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Posts posted by SecretAgentMan

  1. Never go to these places unless you want to spend 10000 thb for 2 small drinks. Oh sorry after alcohol tax went up 2 weeks ago it might be 15000 thb

    You would have to be a complete retard to pay 10K or 15K for two small drinks at any bar in Chiang Mai - it simply does not happen! Yes you can get ripped off, but only if you are too stupid to be let out on your own.

    Chiang Mai is one of the easiest places for a beer, if you don't like it, pay the bill and go elsewhere, if you get stitched up here then you are pretty easy meat - you will get ripped off by the whores in Trumpton or Camberwick Green!

    You haven't got a clue what you are talking about mate...

    The year before last, a friend and I decided that we fancied another drink after a bar we were in had closed for the night. Stupidly, we asked a tuk-tuk driver where there were places that were still open (it was just after midnight).

    We ended up in the Loh Kroh/Chiang Klan area at a karaoke bar a few minutes later and duly wondered inside. I looked at a menu and we ordered a bottle of whisky (1200 bht on the menu) and some mixers, when 2 girls decided they wanted to join us to 'serve drinks' (they said 200 bht each, plus a drink for both of them). After a glass of whisky/soda we decided that we didn't want to stay and I asked for the bill (expecting it to be about 2000 baht, maybe a bit more?) - it came back at 14000 baht...!! Somewhat surprised, I told them they had the wrong bill and sent it back. The manageress then came in to 'speak' to us....

    To cut a long story short, they then realised that my Thai wasn't actually that bad and had figured out what was going on (they were trying to royally stitch us up). I had also managed to call the police after the manageress said she would too!? Before I even knew what was happening, 3 Thai guys had punched my friend to the floor and were kicking him in the head. I ran over, managed to pull 2 of them off and get him up (absolutely covered in blood).

    Thankfully, the police who I had called then showed up just before the police "friends" of the manageress. They calmed the Thais down and we ended up at the hospital - my friend being treated for a large gash in his head (8 stitches) and multiple bruises, and me with a large chunk having been bitten (yes, bitten) out of my chest.

    We filed a report at the police station, but were told that it was probably a 'misunderstanding' on our part (it definitely wasn't)!? Nothing more ever came of it in the end, but we certainly learnt a lesson!

    Stay WELL away from these Karaoke bars if you don't want something similar happening to you...! The only good thing, was that we didn't end up paying a penny to the bar.

    Yes that is how I got there by asking a darn Tuk Tuk driver. This is a good description of how they sucker you in by telling you a reasonable price at first. Actually my experience wasn't all that bad in comparison to some of the stories here including yours. I think I dodged a bullet. I am glad i just paid. God I hate hospitals. After reading your story i feel that it could have been worse. I hope you and your friend recovered nicely.

  2. yes, it's one of the most dangerous places in CM. I've never been inside, but you see them enough and it's fairly obvious not to go inside. I was lucky not to be in my 20's at the time, since it is much harder to think rationally at night. coffee1.gif $300 USD rip-off can easily make CM expensive for some, which is funny since they come here because it's cheap. anyhow, not good when foreigners are supporting the mafia. would you give money to the mob back home? not willing.

    *my advice: no matter what, don't fight back, pay all you can, even if 20,000 baht, and get out safely. don't worry about feeling like a sucker; worry about your health first.

    I agree. But in my one experience i found that you can haggle. If they are asking for 20000 see if they will take 12000. And say "krup" a lot. I am not kidding. I find that Thai people have sensitive egos. And kicking someone's ass requires work. So if you are nice you might be able to get them to come down.... 30%. Maybe? You see I knew the deal. My spidey sense was tingling. I knew that i wasn't in the CM that I was accustomed to and on dangerous ground. Yes, I haggled. But I paid. Now I am still healthy and wiser.

  3. My 24 year old son and his friend were kept hostage at a CM karaoke bar, by a gang with a gun and several knives. Their only crime was to have stepped inside the establishment and drank two beers each. When they wanted to leave, the bill was 10000 baht. They pleaded the whole night. In the morning one of them was let out to collect the cash. I had to bail them out.

    It is pure criminality I tell you guys: NEVER attempt to get into a Karaoke bar in CM (or Phuket/Pattaya for what it's worth). Once you're in you turn into prey. It's Mafia with a capital M

    I don't think they understood you. Just in case. I have a friend that was charged 30000 baht. Yes about a $1000 dollars for a few drinks. Ok? When he decided not to pay he was attacked by 5 Thai men and a couple of Thai women. Yes the women jumped him too! His case is in the courts. We are not talking about a few hundred BHT more here. They will hurt you if you don't pay what they want you to pay. Don't go into the karaoke bars. They will confuse you with their prices and your eyes will fall out when you see the bill. I have my own story. Not as bad as my friend's. Some are worse than others. (I guess. After my one experience that was enough for me.) Some are more dangerous. Yes..... Dangerous. Do not go in any karaoke bars. If you do... You have been warned. You have to read between the lines in this article. Maybe they are trying to warn these "seven establishments" that they are getting "too greedy" and hurting too many people in that greed. Having places like that could be bad for tourism. If word gets out. The whole city can get a bad rep. I see a lot of TV people didn't know what you were talking about BDG. I am glad you clarified things.

