational problems in Thailand. If you wish to speak to me use respect and not tell me that something is going to my head it offends me talking to an unintelligent individual from some country who feels they are a little more arrogant than others.


    As a none engrit speaker youre engrit sucks big time.

    Get an education! Perhaps then you can speak with intelligence.

  6. From the OP ...

    There are plenty of good Filipino English speakers teaching English in Thailand ...

    There some here who may contest that statement in part or whole.


    Indeed. I know some excellent one - ability in English and teaching. I also know some who can't hold a real conversation in English. It's very variable.

    However, when in the Philippines I have never had any problems in shops, restaurants, hotels, taxis, businesses. People understand what you say and can communicate an answer of varying degrees of clarity.

    Here, I know Thai university professors who write in English for academic journals, yet cannot or are unwilling to speak English.

    I can totally agree with that! Quality of instructors and Curriculum. Most schools in Thailand are privatized by owners and they have complete Autonomy of the courses that are being taught. I too have never had difficulties in going there were visiting the different schools.

  7. Mr Panther sir one reason may be, go to google and type, "List of countries where English is an official language." Thailand is not on there, I don't think. Philippines is on there I think, Check it out,


    If you really didn't now the Philippines was a US colony and had thousands of Americans stationed at naval bases in the country for years after that.

    The Philippines fought on our side during WWII and the Thais on the other side.smile.png

    ok ok pedant anonymous member here,

    but Philipines was colonised that is why they are catholic , or some branch of Christian and all speak bludy good English

    Yeah, it was a Spanish colony before. Then the US took it over. I have met some people from there who speak Spanish (along with English and Tagalog). They have a saying about it...don't remember. Ask a Filipino and they will probably know it. Several have told it to me and laughed.

    During one visit to Luzon, a Filipino friend said, "The Spanish gave us religion (Roman Catholicism), The Americans gave us English and Civil Service and the Japanese gave us Kamikaze drivers". I thought it was funny and he continued the conversation is fluent English, complete with the latest jokes and comedy.

    They do mix there "Fs" with "Ps" though, which can be kinda funny. I had a Filipino girlfriend of mine (lived in the SF Bay area) tell me a bunch of jokes that were a play on words that Filipinos couldn't say well. Her English was flawless, so the jokes were pretty darn funny.

    Here's one:

    Q: What do you call two Filipino pilots?

    A: A pair of pliers.

    Ok, two:

    Q: What do Filipino tennis players wear on their feet.

    A: Tenacious.

    That was great! They do have quite a sense of humor and I can appreciate some of the things that they say and I'm glad that you brought this out.

    English is not the official language of the Filipino people it is basically their second language.

  8. Well the United States won the Philippine's from the Spanish as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898, after the Philippine- American War 1899-1902 the Americans defeated the revolt of the people of the Philippines and made English the primary language of, the government, education and business, The US controlled the Philippines from 1898 to 1946.

    So to answer your question, Why the people of the Philippines have more English speakers and teachers then Thailand, was a result of 48 years of English language was forced on the people of the Philippines as it official language!


    First of all sir it was never forced on the Filipino culture. They did have two bases there but are now down to one and Subic Bay is located outside of Angeles city.

    English is there second-language because of the American influence, that is correct! I visited many schools when I was in the Philippines basically because I was a principal from the USA. They are taught English on the first grade level through the 12th grade level. They are the third largest English speaking country in the world. They have approximately 94% literacy in the Philippines.

    I visited a first grade class with 51 students and you could hear a pin drop. When working for my Doctorate I also did a survey of some of the Filipino educational systems. Their curriculum is very sound and their universities are basically top notch. The number one University is located outside of Manila in Quezon City and the number two is in Dumaguete. The International Universities are totally top notch and with the core of instructors that they have it appears that they are extremely sound.

    To sum up most of the questions asked here, it mainly depends on the lecturers or the instructors at the University that makes them a sound and quality-based educational system.

    If Thailand had this quality of instructors I truly believe that their educational system could have possibilities, But they must change the curriculum in order to meet the accreditation requirements. Thai students can only be as good as the instructors or the leaders of that individual school. Thai students are extremely intelligent if Instructed properly with quality educators. Once again do not give total Autonomy to the owners of the school and the school must meet accreditation because the teachers are qualified but not in English. This is not the problem of the teachers but the leaders of the school.

