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Posts posted by Prawnlord

  1. The point i was trying to bring across is that: do not blame a religion for the actions of so few. USA is considered a christian nation and yet they go to war and kill many people. (please don't think im attacking Americans with that statement merely using an example) I have met many Muslims and find them fascinating people and they are usually very peaceful and humble, when you ask them about how they feel about the terrorist attacks against other nations and within their own countries and their religion being used to fuel these attacks they become very embarrassed. I am South African and the same hatred is used against white people even though it was the government and the elites who imposed oppression, the way we view people that are different from us needs to change and that is all i was hoping to bring to light. Don't hate a race or religion based on the stupidity of others who impose their opinion through violent acts.

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