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Posts posted by catweazle08

  1. so i was watching this documentary about bangkok. the author of the book "very thai" philip cornwel-smith said at one point, that thais love small things:

    small houses, small business, small plants, small games etc. ...

    this guy lives in bkk for several years and writes about thai culture, so you might think he knows what he´s talking about.

    i think i do agree with his statement.

    i told a thai-friend about it, and she had absolutely no idea what i was talking about and disagreed completely.

    so is it the point of view from the outside, that let´s you see smth a thai might not see or is this idea of small things just stupid?

  2. So i thought it would be a good idea to buy a table in Bangkok for my living room. There is a furniture-section at Chatuchak, so i gave it a try. I walked around and found several good options, not really that cheap but some nice designs.

    One table, about 5000 baht, soon became my favourite. The woman in the shop went to get the guy from the post office. He told me, that i had to pay about three times as much for sending the table to europe then for the table itself. One squaremeter costs 5000 Baht and the table woud be three squaremeters (=about 15.000 Baht).

    As an alternative he told me about bringing the table to the airport by myself and get it on my plane back home for an extra fee. But they don´t treat packages really nice on the airport, so there is a good chance, that my table will break during the whole process. Well, i didn´t buy the table.

    are these informations legit? 15.000 Baht for sending a livingroom table? huh.png

  3. i see every now and then a group of thais with professional gear and bicycles driving through bangkok.

    this image was not very common a few years ago, so i´m asking myself: is this a new trend in bkk?!

    your view on this? any more background-informations or a link to an article?

    thx in advance.

  4. Ah. Selfies on facebook. Image is everything in Thailand. Physical appearance dominates daily life for Thais. Materialism plus shallowness is on the extreme in Thailand. There is a psychological and social explanations for this, but it's too extensive to write it down this moment.

    This explains, in a nutshell, your questions, OP.

    I guess i go with this one above. makes sense.

    and the article on thenextweb was also very interesting.

    thx guys.

    ps: time to take a selfie now with the victory-fingers... rolleyes.gif

  5. So i got a few female thai-friends on facebook.

    It seems like most of them post a picture of themselves (a selfie) maybe about 4 times a week.

    These pictures look most of the time very similar, only slightly changing the angle or smth.

    i think it´s quite annoying.

    does anyone have an idea, why these selfies are being posted?

    maybe your thai-girlfriend does the same and explained her need for posting these pictures to u? whistling.gif

  6. I´m trying to figure out the name of this popular hit being played in the last months all over Thailand.

    It´s a female singer and a dance song, no guitars/rock song.

    After the hookline, she sings something like "oi oi oi oi".

    i know, there are many popular hits around, but this one seems to be the top hit. The Thais always seem to go crazy when they hear it.

    can anyone help me to figure out the name?

    i would appreciate it, when you not only post a link, but also write down the name of the singer or the title.

    thx in advance!

  7. From my understanding it is related to a vitamin D deficiency. It affects the density of the bones and can cause the splayed foot already noted by other posters.It is particularly prevalent in North Eastern Thailand as the sunshine related to natural creation of this vitamin is reduced because of the mountains and the long shadows that are the result of the increasing trend towards growing rubber plantations which produce an abundance of shade. The effect of this is that the legs, particularly of younger women are naturally spread wider. This was a source of shame for villagers who unfortunately shunned them for this supposed defect. Faced with dismal prospects and little chance of a normal life, sufferers were traditionally repatriated to Pattaya and Phuket where the sun is much stronger.

    Thanks, but is this serious?

    is there a source, where you found the informations?

    sorry, but didn´t expect something like this. just wondering

  8. When i walk around in Thailand i sometimes witness a strange walk, mostly by woman.

    Both feet are "bend" to the sites and it reminds me a bit of charlie chaplins walk.

    i read somewhere, that this is common in isaan and it´s caused by working on the rice fields, but this explenation seems a bit far out for me.

    Why would your feet change positions like this by working on a field?

    Has anyone an explenation about this?

    thx in advance!

  9. ok, thx for the help.

    i have to book smth here from phuket to bkk, it would be easier doing it in mo chit, i know.

    maybe i look for a tesco supermarket. finding a post office? i dont know bout this...

    i ask (just for fun) a travel agency here on patong: 32 seater was 1100 baht and then she mentioned a 24 seater for about 1500 baht...facepalm.gif

    maybe i check out nokair and airasia as well rolleyes.gif

  10. i was going to my nightbus to mukdahan from mo chit, when i noticed, that there were 4 extra-seats below the usual 24 seats, where i was sitting.

    they were way more comfortable than our seats above. much more space.

    i´ve never seen so big seats on a bus before, but there were only i think 8 of them.

    they were in a small room with an extra door next to the toilet. (i have a pic of it, but upload fails...)

    so these seats are definately not the usual 24 or 32 seats you can book.

    a thai told me you can book these seats at an post-office, but i never tried.

    and the fact, that there are only a few seats of them, makes booking ahead a few days a good idea.

    any experiences with booking and using these seats?

    thx in advance

  11. So i talked to karen (she´s living here in thailand for 20 years) about doctors selling medicine.

    she said: thai-doctors make a profit selling you medicine and they give you more medicine then you need to make more profit.

    so i talked to a scottish doctor in haad rin about this.

    he said: no, it´s not fair to bash all thai doctors. there are a few, who might sell u too much, but most of them don´t do this. they run a honest business.

    what´s your opinion on this? or even better: what´s the truth?

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