    I guess you were not a geography major in school check a map Subic Bay is not outside Angeles City but a good 80 or so kilometers away. The US doesn't have one base in the Philippines as we have an agreement with that country that allows us to use there base. We left the Philippines in I believe 1991 after the volcano explosion dumped several feet of ash on Clark Air Force Base (which is outside Angeles City) and several inches on Subic Bay and the government as for an outlandish amount of money for the rent of the two bases. The Philippines Government was feeling there oats about then and wanted the US out. I was in the US Navy for 10 years and spent a bit of time in Subic Bay and I know where it is at. And they do not speak good english

    Clark is the old US base and also the airport for Angeles City which is about 11km away.It's a military runway and even though you land halfway down it you still can't see the end of it when you get off the plane!blink.png

    That is completely correct!

  9. I agree with you on some of things that you say! It has been my experience to whereas the reason some are not interested is because they basically have nowhere to practice it. They can't go home to practice it, their friends do not speak English so consequently it becomes a language if you don't use it you lose it.

    For some of the less economic individuals I would tutor every Sunday to try to develop English with some of the students to increase their English proficiency. They were interested but the problem once again was practice! I had the opportunity to speak to some of the Thai teachers and they had no idea on what I was saying so my daughter had to be the translator.

    The temple schools ,I had an association with only one and it was a disaster considering I was helping the English teacher making cassette tapes so he could use in this class. The YWCA also have some English classes but I was not permitted to go in and view the class.

    To take a three month course from me at the University was 45,000. Most could not afford it, so for the less fortunate, I did it for free.

  10. Well the United States won the Philippine's from the Spanish as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898, after the Philippine- American War 1899-1902 the Americans defeated the revolt of the people of the Philippines and made English the primary language of, the government, education and business, The US controlled the Philippines from 1898 to 1946.

    So to answer your question, Why the people of the Philippines have more English speakers and teachers then Thailand, was a result of 48 years of English language was forced on the people of the Philippines as it official language!


    First of all sir it was never forced on the Filipino culture. They did have two bases there but are now down to one and Subic Bay is located outside of Angeles city.

    English is there second-language because of the American influence, that is correct! I visited many schools when I was in the Philippines basically because I was a principal from the USA. They are taught English on the first grade level through the 12th grade level. They are the third largest English speaking country in the world. They have approximately 94% literacy in the Philippines.

    I visited a first grade class with 51 students and you could hear a pin drop. When working for my Doctorate I also did a survey of some of the Filipino educational systems. Their curriculum is very sound and their universities are basically top notch. The number one University is located outside of Manila in Quezon City and the number two is in Dumaguete. The International Universities are totally top notch and with the core of instructors that they have it appears that they are extremely sound.

    To sum up most of the questions asked here, it mainly depends on the lecturers or the instructors at the University that makes them a sound and quality-based educational system.

    If Thailand had this quality of instructors I truly believe that their educational system could have possibilities, But they must change the curriculum in order to meet the accreditation requirements. Thai students can only be as good as the instructors or the leaders of that individual school. Thai students are extremely intelligent if Instructed properly with quality educators. Once again do not give total Autonomy to the owners of the school and the school must meet accreditation because the teachers are qualified but not in English. This is not the problem of the teachers but the leaders of the school.

    I guess you were not a geography major in school check a map Subic Bay is not outside Angeles City but a good 80 or so kilometers away. The US doesn't have one base in the Philippines as we have an agreement with that country that allows us to use there base. We left the Philippines in I believe 1991 after the volcano explosion dumped several feet of ash on Clark Air Force Base (which is outside Angeles City) and several inches on Subic Bay and the government as for an outlandish amount of money for the rent of the two bases. The Philippines Government was feeling there oats about then and wanted the US out. I was in the US Navy for 10 years and spent a bit of time in Subic Bay and I know where it is at. And they do not speak good english

    I also have been to Subic Bay and played golf there also! My geography is not all that bad but my doctorate is in technology and curriculum so I apologize for not getting the correct distance from Angeles city. They have a rather nice holiday inn located in Subic Bay since you were in the Navy for 10 years and I have been there. Go outside into the city to San Fernando you will find that they have an outstanding University located there and their English is excellent. I have going there since I was a principal in the USA often for 16 years. Study their educational system but then again I'm not very good and geography or not as good as you are!


