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Somchai Mao

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Posts posted by Somchai Mao

  1. Sony again..A57, set to Panorama and click and pan. Still have to explore the options a bit more but I do believe it will pan l to r and r to l, and hopefully vertically too.

    Nice panorama. Love the way the clouds look. You wouldn't happen to know what ISO you used or is it auto on the camera you use. Lovely expressive sky, thank you for posting.

    I enjoy doing timelapse especially things like thunderstorms in the early evening light. I get about 2 or 3 out of 10 that look pretty good. Trouble being for the changing light and on manual you have to get all the settings right at the beginning and hope.

  2. If my statement is offensive to some women then I am sorry if they find it offensive. That is my personal opinion. I find Asian women, including Thai women to be more attractive than farang women. That is a statement the same as saying I prefer red M&M's to blue ones. I'm in my early fifties and have had quite a number of long term live in relationships with farang women but never married. I thought that was the norm at the time. However once I started visiting Thailand some 13 years ago I learned what having fun with attractive women was like. I like the Asian facial structure, the Asian bodyform, the Asian smile and the Asian sense of fun. Farang women simply do not offer that all in the same package. To me a farang woman offers me nothing as I prefer Asian women.

    Some guys prefer blondes to brunetts, do they get questioned? No. I was just stating my preference. Unlike a previous poster I mentioned nothing of fat or thin. For all you know I may just prefer rather overweight Asian women. I think you are making assumptions on very little information.

    I feel I am perfectly justified in making a "blanket statement" in that I prefer Asian women and farang women have nothing to offer me, a perfectly reasonable opinion.

    I spent most of my time in China and Thailand, China working and Thailand for holidays, maybe 7 or 8 times a year. Additionally I lived in Thailand for a few years and ran a small business, a very happy time in my life. At the moment I am in the UK which quite frankly is a very miserable place these days and I yearn to get back to China and Thailand where the attitude to life is different and I can spend time with attractive, fun women along with all the other aspects of my life that are enhanced by living and working in SE Asia.

    I didn't realise having preferences was "pathetic" but mai pen rai.

  3. I have sub-contracted under my own limited company for over 10 years and would never go back to PAYE. Make sure you do your research thoroughly, there is a lot to it. Seen many guys get into problems with it. The crucial thing is good advice and being responsible. Don't try and fiddle the taxman because if you do and he finds out, he'll make your life hell.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  4. Darren, just some friendly advice. Your hi-so girlfriend won't be your hi-so girlfriend for very much longer if you continue down the MAMA noodle road. These noodles are generally thought of as chav food by hi-so and lo-so Thai's much as Pot Noodle is viewed in the UK. She was just being polite by eating it and your obvious delight at being able to spice it up. Do it again and she will take her sexy hi-so bottom somewhere else.

    • Like 1
  5. Where DO you people meet these girls????

    I NEVER meet girls like this asking me for money.


    It's generally when you stay in touch with them as a friend, email, Sype that sort of thing. Thai's seem to equate friendliness from a farang as weakness or stupidity. I've stayed in touch with loads of girls over the years and once they've hit me with a money request they get ignored. Eventually they apologise and continue as if nothing has happened. It's in their genes, they can't help it.
  6. Prince William will need a syrup soon as he is balding at only a young age so why not look nice for kate

    I read somewhere it's something to do with all the oestrogen in the water supply.

    Bobby Charlton has looked the same with his combover for 50 years. I'm guessing he was born looking like that.

    • Like 1
  7. If they won't use the meter don't get in unless you are in a massive hurry to get somewhere. They know they can always get a better fare if negotiated. To be fair though taxi prices compared to the West are dirt cheap.

    I have been in many situations where the driver confirmed use of the meter, once in the taxi starts driving and driver with a cheaky smile refuses to switch the meter on...
    That's happened to me a few times. I just tell him to stop and I get out. No conversation, no money.

