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Posts posted by ntg187

  1. This like so many others here is a sad and completely preventable story.  


    Hookers are like tigers.  You can go to the zoo and look at them, even go inside their enclosure and pet them.  But you'll never be able to bring that tiger home and you shouldn't want to.  To really love that tiger is to see it in the wild in all of its beauty and splendor and understand it was never meant to be caged.

  2. Just to clear up a few ignorant posts:


    A deactivated personnel mine (see claymore) would at the minimum be stripped of its blasting cap and internal c4.  Leaving only the case and epoxied ball bearings.  When a poster said "it would be easy to re-arm it" that would be correct if you happened to have about a 700 gram stick of c4 in your pocket.


    20 rifle magazines - whether brand new bought from a gun store or 50 years old missing their spring bought from Vietnam are equally dangerous.  They are equally dangerous to a pet rock - in that you could hit someone with it as a weapon.


    As a former member of the US Military and having combat experience, I don't see any war weapons here.  But it's always nice to hear the delusional point of view of the "gun grabbers".


    Have a nice day.

    • Like 1
  3. There is little point in trying to appeal to men who use prostitutes on a forum like this. Most will simply defend the situation, often aggressively or even with abuse as we have seen on some of these posts already. I would be happy to see someone post on here that they have used prostitutes here but they are re thinking their lifestyle after really understanding the damage the industry does and knowing that they had lost their own way in life, but it is not going to happen.

    My first visit to Pattaya was when I got shore liberty when our carrier group came into port. I was 21 and had a fantastic time. You can bet your ass I paid a sexy girl for a night full of fun, drinking, dancing, eating, and some bedroom antics. I was recently divorced and was having a night out on the town. That night is probably my best memory from my military service. I don't want to tell you that the girl enjoyed herself or not, but we are friends on facebook and still keep in touch. Of course I was a young man, with a military hard body and a walking ATM so I'm sure she had a fantastic time. From what I recall she did atleast.

    The problem for me was once I returned home. See I used to enjoy going out to the bars and clubs with my friends which in comparison became depressing.

    I truly do feel that the atmosphere of the Pattaya night life is just as intoxicating as drugs are to those addicted. I've never used drugs though so I couldn't really say. All I know is that Pattaya changed my life. I became addicted to it all. I still go to Pattaya about twice a year and love everything about it. I have many actual female friends who work in the bars that I talk to regularly and visit when I am in town.

    For me, there is no reason to defend my lifestyle. I love my lifestyle. If you don't like who I am or what I'm about then you're welcome to kick rocks, its just that simple.

    The truth of the matter is I can easily pickup women in bars and clubs back home in the USA. the difference is the amount of effort that is required on my part. In America when you 'pickup' a girl at a bar, buy her a few drinks, spend all night chatting with her about yada this and yada that, you are paying for sex. In Pattaya, I don't pay for sex. I pay her to leave afterwords.

    That said, underage prostitution is a tragedy and should be stamped out, but girls who are working of their own free will... that prostitution is a gift from god. You ever hear that 'it's your life live it how you want to'? We'll I want to live it and not hear some bullshit about it from the morally superior club.

    You must be religious. The idea that you have the obligation to point out other peoples 'short comings' while ignoring your own agrees with your personality.

    Good Lord, this guy must be daft.

    ~Semper Fidelis

  4. Sometimes it is really just hard to believe how many of the members here are completely inappropriate. I sometimes wish that communities like this did not provide anonymity as I am quite certain that alone brings the brash hatred from some posters - and quite frankly some of these posters should be hit in the face for half the things they say.

    Just because this is Thailand you brush off crime like its no big deal - well I have news for you.... crime anywhere in this world is an outrage.

    Do you catch fox news or BBC and say 'those damn idiots back home had another shooting - they should have known by now to ban guns' - or do you have the human ability to show empathy for someone who was the victim of crime?

