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Posts posted by kennypowers

  1. 1 hour ago, Korat Kiwi said:

    I agree she definitely needs help.  But I haven't seen her naked picture being plastered anywhere. 


    There is a photo of her lying on a couch that has her pants blurred out but definitely no nudity. 


    Why did she come to Thailand and how?  I would have at least expected the authorities to contact her embassy or consulate. 



    Exactly. This has been going on for two weeks. Why hasn't someone taken action? 

  2. Why has this woman not been given the help she needs? She is clearly suffering from mental illness and needs treatment. Why is her naked picture being plastered all over news outlets to be ridiculed. A situation like this says a lot about society . Imagine if that was your mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend or wife. Shame on the police, immigration, the embassy, the media, bystanders and those who make fun on forums. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, retarius said:

    Some people, it's only 11,500 baht, why would you waste time, effort, energy and raise your BP over such a small amount of money? Do you put no value on your time? Is someone going to reimburse you for all your petrol and the wear and tear on your car? And you chances of success are what exactly? Close to zero I would suspect.


    Because it is the principle. They are ripping people off. It's fraud. What if a poor person had worked months to save up for a decent phone, and they did this to them? These people need to understand that in a civilized, adult society you don't carry out such deceptive behaviour at the expense of others. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, Khamyu said:

    Friend of mine sent me the news about him. I’m quite shocked. I was one of his ex girlfriend. He did some horrible thing and should be in prison long ago. He even took my motorcycle and sold it for cash with no paper work and ran away with his now wife, when our relationship was ended. He did some horrible thing in New Castle when he was younger as he shown me the footage and asked me to keep his secret. It’s time for him to confess about the horrible things he did to people. I have no mercy for him at all. Search his laptop and you may find more shocking news! 

    What kind of things did he do in Newcastle?

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  5. Experienced this for years, usually in 7-Eleven, nearly always Thai men, and usually motorbike taxi drivers and alike. Staff would often point out I was first, but not always. Quite often the Thai was bemused, finding it strange that the foreigner should be given such a status. Now I speak enough Thai to politely state my case. Foreigners are second class citizens. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

    Another member who consults AN readers instead of a doctor. Weird. I know some people are afraid of doctors, but I'd be more afraid of asking non-qualified people for medical advice.

    Bizarre. OP, go to the hospital immediately for blood tests. Won't cost much and could save your life. 

  7. On 1/4/2024 at 11:01 AM, DudleySquat said:

    Sinsot or Sinsod? The dowry. Buffalo is sick. Grandma is sick. Grandpa is sick. The dog is diabetic. We have heard it all.  There is a thread going now, and it will return soon enough where the usual weak tell you that there is nothing you can do about it, cave in, bend over, and take it. 




    The lowest-income foreigners are still the prize compared to the life many Thais live. Why forget that you are the prize? 


    So if you encounter the typical greedy family, who will fleece you if you let them, remember there are millions of women here, and many of them are decent non-sex workers.


    You can almost have anyone. So be objective. Exercise your power instead of rolling over to please the "family."  Don't get sidetracked. You have the power. You can either use it responsibly or be a mark for the relatives to shear each time it gets cold.


    I can hear them now, the ankle biters who will be aghast that I just said to use your power, your money to go where and with who will treat you best. 


    Don't be ashamed you have money. That's one tactic used to separate you. 


    Remember always, they will take from you until you have nothing. Then, ask them for help.


    See how sympathetic they are.






    I think there is some truth in this. Over time many foreigners become increasingly subservient to the family, beaten down by the constant guilt requests, as if they are doing you the favour by letting you be part of their toxic enmeshment. The reality is, for many, that when you turned up they had very little, and now they have way more than they ever had, and feel increasingly entitled to it. Yet, they couldn't care less about you, and if you were suddenly up the creek without a paddle, they wouldn't be rushing to the ATM to help you out. It's all about them. So yes, you should recognize your worth, and make sure you get some darn respect for it. 

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  8. They have your wife's emotions at ransom. They will constantly emotionally blackmail her with reports of neighbors gossiping, her cultural disrespect to her family, not fulfilling her daughter duties, etc. They can't bear the thought that their expectations of their daughter having a "farang" partner have not come to fruition; not the cash cow they expected.


    They can't get past their selfishness and narcissism to simply be happy that their daughter has found real love and happiness. They aren't mature enough to acknowledge that they have had their lives, that they are responsible for their lives: their happiness, choices and opportunities – not your wife. They use all the excuses in the world to avoid taking personal accountability.


    They would rather your wife be stressed, depressed and struggling financially so that they can tell the village how much money their daughter sends home, and show off all the goods they bought with the money – goods that they didn't in any way earn. They would rather she loses you and ends up alone. This type of Thai parent is sadly all too common. So many daughters' lives are plagued with this sense of duty that destroys their happiness. 


    Sadly your wife will continue to suffer the trauma of family enmeshment, unless she is able to develop a very thick skin. Cutting them off completely is not really an option, since this will eat your wife from the inside out. The best way to manage these people is to treat them as they are, like children. Don't get into arguments or entertain any of the emotional immaturity. They love the drama, and feed off it. Don't get dragged down to their level.


    Any attention is good attention; just like a child. Establish clear boundaries. Be direct and truthful, calmly and politely. Pull them up when they are misbehaving, and let them know the potential consequences.  In essence, take full control. As children, they will naturally begin to gravitate towards and obey an adult who provides fair, consistent discipline. Let them know full well that village gossip and losing face are of no concern to you, as you are above such a childish mentality. Your wife must tell them that she has her own family now, and her priority is to nurture that family. Moreover, that her husband is in control of the family finances and who he gives money to is at his discretion. 


    Sin sod is common and still very much part of the marriage tradition. But take the lead as I have described. Remember, it must also be agreed by your parents, not just hers. Will it be just for show? Will it be returned? Will it be kept? If so, spent on what? And yes, you can state that since you are sending money home, adhering to a "so-called part of the culture", where Sin Sod is concerned, you will be taking the Western approach and not entertaining this custom. A fair compromise. 


    Good luck to you both. 



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  9. Haemorrhagic dengue fever is extremely serious. Moreover, Individuals who are infected for a second time are at greater risk of severe dengue.
    Severe dengue symptoms often come after the fever has gone away. You can go from feeling like you have a general fever and aches to a life-threatening condition in a matter of hours. There is a guy (Ricky in Isaan on YouTube), whose wife recently died in exactly these circumstances. 


    It is very possible this poor man was feeling ill for a day or so, popped a couple of paracetamol, went to the airport in the taxi and became seriously ill along the way. 

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  10. What most men coming to Thailand don't realise is that many of these women are the equivalent to chavs back in the UK. They are basically the underbelly of society – feral, as someone noted above. It's got nothing to do with being poor. Many poor people the world over are peaceful and well-mannered. It is in the upbringing. Bad parenting: abuse, addiction,  etc. 

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