  11. Well the United States won the Philippine's from the Spanish as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898, after the Philippine- American War 1899-1902 the Americans defeated the revolt of the people of the Philippines and made English the primary language of, the government, education and business, The US controlled the Philippines from 1898 to 1946.

    So to answer your question, Why the people of the Philippines have more English speakers and teachers then Thailand, was a result of 48 years of English language was forced on the people of the Philippines as it official language!


    First of all sir it was never forced on the Filipino culture. They did have two bases there but are now down to one and Subic Bay is located outside of Angeles city.

    English is there second-language because of the American influence, that is correct! I visited many schools when I was in the Philippines basically because I was a principal from the USA. They are taught English on the first grade level through the 12th grade level. They are the third largest English speaking country in the world. They have approximately 94% literacy in the Philippines.

    I visited a first grade class with 51 students and you could hear a pin drop. When working for my Doctorate I also did a survey of some of the Filipino educational systems. Their curriculum is very sound and their universities are basically top notch. The number one University is located outside of Manila in Quezon City and the number two is in Dumaguete. The International Universities are totally top notch and with the core of instructors that they have it appears that they are extremely sound.

    To sum up most of the questions asked here, it mainly depends on the lecturers or the instructors at the University that makes them a sound and quality-based educational system.

    If Thailand had this quality of instructors I truly believe that their educational system could have possibilities, But they must change the curriculum in order to meet the accreditation requirements. Thai students can only be as good as the instructors or the leaders of that individual school. Thai students are extremely intelligent if Instructed properly with quality educators. Once again do not give total Autonomy to the owners of the school and the school must meet accreditation because the teachers are qualified but not in English. This is not the problem of the teachers but the leaders of the school.

    I'll agree with you to a point. There are major cultural differences too. Thais are taught not to question authority and not to lose face So independent, analytic thinking is not a trait that is developed in the school systems, nor is risk taking. And in order to learn, you need to to do both. You need to be willing to make mistakes and then learn from your mistakes. That doesn't happen here. And there are some excellent instructors here. Don't let that Doctorate go to your head. Unless those cultural issues are addressed, effective learning doesn't take place, regardless of how dedicated an instructor is.

    I didn't see those issue in the PI school systems or with Filipino students. It's a different culture. So please don't arbitrarily blame it on 'poor instructors' or 'poor curriculum'. Within the education system, Thais need a 'quantum leap' in their cultural perspective .

    My Doctorate is in Technology and Curriculum and it is not going into my head! I have 12 years as an administrator in the USA and three years experience at an international University in Thailand. I've had teaching experience and have taught teachers from different countries to teach English in their home countries to their students. I have nothing to prove to you nor am I my trying to prove anything to you other than voicing actual facts as I have seen it in the past years. You cannot compare to my qualifications nor experiences so basically cheers! Quality of the curriculum in this country is less than desirable because my daughter attends a Thai school. Her English is better than the instructors.

    To enter into a cultural background is the least of the educational problems in Thailand. If you wish to speak to me use respect and not tell me that something is going to my head it offends me talking to an unintelligent individual from some country who feels they are a little more arrogant than others.


  12. Well the United States won the Philippine's from the Spanish as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898, after the Philippine- American War 1899-1902 the Americans defeated the revolt of the people of the Philippines and made English the primary language of, the government, education and business, The US controlled the Philippines from 1898 to 1946.

    So to answer your question, Why the people of the Philippines have more English speakers and teachers then Thailand, was a result of 48 years of English language was forced on the people of the Philippines as it official language!


    First of all sir it was never forced on the Filipino culture. They did have two bases there but are now down to one and Subic Bay is located outside of Angeles city.

    English is there second-language because of the American influence, that is correct! I visited many schools when I was in the Philippines basically because I was a principal from the USA. They are taught English on the first grade level through the 12th grade level. They are the third largest English speaking country in the world. They have approximately 94% literacy in the Philippines.

    I visited a first grade class with 51 students and you could hear a pin drop. When working for my Doctorate I also did a survey of some of the Filipino educational systems. Their curriculum is very sound and their universities are basically top notch. The number one University is located outside of Manila in Quezon City and the number two is in Dumaguete. The International Universities are totally top notch and with the core of instructors that they have it appears that they are extremely sound.

    To sum up most of the questions asked here, it mainly depends on the lecturers or the instructors at the University that makes them a sound and quality-based educational system.

