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Posts posted by stevemarkwell

  1. I had an ENT dr. in the states look at it, but I never had the operation done. He said it was a pretty standard procedure, but apart from that I don't know what needed to be done.

    Thanks for the info on the eye dr.; I found their website earlier today, but I didn't want to go solely on their word.

  2. I don't know why you're so intent on arguing with me; whatever's up your ass, I definitely didn't put it there, so seriously chill the <deleted>> out. So I don't agree with you 100% on every single issue; there are certainly other people you can direct this petty bullsh-t toward. You want to poison all the soi dogs in Thailand, <deleted> do it -- no one's stopping you. Although I have to tell you, it's been tried there before, and I don't see that it made much difference. Or you can support spay and neuter and adoption programs, and get at least some of them off the street so you can ride your precious bicycle. I know, it's not as absolute and definitive as you want it to be though, so it's better just to bitch about it.

  3. It means Corona beer day. There's a huge Cinco de Mayo party going on at the Mexican restaurant across the street from my house. Obviously I'm not in Thailand.

  4. Oh, plumeria! I didn't know the other names for it. A lot of people grow them indoors in colder areas, but they tend to stay pretty small; I couldn't believe how big the first ones I saw in the tropics were! Really a beautiful plant. They grow readily from cuttings too, which is great, because you buy one tree and you can propagate as many 'clones' as you like.

  5. I've been wearing contacts since I was 14, but I would love to be able to get up in the middle of the night and see clearly, without dry eyes. Is lasik surgery available in Thailand, and if so, does anyone know a reputable doctor who won't burn my eyes out of their sockets? What's it cost?

    I also need to get my nose fixed -- had it broken too many times and I've got a deviated septum and nostrils that look like a maze inside. I haven't breathed through both at the same time in years.

  6. I'm looking for a similar situation, probably near Chiang Mai, but pricing will affect where I decide to settle in.  I'd like to be 20 minutes or so outside of town, without too many neighbors close by.  I'd also like to have some potential to expand the property, ie. pick up adjacant lots, as I'm able. 

    Looks like from what I'm finding online, your area might be a little easier on the wallet.  Might be worth checking out.  How's the weather?

    I was going to post the pic's of the land we bought but it looks like we are not enabled, unless i am missing something, :o Anyway the weather here in the UK is crap but me and the Misses work here and we can;t get back to Thailand until December we think :D

    Steve & Mem

    I meant the weather in Udon Thani, but that's OK. I found a website that answered my question.

  7. I dunno, I mean, I regularly go around sticking my weiner into things that I assume are unsanitary. Like just the other day, I saw a dead rabbit on the side of the road, and next thing you know... took a few days to get the smell off. I had packs of wild dogs following me around all week.

    Man, if I was you, I'd be trying to remain anonymous too. How come all your threads seem to end with you saying 'I thought this was a good place to come for advice, but I guess I was wrong'? I bet you're even more fun in person. But fortunately, even for you, there is a wholistic procedure you can undertake to rid you of your problem.

    First, you will need to find a sturdy tree or telephone pole, and have a friend help you to tie your hands together, behind your back, and around the tree/pole/whatever. Next, your friend will offer passers-by the opportunity to do their part to help you out, by getting a running start and kicking you as hard as they can in your genitalia. This serves to break apart the bacterial colonies forming there, preparing them for evacuation. Next you will need to perform alternating applications of hot and cold -- you do this by sitting in a bucket of ice water for five minutes, then applying hot coals to your "salami" for five minutes. Repeat this procedure for one hour; this upsets the bacteria and they start looking for a new place to live. The next step is to apply electrical current to your genitals; this is most easily accomplished by hooking them up to a car battery, usually the positive electrode on one testicle and the negative on the other. Then switch the electrodes to run the current through in the other direction; bacteria don't like to be electrocuted any more than you or I do, and they will likely move on. Step 4 is a bleach treatment; you will need to sit in a tub of bleach for a minimum of half an hour; bleach of course kills bacteria, so any stubborn little fellas tht didn't leave before will be running for cover. Step 5, obtain a sturdy length of rope, affix one end to the end of your johnson, and the other to the bumper of a car. Have a friend accelerate rapidly. Repeat several times; the way this works is a little more complicated, but trust me, it is a vital step and you must do it for this treatment to work. Next, you will need to purchase a standard firecracker, which you will insert into your urethra, light it, and plug your ears. This will leave your penis looking like one of the exploding cigars you see in cartoons. No woman will ever touch it, and you will never have to worry about getting a sexually transmitted disease again.