    Did you catch the new on the recent Nepal earthquake and say 'its their fault for living in an earthquake prone area' - or were you able to have compassion and empathy for those who lost their lives or loved ones?

    So what makes it different here? Because you've seen one to many farangs come here and get ripped off? That makes it more ok to you? What a complete crock of shit and honestly I feel sorry for those of you who do think like that.

    Someone who was the victim of fraud in Thailand or the UK or the USA or Australia or <deleted> WHEREVER, is still a damn victim - show some humanity - show some empathy. This forum for the most part is just quite disgusting and frankly embarrassing to be associated with when the majority of users here have the inability to feel sorrow for their common man in a bad situation. I was walking home from the subway today and gave a homeless man a couple of dollars - because I am a human being and can feel empathy toward those who have fallen on misfortune. I didn't give the man a pop quiz asking why he is now homeless and then tell him 'oh hahaha, im so much better than you because I knew to rebalance my portfolio out of financial stocks before the burst in 2009 haha someone probably gave you advice to do the same but you didn't so let me laugh at you and move along'. What an ignorant and arrogant way to live your lives - here is to wishing you a short jump off a condo development.

  5. I agree with the other posters that the widely accepted fare from jomtien to central is 10 baht.

    The first time I ever took a baht bus (many many years ago) I had read how the rate was 10 baht and when I got off the bus, a large group had gotten off as well. I was the last one in line to pay for my fare and the thai girl in front of me handed the driver 20 baht and walked away. When I tried to give the driver my fare he refused to take it. I really had no idea what was going on. I did make a mental note of the situation and later realized that the driver assumed that the thai girl had also paid for my fare.

    Most of the time I take a motor taxi and pay 200 baht - not because the fare is 200 baht but because I feel that the value of the ride and the time saved by not making multiple stops to pick up more passengers, and the ability for a bike to weave through traffic is worth the value. If I got on a baht bus today, I would pay 20 baht because 1) I don't want more crap in my pocket (see coins) and 2) because I feel I get an amazing value for that 20 baht. The question however is not about the value of the ride, the question is about the actual fare cost - which is 10 baht.

    • Like 1
  6. First and foremost, I would like to thank TV for allowing me to read the nonsensical garbage that is posted here on a daily basis without the requirement of logging in.

    Secondly, I hope to see the majority of you burning in hell for making me fish out my login information for the sole purpose of responding to the idiocy that this topic has garnished. I would also like to add a special caveat: 'die, die in a fire'.

    Thirdly, it was somewhat amusing at the start to read responses that were complete rubbish in regards to the OP, however it quickly turned into disgust. This must be due to the ever increasing 'I can't be bothered to read the whole post before responding' child's mentality that has become so common place here. In fact, some of you have publicly broadcast that in your responses to other thread as if it were glorified when, in fact, it should be vilified.

    In closing, I would like to point out to you all that the number of TV posts you have, how many years you've been a TV member, how many trips you've taken to LOS, how many years you've lived in LOS, how many years you've been happily (or dysfunctionally) married, how many bar girls you've had sex with, etc, etc, ultimately add up to nothing of any value to anyone other than yourself, yet you seem to constantly throw these numbers around as if they add credibility to your own opinion. And let us be clear that your opinion is of no more or less value than anyone else's. What you and your ilk may fail to realize is that you have taken on the helms of a forum which was meant to share information, to pass constructive advice, to better the community, yet in the end this forum will die with you as you continue to alienate new members. That is your legacy - the failure to pass this information for all future generations who may follow in your footsteps.

    And to those of you who do add good information to threads, pass constructive advice to newer people, who do better this community, let me say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that the valuable information you have to share, is being lost in a sea of malice, contempt, and rubbish.

    Please misplace your log in information again or better yet tell your mom how you feel.

