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Reggae rancher

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Posts posted by Reggae rancher

  1. My 4 year old is 1/2 Thailand and 1/2 American. It is obvious she has both DNA. My wife sleeps with her even now at age 4. That is bad because she is 1/2 American. This has caused a significant bond between the 2. The child has trouble doing well when mommy is not around. Mommy also makes a huge mistake to tell the child that the child is number 1. This will scar the kid for life. The mother must make sure the father is number one. If not, then the child (girl) will not develop a good relationship later in life with men.
    My wife (and most Thai women) are totally clueless with this type of talk.

    She insisted in sending the then 3 year old to school 5 days a week for 8 hours a day. Thet is torture for American kids but ok for Thai kids. At age 4 my daughter fights hard not to go to school. she only goes 2 or 3 days a week because she 'hates school'.

    You will have trouble raising your child with a thai woman - peroid. Not your fault, not her fault, the fault lies with the child being 1/2 Thai. If I had to do it all over i would have gotten the baby into her bedroom and my wife would not have stayed with her for years - only months at the beginning. It seems to me, we Americans know much more about raising children. Enough..

  2. Well I was stopped where I live riding a bike. First police roadblock in Thailand. They did the picture thing which I did not mind. Nothing to hide, nothing running from. I asked them why and the said it was for the community board at the local police station. At first I thought BS, send to check if I was wanted somewhere. Well went to the police station/ fire station and there it was. It was part of a community outreach program the police were doing to show their involvement in the area. Good work me thinks.

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