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Posts posted by jcmj

  1. I had the Nissen Fundoplication years ago due to severe acid reflux and at the time open was the only way and it was very difficult to go through. Now they do it laparoscopically but you still have to be on liquids for a couple weeks before starting soft mushy foods and eventually getting to eat solids again but in smaller portions. If you are a beer drinker and don’t want to stop for an awhile or stay away from coffee, chocolates or spicy foods then I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a new lifestyle not a quick fix. Works great for some people, but others say it’s the worst thing. I’m happy with it and if I do eat something that stirs my stomach up then I’ll eat ginger. Vinegar or anything pickled, as recommended before is another option. Turmeric is also good for stomach issues. Try them out and see how it goes. Otherwise be prepared before you consider surgery. 

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