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Posts posted by badtaya77

  1. Thanks for your instant feedback. I totally agree but would like to get some additional advice and feedback on my current favourites here from the community.

    Beside that my girlfriend is living in BKK and ready to check out (and checked allready out) some condos that could be of interest, making photos etc. . I will be back in BKK in around 4 weeks and will then of course have some appointments by myself.

  2. Hello there,

    Due to my job I have to travel very frequently starting from January next year from cold Europe to lovely Thailand. Due to that fact I want to rent an own condo (1BR, Pool + balcony heavily preferred) instead of staying in hotels for having a home away from home. I don't want to spend more than 32.000B/month and would love it to spend far less.

    I hope that some of you who have more experiences then me in the condo sector can give me some advise. First of all I have to say that I love Soi 11 with all that great clubs (QBar, Bed Sup) and restaurants and would love to stay there nearby. I know there are several condos like

    The Prime 11 (several offers for <30k, looks brand new) or The Oleander (behind Fraser Suites) in Soi11. Did anyone make any experiences with them?

    Other condos I found during my extensive search and looked interesting were:

    The Trendy Condo Soi 13 (using the search in this Forum I found out that this seems not so recommendable because of its direct surroundings?)

    Seed Musee Condo Soi 26

    X One Condo Sukhumvit Soi 26

    Sukhumvit Suite Condo Soi 13 (hard to find anything here in Internet, just found one Add for a 2BR but what I saw looked nice)

    Would be great if some of you could give me some feedback or advice other condos/apartments I should take a closer look at with regards to my preferences.

    Thanks for your help!



  3. hi there,

    is it right that there is a lot of construction work in chaweng in may/june? me and my wife are thinking about 2 weeks in the muang samui, but i read that they are building on the opposite streetside a new shopping-mall. can anybody confirm this? dont want to spend m holiday on a construction site.



  4. Well, I have a party at my house in Bangrak every second Thursday, usually involving lots of porno DVDs and mid-70's German techno music. Once a pretty girl showed up but she left pretty quickly, I think appalled by the number of taches. And that was on the women. I do not charge an entry fee, doors open at 1.00am and we party on the beach until dawn. Generally, around 4.00am, I pull out my acoustic guitar and sing American Pie's 64 verses to geat acclaim. From my mother anyway, who lives with me. She is 70 and still sexually active. See yer there!

    Great :o

    Any other recommendations?

  5. Hi there,

    just one more week until i return to samui...last time it was possible to party till 03.00h at reggae pub and so on. i know this changed. does really everything closes at 01.00h? are there any clubs/bars that closes later? i dont mean 7eleven and co :o

    regards, samuilover

  6. hi there,

    does anybody know if egdar murray / mr. coconut (famous samui song) is still living and singing on samui? loved his performances but i'm wondering because his homepage went down some months ago.

    and a very important second question: i love drinkend watermelon juice/shakes on samui and/or thailand in general...how is it prepared? they just put some watermelon-slices and cubed ice in a mixer? anything else?

    regards, badtaya77...who's coming back to samui in 11 days! :o:D:D

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