    Can not believe someone would actually post so much drivel in post and think he is adding or worth something

    Pralaad, unlike yourself I have constructively added to this post in line with the intent of the OP, something that you have failed to do. You suggesting that my post is drivel demonstrates how far out of touch you are with the reality of the situation and unlike the character you have put on display on this thread, I don't require crowd validation and bashing to feel good about myself. Yes, maybe I shall misplace my log in information again so as to avoid future pretentiousness which you have clearly demonstrated in your post, but overall I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. But if I do choose to speak with my mother in this regard I shall be sure to thank her for passing on, what seems to be, the genetic lottery ticket which allows me higher brain function and cognitive logic and reasoning which ultimately allows me to respond to posts I disagree with in a civil manner rather than telling others to misplace their log in information.

    You are using too many big words, i am sorry i seem to fall asleep after the first line. Do try to keep it short, its not a bed time story "blog"

    I will politely bow out of this discussion as I refuse to sink to a level that is unbecoming simply for a retort. I do however appreciate your conjecture and advice and hope you and everyone else here has a most pleasant afternoon.

    • Like 1
  7. First and foremost, I would like to thank TV for allowing me to read the nonsensical garbage that is posted here on a daily basis without the requirement of logging in.

    Secondly, I hope to see the majority of you burning in hell for making me fish out my login information for the sole purpose of responding to the idiocy that this topic has garnished. I would also like to add a special caveat: 'die, die in a fire'.

    Thirdly, it was somewhat amusing at the start to read responses that were complete rubbish in regards to the OP, however it quickly turned into disgust. This must be due to the ever increasing 'I can't be bothered to read the whole post before responding' child's mentality that has become so common place here. In fact, some of you have publicly broadcast that in your responses to other thread as if it were glorified when, in fact, it should be vilified.

    In closing, I would like to point out to you all that the number of TV posts you have, how many years you've been a TV member, how many trips you've taken to LOS, how many years you've lived in LOS, how many years you've been happily (or dysfunctionally) married, how many bar girls you've had sex with, etc, etc, ultimately add up to nothing of any value to anyone other than yourself, yet you seem to constantly throw these numbers around as if they add credibility to your own opinion. And let us be clear that your opinion is of no more or less value than anyone else's. What you and your ilk may fail to realize is that you have taken on the helms of a forum which was meant to share information, to pass constructive advice, to better the community, yet in the end this forum will die with you as you continue to alienate new members. That is your legacy - the failure to pass this information for all future generations who may follow in your footsteps.

    And to those of you who do add good information to threads, pass constructive advice to newer people, who do better this community, let me say I'm sorry. I'm sorry that the valuable information you have to share, is being lost in a sea of malice, contempt, and rubbish.

    Please misplace your log in information again or better yet tell your mom how you feel.

    Can not believe someone would actually post so much drivel in post and think he is adding or worth something

    Pralaad, unlike yourself I have constructively added to this post in line with the intent of the OP, something that you have failed to do. You suggesting that my post is drivel demonstrates how far out of touch you are with the reality of the situation and unlike the character you have put on display on this thread, I don't require crowd validation and bashing to feel good about myself. Yes, maybe I shall misplace my log in information again so as to avoid future pretentiousness which you have clearly demonstrated in your post, but overall I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. But if I do choose to speak with my mother in this regard I shall be sure to thank her for passing on, what seems to be, the genetic lottery ticket which allows me higher brain function and cognitive logic and reasoning which ultimately allows me to respond to posts I disagree with in a civil manner rather than telling others to misplace their log in information.

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  8. The OP must be one of those 'the customer is always right' kind of people. The customer is not always right but they do have the right to take their business elsewhere, which is something the OP and company should be doing instead of whining. Imagine a world where you can eat, drink, sleep, shit, shower, shave, walk, meditate, and do anything your heart desires anywhere in this world that you can afford to - wouldn't that be something? Problem solved. Problem staying solved. Rangers lead the way!

