It just shows scammers will go right to the top absolutely nobody is safe from these low life people who are to lazy to get a real job and contribute to society.
This is the second incident in a matter of weeks, very rarely done years ago, just pay a small fine and be on your way, although to be fair not clearly sign posted at that spot about parking.
I think if it was tainted she wouldn't be walking around fine the next day, she looks in good shape and great smile ideal for the grab a granny brigade.
I am a fit young 71, enjoy going to the gym every day then swim walk jog along different beaches, then night time enjoy playing pool before hitting night clubs and dancing like no tomorrow.
Well some one has to stick up for Phuket, it has a much better vibe than Patts which is full of old men at some bars playing old time music, Bangla road is a lot of fun, a lot of great bars with good music, and a lot of different beaches etc.
Bit of a strange one a fit young man drowning but its not the first and certainly not the last, police assumed drowned as obviously no injuries to suggest other wise, Patong beach is always busy day and night and sure some one would have seen some sort of altercation if foul play.