  4. My 24 year old son and his friend were kept hostage at a CM karaoke bar, by a gang with a gun and several knives. Their only crime was to have stepped inside the establishment and drank two beers each. When they wanted to leave, the bill was 10000 baht. They pleaded the whole night. In the morning one of them was let out to collect the cash. I had to bail them out.

    It is pure criminality I tell you guys: NEVER attempt to get into a Karaoke bar in CM (or Phuket/Pattaya for what it's worth). Once you're in you turn into prey. It's Mafia with a capital M

    I don't think they understand you. Just in case. I have a friend that was charged 30000 baht. Yes about a $1000 dollars for a few drinks. Ok? When he decided not to pay he was attacked by 5 Thai men and a couple of Thai woman. His case is in the courts. We are not talking about a few hundred BHT more here. They will hurt you if you don't pay what they want you to pay. Don't go into the karaoke bars. They will confuse you with their prices and your eyes will fall out when you see the bill. I have my own story. Not as bad as my friend's. Some are worse than others. (I guess. After my one experience that was enough for me.) Some are more dangerous. Yes..... Dangerous. Do not go in any karaoke bars. If you do... You have been warned. You have to read between the line in this article. Maybe they are trying to warn these "seven establishments" that they are getting "too greedy" and hurting too many people in that greed. Having places like that could be bad for tourism. If word gets out. The whole city can get a bad rep. I see a lot of TV people didn't know what you were talking about BDG. I am glad your clarified things.

  5. I'm also experiencing this ***ing parking.ps redirecting problem. In fact, while typing this post it has happened 4 or 5 times. Thai Visa what is going on? It has been happening on other websites too since Thursday but on Thaivisa.com it happens every minute!! It only happens on my iPhone and iPad.

    Delete history and cookies. It worked for me.

  6. This seems to be affecting my iOS devices (iPad and iPhone running safari) and only when using Thai Visa but not my laptop (using Firefox)

    Annoying to say the least...

    Same here. I deleted history and cache in iphone and now so far after 24hours problem remain solved.
  7. If using income stat declaration you might need 2 of them if you do a conversion. One for visa application and another for extension. Very few offices do everything in one trip.

    This is correct, unfortunately it might require 2 trips to the Embassy. The first for the conversion and the second for the extension. My immigration office will only accept the letter withtn 30 day of issuance and they will not extend your permission to stay untii the last 30 days. A catch 22 situation, but such is life!

    Same here in CM. I had to go twice to the consulate in CM because my first letter of income expired after 30 days. Just more leg work is all.
  8. Go to I. S. behind Big C Extra. They have the best choice I have found here.

    Behind Big C Extra mall near Index? Across the parking lot and soi in the back? Is there a sign on building I can look for? I really want the best selection. This sounds like a great lead and what I was looking for. Thx for the help.

  9. Global House has just started selling serious transformers in all sorts of sizes up to about 30A if I remember rightly. Worth a look, but on the other hand, if it's pretty much just for the one appliance it's probably better to simply buy a new one and re-sell it when/if you leave the country.

    No I have a few other appliances. Thx to everyone that has helped me. I am pretty set-up now.

  10. For about 4000 you can buy an Electro... vacuam cleaner which as hepa filters. probably better than messing around.

    Rainbow Vacs are without bags. The dust is trapped in a water basin. Better than Hepa alone. I have tried many Hepa Filtered Vacs nothing comes close to a Rainbow. Nothing is like being able to breath more easily for an asthma sufferer. Hepa filters Vacs are as nothing to me. Even though the newer Rainbow models have Hepa Filters I believe they do it because of Hepa Filter Hype. I have an older Rainbow model without Hepa Filters and I have had a newer model with Hepa Filters. I get the same amount of relief because "wet dust don't fly." The water filtration really reduces the amount of airborne allergens and cleans the air better than any other vacuum or for that matter air cleaner. (In my humble opinion and it is my experience of real comfort that matters for me.) The newer ones actually has a lower setting also so it will double as an air cleaner in its own right. And I believe it is certified for that use.

  11. What did it cost you? Wouldn't buying a new appliance be cheaper?


    The step down costed 4500 baht. But Rainbow Vacs are water filtered and the newer models are also hepa filtered. They filter the air while cleaning and have saved me from many allergy attacks and asthma discomfort. My refurbished 10 year old vac sells for over $500 on eBay. Plus shipping and custom fees it would be near $900 total. They do sell them here in Thailand through a dealer in BKK +30,000 baht for the refurbished. The new ones are crazy expensive. So I am happy with getting away with only 4500 BHT.

