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Posts posted by tobikoproject

  1. Rediculous.. Chinese are known to keep the truth hidden. I should know because I have witnessed and have been.lied to by people I trusted from China who ended me knocking on.the door of the Embassy for a.flight.home.after not being paid and left on the street. They were not screwed because.. every tour group from.China has one person holding their passports for them all the time.

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  2. There are a HUGE amount of foreigners working in the Kingdom of Thailand illegally on a tourist visa every year. A lot of them if not all of them are also paid a handsome salary that is deposited abroad. Huge international companies who have businesses in Thailand fly their staff into Thailand to conduct work. It's obvious who those companies are so I don't need to name them as the list is so huge there wouldn't be any room to type them all here.

  3. i've been an expat now for ten years - working in various asian countries sometimes finding annual working contracts and in-between doing other things, and yes it's not easy having to move all the time, leaving new/old friends behind, making new ones along the way. i like to keep my friends back home and from school on fb, it's fun to see what others are doing. someday i hope to plant myself somewhere on this planet, but it seems i like the expat way of things (sometimes) but other times i find myself flying back home and the friends i had there all move on too, or are doing the same thing ten years ago. i chose this career path to (get out) and see things, being an expat offers a lot of advantages - living in different cultures and meeting interesting and sometimes not interesting people, but at the same time it has disadvantages; one is the struggle of locating work near the end of a contract and then having to leave friends behind, the other downside is living far from home you would think the experiences you have to share will ring joy and excitement to friends and family back home, but some families are not keen or open to the idea you are doing the things you enjoy and it's unfortunate that my family doesn't accept me for what i have chosen to do in my life. i tried to share my experiences back home, but my family have really never stayed away from home as long as i have and they don't speak to me as much as most of my friends who speak to their family often. so i am finding your true and closest friends are really your family. making new friends is important, but trusting the people you meet along your journeys are more important. i have lost everything i have by being way to generous to the new people i meet. i'm soon off to live and work in china - that will be a whole new experience, i've visited china, but think i might find myself having the same feelings as being friendless... being in thailand does offer the same feeling, yes you meet people for a short time, but then your alone again. having a partner helps but by the time you find yourself distraught by meeting people, not being able to have a conversation in your own language too can make things feel isolated, so it helps to know people you can talk to in your own language, especially your own interests too. one suggestion i have learned is to socialize with the people around you; if your a teacher - i found it's sometimes fun to socialize with your students and maybe their family. i have had that experience when i worked in japan, korea and india and it helps not feel so alone. most of the jobs i had earlier in my expat career i found myself the only expat in that workplace; that was not easy too. so finding a job where you feel more connected helps when you are not the only expat, or joining a recreational activity helps meeting new people and eventually making new friends; visiting places, museums, bookshops, libraries, or other public places helps make you feel not so isolated. so try to get out more and do things!w00t.gif

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