    If Thailand had this quality of instructors I truly believe that their educational system could have possibilities, But they must change the curriculum in order to meet the accreditation requirements. Thai students can only be as good as the instructors or the leaders of that individual school. Thai students are extremely intelligent if Instructed properly with quality educators. Once again do not give total Autonomy to the owners of the school and the school must meet accreditation because the teachers are qualified but not in English. This is not the problem of the teachers but the leaders of the school.

    • Like 1
  13. The reason for the losing of their hair is a development since entering school. At the early age all the way into adulthood, they are taught to tie their hair in a pigtails fashion or when working they must pool their hair stringently and tauntingly back. This is part of the uniform in school and this also entails the reasoning when working.

    If anyone would like to check the reasoning behind the loss if their are skeptics, check from any doctor that the loss of hair; one of the causes could be the tightening of the hair which creates a problem within the roots over a period of time.

    Thank you,


  14. Hello,

    We have all gone through the same thing as you are going through now and if I can be of any assistance, I would be more than happy to show you around and have you come and visit the family. Just send me a personal message and I will give you my contact information and I do have a car and my wife also drives and we would be more than happy to entertain you and to get you started.

    If by chance you are golfer we have a great golf league here that is international and there are approximately 80 members from all over the world. You are certainly welcome to be a part of our social golf league.

  15. Dear Madgee,

    I think the cages need to be rattled! I had to evaluate teachers twice a year for 12 years and I have found different teaching methods that are formulated through experience and not through a book. The best education is through experience and not methodology by what some publisher that feels it needs to be in a book.

    We have come into a society that feels certified is qualified! In my experience as a PhD and a Doctorate in Education, I find certified does not mean qualified. Certified requires documentation that you have completed methodology and required core subjects. Qualified refers to the fact that the person has great communicative skills as well as a complete delivery process to the students. Personally, I prefer a person with a C average GPA than a person within A average GPA. I find the average GPA student has much more to offer through communicative skills and relates so much better to the students.

    I have taught Chinese teachers in order to teach their students back in China. Their government has a tremendous push on to learn the English language. I have also had Korean teachers that wished to become more proficient in English. Teaching the Chinese in Thailand is different than teaching the Chinese in China. The prejudice still stands in China also due to age requirements. This is also the case in South Korea. In retrospect in Thailand there are many prejudice that do exist, however, this is not moving them forward but basically backward.

    If you are truly a good teacher, and show compassion, love, and dedication I feel that you will be successful but you must show patients when going into the schools. It can be extremely frustrating because you have to familiarize yourself with the interview process. During the process of most countries you are there to tell about yourself and your experience but in Thailand it is basically the opposite. The interviewing process and documentations in Thailand are on a totally different level than what You and I may be familiarized. Some administrators are threatened by the possibility that you may end up taking their jobs or someone else's job that is important to them and one should keep that in mind when interviewing for a position in Thailand.

    Reason you did not get an acceptance or rejection letter is due to the fact that they are basically not-knowledgeable to the correct procedures of an interview process. In our countries it is mandatory that you recognize the applicant however, we are not in our countries we are in Thailand. I once received an email that I was a top candidate for an international school to become the administrator and would call within several days. I began to find that rather amusing since they are clueless to the correct procedures on how one should deliver the message. Their message was sent through a translation agency. Please do not become offended but rather try to be more understanding towards the Thai way, they mean no disrespect, they just don't understand the procedures.

    The number one way to receive a position is not what you know but who you know!


    Ph. D

    • Like 1
  16. Alwyn

    You are one person to truly needs to read more history! I have a degree in history and I can assure you that you would be speaking Japanese or German if not for the USA! I believe when you speak of our country and our soldiers who gave up their lives to help democracy I really feel you should show more respect! In World War II we alone lost 200,000 brave soldiers. While London was digging tunnels with Churchhill and his cigars trying to go deeper underground I believe it was the USA who came to the aid of the UK during that time.

    I respect UK and will always continue to respect the soldiers who died for their country as well as for mine! I just don't understand why when the country is mentioned everyone seems to pull out their daggers and go after it. Where is the intelligence or the compassion to be friends and allies during times of crisis? I believe the USA is trying to reach out to Thailand because, let's face it; they do need help. In case you're not aware we also have many government agencies in this country working to bring peace and to prosecute the guilty. I have myself seen soldiers walking through the mall extremely polite and honorable wearing the USA flag.


    Pulled your ships out of Syria now I guess you want to pool the ships on this conversation.