  12. Rainbow has a great web site www.rainbowsystem.com/‎ , manuals, parts lists also chat, If you look on the lable on the main unit you have it will tell you how many watts the vacuum draws and the voltage,

    Watts are watts at any voltage, amps however are different.

    Get a transformer that is ><20% highte wattage than needed,

    Nothing fance is needed just a step down transformer from 110 to 220.

    Cooling is sometimes a proplem with 60hz motors operating on 50hz you need to keep the filter and any vents clean to improve the air flow, also running the unit for shorter times will also help.

    Problem I believe is solved. Thx. I couldn't find wattage info on main unit or Rainbowsystems even in the owners manual of my specific model. But good call Farang I got reasonably reliable info (I guess) on a rainbow fan blog. Lets just say the wattage is 1000-1500. I got a 2000 watt step down from Amorn Electronics which is directly across the street of the moat's North side and westerly nearer Kad Suan Kaew shopping mall. Amorn is in a line of shops in what is called Icon Square. Icon Square is not very big. It just has a grand name. (FYI for newbies that might see this post in the archives and has similar problems.) I didn't go to Global House as Amorn was most convenient for me to get to.
  13. Rainbow has a great web site www.rainbowsystem.com/‎ , manuals, parts lists also chat, If you look on the lable on the main unit you have it will tell you how many watts the vacuum draws and the voltage,

    Watts are watts at any voltage, amps however are different.

    Get a transformer that is ><20% highte wattage than needed,

    Nothing fance is needed just a step down transformer from 110 to 220.

    Cooling is sometimes a proplem with 60hz motors operating on 50hz you need to keep the filter and any vents clean to improve the air flow, also running the unit for shorter times will also help.

    make that a step-down from 220 to 110 please wai2.gif

    Yes. Understood.

  14. In addition to an adaptor you probably need a step down transformer. Normal Thai electric outlets are approx. 240V. Normal US made electrical appliances are approx. 120V.

    i'm sure he brought a "transformer" instead of an "adaptor". plug/socket adaptors do not "burn out".

    I believe he is using a 'travel adapter' which sometimes is a misused term for travel converter which is not a good choice for his device. They operate by chopping the ac via a solid state switch and with motor (reactive) loads can cause a big problem for the motor and/or the converter. He needs a proper 220:110 step down transformer. Of course now we have the issue of 50Hz vs 60Hz so the motor will run slower and hotter assuming an AC motor is in use.

    The converter simply uses a solid-state switch inside to chop off part of the input 220V sinusoidal waveform causing a highly distorted output waveform which is far from an 110V sinusoidal AC. A completely resistive appliance (such as travel iron or water heater) will work just fine regardless of different voltage waveform. But, do not attempt to use an an electronic appliance such as laptop, battery charger, DVD player or curling iron with this distorted 220V waveform, it will damage the item and the converter.

    Travel Voltage Converter Guide

    Wow!! Info I was looking for!!


  15. Amorn sell stepdown transformers, they are in Big C on Hangdong Road and Big C extra, the old Carrefour place. Their main store is in Icon Square on the northwestern side of the moat. As it is likely taking more than the stated current buy one with some spare capacity but do not expect the vacuum to perform the same as in the states.

    Thx Dellboy.

  16. It is not just about the transformer voltage it is also about the amount of power, You got a 70 watt transformer at Robinsons, how many watts does the vac use? Probably more.

    There is also the issue of continuous use or short term intermittent use. The vac would be continuous use, short term use would be like running an electric razor for a few minutes. So you need a continuous use transformer.

    Before buying another transformer, check the vac to be sure it is not fried.[/quote

    Yes I see. No vacuum not fried. Less than 60 seconds of use. I could tell it was running to high.

    The other adapter is rated for 1600 watts but fuse blew i believe. I will try to get another fuse but I am now getting good info and seeing what my problem is and what I need. But just not where to get it.

  17. Voltage x amps = wattage

    220 Thai x 5amps I'm guessing = 1100 watts

    I bought a 900 watt one ( boat anchor) at amorn

    Use it for many motor things I brought over.

    And I don't run them continuous

    Thx this is info I can really use!!! Still kind of low for the vacuum but I have problems with other motor things. Is boat anchor the brand? And I am not familiar with the Store or Location called Amorn.

  18. It is not just about the transformer voltage it is also about the amount of power, You got a 70 watt transformer at Robinsons, how many watts does the vac use? Probably more.

    There is also the issue of continuous use or short term intermittent use. The vac would be continuous use, short term use would be like running an electric razor for a few minutes. So you need a continuous use transformer.

    Before buying another transformer, check the vac to be sure it is not fried.

    Ok where can I get one? Make sense. Yes I now see the wattage is a problem. The converter that fried and I got from the US though China made had a range up to 1600 watts. But I think the fuse blew on that. Thx for the info. The wattage is way low on the replacement. The vacuum is about 1500 watts.
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