    A couple of years ago I was unloading my bags from the boot of the taxi at the Dynasty Inn when the taxi driver decided to drive off with a small case in his boot. He knew exactly what he was doing, he didn't even close the boot. Luckily Soi 4 was busy and I caught him about 100 yards up the road. Idiot and I told him so, just be careful with these guys. Another time a bahtbus driver pulled a gun on me in Pattaya but that's a story for another time.

  8. Just look out for the tall ones ............. or should that be the short ones. Try looking for those with the large hands ........... or is it the small hands. It's the ones with fake boobs ............. or is that the ones with pert hormonal boobs.

    Fact is, if you've had a few beers and the ladyboy is cute, you don't have a clue.

    Mai pen rai

    Most do.

  9. I picked one of these in a sports shop in the Emporium. About 7500 for the large one.


    It's not cheap but it holds a load of weight and will probably last you many years.

    Edit : it's known as the 'North Face Base camp Duffel'

    My experience of Thai bought baggage is that it will give up the ghost after a few robust handlings. I bought a camera case from the bag shop on the corner of Sukhumvit Soi 4 Nana behind the police box and I've been using it for 10 years with no problems. On the other hand I've bought hold-alls, cases, reinforced cases trolley cases and after maybe 3 trips they just go. Wheels, locks, handles are the first to go. I don't know about the previous poster and don't wish to be contrary but brand names like North Face are very unlikely to actually be the real thing if bought in Thailand from a street shop.

    Thought about those luggage wraps? Relatively cheap, hold everything together and unlikely baggage handlers will pilfer. Use them all the tine.

  10. I remember my first trip to Singapore in 1969. What an eye opener, women, booze and decadence.

    Lee Kuan Yew decreed that it needed cleaning up, and whilst still a great city to visit, it is sterile and lacks character.

    Hong Kong was similar in the mid 80's, cleaned up and lost much of its character.

    Please leave Bangkok as it is............except for those motor cycle taxi guys who block pavements, touting for business from every passer by.

    I don't mind the motorbike taxi guys. On top of the Thai I speak I know a fair bit of Issan. If I give it the bo aow krup when passing it always elicits a response. Then the bor bpenyang afterwards and it makes for a bit of a laugh. I've sat with them a few times and found out how they work, basically a lot of the guys will work another stand when theirs closes down for the night in a quiet district, will work 24hrs for weeks on end, no room, nothing, then go to the baan for a few days. Normal working guys, with a few exceptions. You want know about anything in your district in Bangkok get friendly with the guys and you'll find out. That includes all the gossip.
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  11. I don't get this thread. Pizza is just junk food and yet some here are talking about it like it is some sort of sophisticated foie gras, lamb cutlets or caviar. Pizza is just generic meatfeast, olives, tomatoes, cheese stuff baked in an oven on some dough. Cheap rubbish food for the masses. I think I'll start a thread on the only really classy fast food out there, the esteemed doner kebab......... with chilli, no salad, cheers.

  12. snake, if Singapore is so wonderful, why did you start a thread asking if anyone else wanted to get the hell out of your island paradise ?

    That's actually a rather silly question. I can then ask you if western countries are so good why are so many farang in some developing country like thailand?

    I don't need to speak for singapore. It's all on google. Anyway if you actually did read my thread asking about migration from singapore you would have found out that i am planning for the future. It's not as if the country is a hell hole right now and i am dying to just fly out no i am planning for the future. Do you know what that is? Hint: It really aids you when you buy stocks. Imagine buying facebook shares say in the mid 2000s when they were cheap and facebook wasn't popular you would be really rich right now. Yet what if you bought facebook shares today? You are unlikely to even make money from them so you see how planning for the future would aid you especially in liew of certain unforeseen circumstances.

    Next if you read the thread entirely which i am sure you didn't i was weighing my options, asking for advice looking for different alternatives. It certainly doesn't mean i am getting the hell out of singapore i might stay or i might not. That's like reading the thread started about someone that says he wants to leave the UK or australia and then come to the conclusion that the UK and OZ suck. Sounds really silly.

    You couldn't buy Facebook shares in the mid 2000's.
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