This video is very poor journalism. He was never "hiding out" anywhere. He was fully employed, on a visa, living with his kids in Thailand. Despite him being the obvious suspect, there has never been a shred of evidence linking him to a murder. The body showed no signs of trauma or bruising or historic abuse. No phone calls, letters or suspicious arrangements have ever been traced. No one saw the two of them walking in the hills, despite that being a popular trail. No one witnessed arguments or fighting around the time of her disappearance. No one saw him acting suspiciously, moving a large object late at night, hiring a van, et. The logistics of carrying her and dumping her there would present a very difficult task, and one where someone would likely to see or suspect something. The fact is, the police have nothing and never have. Indeed, the police have been so focussed on him as the suspect that they may have overlooked other potential avenues of enquiries such as the involvement of other men (a clandestine life in the UK), a mental health episode, and even the possibility of her death being linked to two similar murders of women in the same area. If she was murdered, I really hope they do catch the perpetrator, and if he did it I hope they prove it. I hope her kids get the closure they deserve and that she can rest in peace. However, I fear that while his move to Thailand looks suspicious, in context of their unhappy marriage at the time it may not be. We don't know what their conversations and plans were at the time, or what was going in the relationship (affairs, money demands for family, etc). This write up has some additional information: