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Everything posted by schultzlivgthai

  1. Actually the rule was put in place to stop government officials from drinking during their long lunch breaks 😂
  2. Well considering the ban on sales during those hours was to keep government officials from drinking during their lunch breaks 😆
  3. Just think what they could have accomplished fixing infrastructure during Covid, I was in Pattaya a couple times and the streets were empty. But too many boys putting the money in their pockets, it will always be Pattaya.
  4. How lame and immature
  5. I order Americano black coffee at Amazon, excellent coffee very strong. 40 baht. You must have ordered an expresso. Hell 7-11 has good americano coffee 35 baht
  6. Dude they can search you anytime day or night, they can make you take a drug test as you sit at the bar having a beer. Dont be naive it’s military run country!
  7. He’ll probably buy his way out of it! So many senseless deaths in Thailand. RIP
  8. Sure isn’t your standard Cotto bathroom fixtures 😆
  9. Can buy Sidegra at most any pharmacy, even in non touristy areas. 150 baht per box of 4 100mg pills. I would quarter them and experiment, don’t just start popping them, they are strong. I personally take a quarter for an extra boost 😂😂
  10. Drive a little faster, anytime you’re flying down the shoulder overtaking others you get what you deserve
  11. Geez I wonder how fast the fool behind the wheel was going, no mention of alcohol?
  12. Duh! The majority of any society don’t attack others! And it’s only blown out of proportion if it isn’t you! Your comments are self centered
  13. It’s an F1 race on every street in Thailand daily
  14. Where else in the world would we see cops doing as they call them “sit-ups, in front of a public audience, in which they are not most of them probably couldn’t do 10 sit-ups, aren’t they preforming “squats” And honestly this is the stuff that makes Thailand interesting and enjoyable 😊
  15. From what I read it was a converted Isuzu truck made into a bus, it’s also over 50 years old! The Benz badging was only cosmetic I think.
  16. That problem is very common in many Thai neighborhoods, way too many dogs, period.
  17. Hopefully they cut the old guy a break, let him pay for his vitamin C. Have to have a little sympathy for the guy
  18. Gotta love Thailand, ridiculous !
  19. And I would love to know the speed that he was driving! Those delivery trucks have a bad reputation in my eye, they are very wreck less and drive way too fast! Possibly pressure from a boss or just want to get done early.
  20. The janitor brings him is flip flops back to him, Thais can be so passive!! They all should have jumped his ass and performed a beat down! So many idiots get away with too much crap especially on the roads! And it continues to get worse every year!
  21. What did you do to piss the guy off?
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