  9. To answer someones earlier question about the potential losses. Whenever you short something, you have a potential loss that is essentially infinite. As an example, if you are long on a position, you hope the price rises - if the price declines, you can only lose as much money as your original investment. When you are shorting something, you are hoping the price declines - if the price rises, you can lose a proportional amount of money in line with the rise. Traders also use stops which allow your brokerage to automatically make a trade under pre-specified conditions (IE if the price raises/lowers x% or price hits x$ then sell/buy x shares). Stops help traders minimize risks and also help to lock in gains on positions you are still expecting to continue to gain on.

  10. Seems like all the redneck Fox News viewers are busy on this post.

    Hang em high, Ye ha!cheesy.gif

    Hmmm... Fox News. I watch BBC, Al-Jazeera, and Fox News. I guess I should go grab my torch and join the mob to demand that my satellite service includes left-wing obama loving propaganda MSNBC and CNN. Oh wait... that might conflict with my lynching mob. Damn you world for making us 'rednecks' choose. Maybe one day we can join the hi-so ranks of allan over there... coffee1.gif

  11. I once got dandruff in the USA. I know you all want to know about it. Have you gotten dandruff in the US of A.?

    I got dandruff in the USA... now I have to use this medicated shampoo for the rest of my life. I'd rather have Hep-B!!!!

  12. Because farang don't bend to the pressure of family (theirs or others), or at least not the the same extent as Thais do.

    That's my feelings anyway...

    My wife's parents wanted us/me to do all these things, but they never happened.

    ~ I don't wai people I don't know, respect is earned not given.

    ~ I didn't marry her before we went overseas together for 18 months.

    ~ I didn't buy my wife from their family, or however others see it.

    I'm sure a Thai male would have done all of these things to make sure the family accepted him.


    The argument 'Respect is earned no given' is the gate by which we exclude others from opportunities in this life.

  13. Me first , me first. Me Me ME!!

    Rather rude and a good example of how self- centered urban humans have become, not to mention void of common courtesy.

    If I need to get by someone I say in a polite tone, " excuse me, please." I've never had anyone refuse to move to the side.

    Gosh, and I was going to say:

    It's always me-me-me. Wandering aimlessly with my head buried in my IPhone (or just up my butt) or out with my clique ambling in anything but a straight line- side by side by side by side by..., completely oblivious to the fact that there are others around who actually have something useful to do and who do value their time...

    I agree that the bike bell is rude, and most of us would never actually use one. Just like the other perverse little bitty fantasies we knock around in our brains when we run into those aimless wanderers who seem devoid of common courtesy.

    Yes, it is always me-me-me. In fact you being mad at slower walkers not yielding to your fast walking ways is once again about me-me-me... or rather you-you-you.

  14. "Executed"??? Call it "murder" <deleted>....

    Who writes this drivel?

    May she rest in peace...

    Well, considering this is Thailand, and those words are in fact interchangeable in this context, even to a native speaker; perhaps you could also regale us with your vocabulary critique of the Thai language version of this story.

    As such an erudite exemplification of your native language perhaps you should really know that the words, even here, are not interchangeable, even in this context, and yet you seek to educate others.

    Could you explain the mystifying phrase 'vocabulary critique'? Are you really sure the word 'regale' is correct in this context?

    O, to be such a self-assured person as yourself. We honour you for your self-worth.

    While an execution is defined as a carrying out of a sentence of death, an execution-style murder is defined as the act of criminal murder at close range where the victim is under control of the assailant with no chance of escape or resistance. These are defined by the law in the US for criminals and police. In a warzone however, the double-tapping of a downed target is also considered an execution as defined by the US rules of war under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. So in this case, depending on someone's background the words murder and execution would be interchangeable however more appropriately described as an execution-style murder.

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  15. Hey guys, Im looking for a rental for the 3 March - 20 April. I am looking for something large.

    I usually stay in a condo see below for links of the range of which I am looking for (I would not be opposed to a villa):



    I have spent the better part of the last 2 weeks looking for something that would be suitable and have had issues getting responses to inquiries. If you know of something that might work for me, please let me know as I wish to make the proper arrangements ASAP or *gasp* I will have to stay at a hotel :(

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