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Posts posted by interested

  1. the cheapest pharma by far is at the entrance to warorot market....

    the owner is called mr rut...

    he speaks perfect English.

    he is a wholesale pharmacy....

    he stocks most things...

    if he doesn't have it he can order for you....



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  2. Traditionally Thai food has always used soy products . There is an exact Thai equivalent of natto . it is called thua nao. available all over northern thailand. easy to find in chiang mai. u can buy it dried 50bt kilo. more vit k2 than natto. enjoy. i eat it daily.

  3. dear eek

    i qualified as a hypnotheripist in 1984...

    have had extensive experience with a very successful practice in london...

    whether i am good or reputable is something you might have to decide for yourself....

    yes it could be interesting looking into this matter together...

    i live in chiangmai most of the year..

    i am in london right now...

    back to chiangmai mid september..

    best wishes..


  4. Before I began to seriously meditate I was a habitual drunk and not the sort of person you would like to meet on the street or anywhere else. I personally think the hours I spend medtating has made it bearable for family and friends to be around me. My family and friends are now very relieved that I have found a less distructive hobby.

    thats great garro..

    i take back most things i said in my last post..

    i guess you are doing it right..

    i wish you all the best and may you reach the furthest shore...

  5. dear garro

    what is meditation?

    its different for each person...and it changes every moment for each of them...

    none of us can meditate but only make mistakes...

    one of these mistakes is producing the experience you talk about...

    but you are attached to your mistake..

    it helps you avoid reality...

    most meditation is dangerous...

    because folks focus on the mind and its experiences instead of the source of the mind and no-experience...

  6. really? :o

    so, when did you achieve enlightenment ?

    i have been answering questions....

    expressing my opinion...

    as to making claims about myself...

    then i am deeply sorry if i gave a misleading impression...

    i have not achieved enlightenment..

    i have failed at most things in my life including the quest for enlightenment....

    failure sometimes makes for an interesting teacher...

  7. i have never been a buddhist.......do you need to be a buddhist to appreciate buddhist teachings?

    Well, it's normally Buddhists or scholars who are familiar with the teachings. To evaluate a teacher properly you'd need to have some familiarity with his teachings. For example, Ajahn Sumedho's book, The Mind and the Way is one of the deepest and most inspiring I've ever read, but he might not talk at that level on any given day.

    most of the spritual folks i met were not the real deal in my opinion...i met tons...that was my life...my dream was to wake up....nearly every hour of my life was spent looking for the truth....i cannot say any living person i met impressed me fully
    How did you determine whether they were the real deal or not?

    the teachings of a teacher are rarely an indication of that teachers true worth...

    many teachers write interesting things but when coming face to face with them they seem lacking...

    easy for them to be a parrot teacher if they have a decent memory...

    the words can be based on acting a role/dreams not reality...

    true worth lies in that reality from which the teaching comes...

    how did i determine the value of the teachers i met?

    its rather like tasting food....

    one knows soon enough if the taste agrees or not...

    one acquires ones taste over many years....

  8. hi all

    i met Ajahn Sumedo about 12years ago in germany....

    i have met loads and loads of so called spritual people.....it was my main hobby.....

    was i impressed?...not at all...he seemed to be slightly dull and certainly not awake in any way....

    Were you a Buddhist at the time and able to fully appreciate what he was saying? Which of the so-called spiritual people you met impressed you as being the real deal?

    i have never been a buddhist.......do you need to be a buddhist to appreciate buddhist teachings?

    most of the spritual folks i met were not the real deal in my opinion...i met tons...that was my life...my dream was to wake up....nearly every hour of my life was spent looking for the truth....i cannot say any living person i met impressed me fully...one dead one..ramana maharshi of south india whom i never met but do respect....

  9. hi all

    i met Ajahn Sumedo about 12years ago in germany....

    i have met loads and loads of so called spritual people.....it was my main hobby.....

    was i impressed?...not at all...he seemed to be slightly dull and certainly not awake in any way....if anything scared to be really questioned.....he loved it when people asked him easy stuff and seemed to adore him....

    will he help other wake up..i doubt it....

    its what i saw...i was trying my best to look as clearly as i could...

    most people are really impressed by him...they adore him...most people are sheep when it comes to this waking up business.....


  10. hi...anybody driving up north on a visa run to maesai in the next 10 days?

    would you like a little company and somebody to share petrol costs?

    i live near thapae road, in city view condo.

    it would be nice to hear from a good soul.

    save me the headache of catching buses.


  11. dear forum members...thanks for your replies...why the doubt??????????????

    why should i make it up?????????

    i am ready to prove it at anytime if it helps anyone avoid the same thing...

    just go to 'on the rocks' bar next to city view condo and ask the owner if there was such an incident a few days ago....or ask the guard at city view if you can speak thai.........if ever you happen to be passing.....its in central chiang mai.......

    i posted for one reason only...to tell the truth....to warn others to be careful....be very careful as these things happen ...and happen very quicky......no matter how well prepared...it never ever happens the way you expect........

    thanks to all the readers who praise my style......and think its based on some ability......i can assure you its only based on simplicity...nothing else.....just trying my best to be accurate....saying exactly what happened......

    expandable baton...yes i looked at them in the night bazzar this evening.....they all looked pretty flimsey.....they could just make an attacker really angry.....

    my gf is still very scared.... each time we go out.......holding my hand very tightly....she wont even go out now past 8pm......we live in the center because we like to walk late at night and enjoy the city....

    in one way i am grateful......the way it happened.......nobody got bady hurt and i learned a very big lesson for a low cost......i now understand the dangers a little better

    maybe you doubt because you think it cant happen in central chiang mai..it can and did.....please dont waste your energy in doubting...it only reflects on your own state of mind.

  12. taking a walk with thai gf few days ago..100m from my condo around 1am......city view condo......we were on chang moi rd......2 skinny thai youths on a motocycle seemed to be stalking us.........we were very aware of them..they went from one end of the road to the other..quiet..not much traffic..we stopped and waited for them to leave ...as soon as they did we very quickly walked to the courner were our condo is........suddenly they came back and blocked our way..we ran...one stayed on the bike but the other caught my gf as we were running....at this point we were 25m from condo......as i turned to confront the youth he branded a knife while holding my gf.....he was watching me closely while moving the blade left to right...again and again and again.....i was stuck...what to do....really stuck........go close and get knifed or she gets her throat cut.......she was trying to pull away so i pulled her arm trying to force her away from him ......she was screaming....pushing and pulling.....falling on the ground ....getting up...he is still holding on to her...her clothes ripping..things happening so quickly but also in slow motion....very odd...then the guard came running from our condo as well as others from a bar closeby.........we escaped....a few briuses.....she lost a silver necklace........we phoned the police but they did not bother to show up...

    she is now scared to leave the house....i went to local gun shop to buy some pepper spray.....but told it is no longer legal in thailand........its only legal to carry a stick........what do i carry a staff around?????????????

    we were careful...sober..aware...ok it was late.......i think we have to hire a bodyguard...any thai boxers out there??????????????

    be careful folks...its dangerous out there...we were lucky this time.........

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