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Posts posted by Blue88

  1. This didn’t start with Thaksin, and it certainly won’t end with Yingluck and Suthep, but they seem determined to take it to the very brink. What we have here is the systemic death of political morality in Thailand. To paraphrase Iain Banks ‘’Finding an honest politician today is like finding a piece of corn in your turd, it’s managed to maintain some integrity, but it’s still embedded in s**t”.

    Show me a ballot paper in the 21st century and I’ll show you an alphabetic list of wannabee billionaires. Red, Yellow or Mauve with Pink stripes, do people really believe that the politician will put the needs of the electorate and the country before personal gain? There will always be exceptions, and perhaps back in 2001 Thaksin was full of good intentions, but power changes people and in the end, he squeezed the Golden Goose too hard. Would Suthep or the current crop of Democrats be any better? Personally, I very much doubt it. Thailand probably needs a new political brush, a Mandela figure who can bury the political hatchet and move Thailand forward for the betterment of all. The likelihood of that happening? So far, I haven’t seen many contenders.

    I have no idea what the solution will be, or even if a solution exists at all, but the people of Thailand deserve far better than what they have today. The hopes, security and development of 65 million people have been pissed into the wind by the hubris and greed of a fortunate few.

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  2. .... as I left the apartment in Lak Si a few minutes before this incident kicked-off, many of the police appeared to be relaxing in a nearby open-air restaurant. Within jogging distance of the shootings, but an awful lot closer to local businesses who might ignore the alcohol sales ban and incur a 'penalty payment'. Now, 9:00pm Saturday evening, it's all quiet out there. Food Land was open when I walked passed an hour ago, but aside from 3 TV Vans and a few Taxi-Bikes, IT Square is deserted. Neighbours are saying 4 deaths, but I have no idea how accurate that is. Tomorrow's another day, but I can't see it being any more peaceful.

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