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Everything posted by Dialemco

  1. Thai needs to reinstate its overseas offices and improve its customer relations so that complaints may be resolved fairly
  2. This has been applied by U S Tax Authorites for years so why not Thailand. Reading the article appears need to bring the revenue into Thailand before it is taxed so if you leave it outside Thailand no tax will be incurred unlike other countries who tax world wide income regardless where it is kept.
  3. Good Luck Bangkok Airways foresee trouble looms if you decide to implement this scheme.
  4. Will he still be deputy PM when new Government formulated?
  5. He will not return until he is sure he will be pardoned.
  6. Would be very surprised if he actually comes back at a time of such political termol. Don t blame him from wanting to return to his country who would not
  7. Money talks he has been elected on a manifesto unacceptable to the establishment.
  8. Thailand has to realise that foreign tourists are a valuable source of income. Immigration does not reflect this as they are very unfriendly and are help bent on extracting even minimal amounts by ridgedly enforcing the rules for which they have discretion for instance I was marched to a room and fined for an overstay of 8 hours because my flight had be cancelled. No one asked if there was a reason for the overstay just plain unfriendly treated like a criminal
  9. Unfortunately Russian aggression is causing recession in many countries therefore there are not the same number of potential tourists to be able to travel to Thailand or anyway else in addition air fares have risen at least double prepandemic levels.
  10. Lets hope Immigratuon Officials are being trained to give a more welcoming behaviour.
  11. Internatuonal Tourism is unlikely to return to prepandemic levels any time soon. Airfares are up some times triple prepandemic levels and Europe is in recession. Chinese are unlikely to be able to return in large numbers owing Covid restrictions which not expected to be relaxed in the near future especially as most Chinese have not had even one Covid vaccination.
  12. Personally see no reason to extend alcohol sales to 4AM but the reason given is nonsense most alcohol accidents happen well before the present 2AM alcohol sales.
  13. Can't believe that a hotel billionaire is asking the Government to place a tax on his hotels accomodation perhaps his smile means he is joking if not he can always surcharge his accomodation and pay the surcharge to Government coffers or charity. Giod Luck
  14. Thailand must realise that many economies are suffering substantial down turn and that there are many potential tourists who just cannot afford holidays especially the high air fares many triple pre pandemic levels. Added to this is the appalling treatment of some tourists during the pandemic.
  15. My opinion for what is worth is that he should be reinstated as PM as be has brought peace and stability to Thailand especially as the caretaker PM has not really proved himself as being an experienced and capable leader.
  16. The U.S. Dollar is strong against most currencies in the world so not much Thailand can do about it but accept the devaluation and get on with life. Any attempt to keep the Baht artificially high could have a disastrous affect on economy including tourism.
  17. Cannobis for medical treatment is acceptable but for recreational use no. Thailand is at risk of making herself a proriora state if she does not control its use.
  18. The problem is not the rules but bad habits that have become accepted practices driving on the wrong side of the road not stopping at Pedestrian Crossing etc. Many driving without licenses.
  19. Exit Tax started at 500 Bht purchased from machine prior immigration now 700 Bht included in ticket with other taxes. Samui Airport charges addition 300 Bht Government Airports 100 Bht payable by everyone including Thais.
  20. The reality is that Thailand is not able to get involved in Russia's War even if she wanted to thus whether neutral or not makes no difference. Lavrov is a proven liar as an integral part of Russia propaganda machine.
  21. No matter where they are politicians seldom go without a fight to remain in power.
  22. Would be interested to know what this man is alleged to have done as must have been very serious to attract a settlement figure of Bht 200000 and who will actually receive this money
  23. Sad accident. The problem is that Children ride motor bikes without experience and very probably without a license.
  24. Wise advice for travelling anywhere.
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