    • Like 1
  17. Let's not be overly critical towards the Thai students? This takes place in many exams,and in many countries, the students spend more time on how to cheat than actually studying." Let's beat the system." They can be very creative and innovated in the cheating concept.

    In Thailand, many professors do not cover exams, proctors will supervise it. Some are secretaries, assistants, etc. if a student has a question, forget it, the exams are delivered with instructions, and hope for the best! They will utilize their phones, SMS, etc. to find the appropriate answers.

    What is the solution? Let the professor give the exam! He/she can discourage cheating if walking around and answering questions rather than drinking coffee at the desk.

    Thank you,


  18. If I can give you my personal observations through experience and research doing my master's degree and when I was a principal in the US. I also did a survey on this particular topic during my PhD.

    My conclusion was depending on the age of the child. The child should be near the fourth grade or 8 to 9 years old before teaching and additional language. They had a tendency of being the most receptive to any foreign language is during those years. Prior to those years they had a tendency to display mass confusion.

    Parents have a tendency to promote an education at times way too early. The readiness level depends on the individual child. However, if promoting a foreign language to a child I would walk very cautiously at doing this at a very early age.

    If seeking any additional information I would be happy to honor any questions that you may have.

  19. I am an American, questions about America being asked. What are we thinking about? Would that be your question? Ask me, I'm a Ph.D and would be happy to discuss the American way! One stated something about warfare! Do you believe that we enjoy seeing our dedicated military soldiers die to protect others against terrorism or to assist in defending The sovereignty of other countries? Someone believes the US cares about NL? You really need an education on foreign affairs and banking. Are you so alienated against America? Some of these statements are so ridiculous and without thought. Why do people who live outside the US feel so superior? It was my belief that we were all allies. I truly believe that many have short memories.

    Banking, the gentleman stated prior, Bangkok Bank. That would be correct answer, one is located in New York. I have a foreign currency account along with a savings account. I banking is also available. If traveling many of the countries prefer the the US dollar over the Thai baht. Foreign currency account alleviates that problem.

  20. What next? No service in bars? It will certainly be much quieter.

    This has nothing to do with discrimination against Americans. It is the result of an overreaching US Government that is trying to force every bank in the world to bend to its will, and do a lot of expensive and burdensome paperwork without recompense. I can't say I blame the banks. Just no accounts for Americans, and no problem.

    It was all so predictable when the US passed FATCA.

    Every bank in the world;

    Indeed, why must my bank in NL bend to the will of the bloody US and report to them ALL transfers I make to my bank in Thailand.

    I don't want that.

    It is time the US gets the lid on it's nose for prying into everybody's business.

  21. I'm sorry to say, but I have heard it on several occasions from Thai's saying go to your own country. I sometimes play golf at government and military golf course and you would be extremely surprised to hear what comes out of their mouth. Thai's I have found that are extremely nice are the ones live outside the city and to me I think they are just great!

    If you think, unfortunately, you are welcome, I strongly suggest you to rethink your position. There was one posting that said that they could express their opinion openly. That my friends are totally untrue. I am an optimistic person, but I have seen just too many things taking place in Thailand.

    I am an educator and have done a lot of educating free of charge for people could not afford the fee. They were extremely grateful and very attentive. Unfortunately, we must face the realization of the fact that we are for the most part not welcome here.

    For all the ones that wish to say to me why don't you leave? Purchase my home and give me 30 days.

    • Like 2
  22. Based on prior circumstances, yes I could leave Thailand! To be totally objective, I was extremely naïve when I entered into the Kingdom of Thailand. I believed that the individual who was managing and translating for me was to be honorable. I didn't understand the commission involvement, and many other situations. There is no gratification for ignorance.

    Luckily I became involved with a wonderful woman who is now my wife. We are extremely happy and grateful that we had met and became husband and wife. Basically, I have tried put away all the ill feelings towards Thailand and trying extremely hard to become optimistic. Thailand could be a diamond in the rough if handled properly. The books and research that I explored prior to my arrival were not actually accurate, so I made numerous mistakes. I do believe that one should not concentrate pessimistically but more so on the optimistic side, since I have met a lot of wonderful Thai people. Unfortunately, we must come to the realization of the fact that foreigners are not treated the same as the Thai's. This is a little advice for the newcomers of Thailand, be aware of confrontational incidences or while driving a car. You are in a no win situation!

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