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About johnnyloda

  • Birthday November 10

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  1. Hitler Room ... how ignorant!!!! ... he certainly never had any of his relatives who were prisoners in a nazi concentration camp. Before coming out with such stupid ideas, he should take a trip to Poland to visit the Auschwitz camp and have a walk into the gas chambers and perhaps, the solitary neuron that navigates in his skull would suggest to him that certain ideas are disrespectful towards the million of human beings killed int gas chambers.
  2. You're absolutely right!!!!! ... If they are really that proud of their flag, then they should take better care of it and, as you say, leave the National Flag hanged overnight is an insult to the flag (with the exception of particular cases in which, however, the Flag, if displayed at night, must be properly illuminated and, in some cases, guarded by armed guards ... but this is not the case of a normal company), so, also the owner of the company should be prosecuted for insult to the Flag!!!
  3. The correct definition for these gentlemen is not refugees but draft doggers or, for some of them, deserter ... to be precise, refugees would be those arriving from Ukraine.
  4. I didn't know that there was a Work Permit as drug smugler, I thought it was a job for thai nationals only ...
  5. To get a ride from a thai taxi driver, you have to be lucky enough that your destination coincides with where he wants to go ...
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