    Thailand and other countries in Asia are not your personal sexual playground; these are real people, and they deserve respect. You, on the other hand, do not. Good luck with your real estate venture.

  8. This makes sense; according to the websites, most plants can take up ammonium or nitrate, but because the majority of soil ammonium is converted to nitrate by nitrifying bacteria, the plants end up taking up very little ammonium. According to this website, aquatic plants differ from most terrestrial ones in that they typically 'prefer' to take up ammonium directly. Shows how much I know.

  9. I'm looking for a similar situation, probably near Chiang Mai, but pricing will affect where I decide to settle in. I'd like to be 20 minutes or so outside of town, without too many neighbors close by. I'd also like to have some potential to expand the property, ie. pick up adjacant lots, as I'm able.

    Looks like from what I'm finding online, your area might be a little easier on the wallet. Might be worth checking out. How's the weather?

  10. That happened to me on a school bus in the States, only the driver managed to take the thing up on two wheels and knock out a couple street signs. I think that woke him up.

  11. Last time in Thailand I got an AC room for my last two nights, and developed a sore throat. Within a week it was so bad that it was truly unbearable, and I went to an ear/nose/throat doctor (back in the US by then) who diagnosed me with Haemophilus influenzae type B, or H flu, and said if I'd waited another day to come in, I'd have died from suffocation. He put me on antibiotics and my symptoms went away, but a year later they came back. This time the antibiotics stopped working after the first few days, and symptoms worsened. I switched to a different antibiotic, with the same result -- it worked at first, but stopped after a few days. The third one was the charm, but I got to spend Christmas Eve in the hospital with an IV in my arm, wondering if this one was going to work, or if I was going to die or have to have a tracheotomy or some awful thing. It appears that I was exposed to the disease over the course of my travels, probably while getting tattooed with a piece of bamboo, or shortly thereafter, and the conditions created by the air conditioner were what it needed to thrive. So needless to say I'm a bit wary; I'd have one in my home, where I could be in control of changing filters, etc., but I probably won't pay extra for the AC room when I'm on the road again.

    Just thinking about it is making my throat hurt.

  12. "I don't want to bicker, but plants definitely do not consume ammonia -- they can only take in nitrate. This is a well established scientific fact. ......."

    I think you are mistaken here. If you are correct then the agriculture scientists at Mississippi State University, North Carolina State University, and the University of Edinburgh will be really interested in finding this out. Scientists at these universities have directly stated on the internet that plants can uptake ammonium (which is the ionized from of ammonia).

    Do you have the links? I'd like to read them and get my info straight.

  13. Fancy a dip?


    Honestly, I wouldn't mind, but I certainly wouldn't recommend it.

    Elfe, or anybody, what's the situation with cats in Thailand? It's been my experience that areas with a lot of street dogs don't seem to have many cats running around, which makes sense, but is that the case there? I don't recall seeing all that many cats, but maybe there are more out in the evenings.

  14. Assuming that I've already cleared the necessary hurdles to purchase land in Thailand, what percentage of the asking price do I offer? Or maybe a better question is what percentage of the asking price should I be paying? How does this work? in the US, I made an offer on my house, they counter-offered, and I accepted. Is it similar in Thailand?

    Is rent negotiable? 30+30 lease? Is there real estate that's not listed on websites, or at least English websites, that's cheaper?

  15. And stevemarkwell, what is the "beer trap"?

    Although the common garden variety of Thai snail is a different shape to the Australian common snail (I don't really know any other countries varieties), their diet preferences appear to be the same.  :o

    Johnh101's site describes the beer trap - #6, or you can probably find a commercially made one on the internet.

    There are also carnivorous snails that eat the snails that eat your plants. In the States i use them quite a bit, but I don't know where they're from, and I don't know if they would naturalize in Thailand and cause problems, as has happened with carnivorous snails in Hawaii. They are called 'decollate snails', and the eat small snails, slugs, and decomposing organic matter.

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