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  1. No sympathy, dickhead should not be riding a quad bike on the road !!!
  2. Are these the “ Quality Indian tourists “ that Thailand is frantically trying to attract, whilst the rest of us avoids these people as much as we possibly can ????
  3. Western societies have now bred disrespectful yobs due to lefty “ non disciple” education systems. The behaviour of the younger generation now is getting worse.
  4. The article mentions the case of Andrew Hopkins , suggesting he was unfortunate. If you see the CCTv footage of Mr Hopkins, you will see that he is a liar !,, he is clearly seen purposefully breaking the sign/barrier he claims to have “ accidentally “ damaged !!
  5. The fines are pathetic. I guess based on what a Thai would be fined, but of no deterrent to tourists etc.
  6. Well its actually deemed as an insult and extremely rude in Thailand, maybe if you want to stay here, along with many others, you might want to be respectful of Thai culture instead of being a yob !!!
  7. Possibly the dumbest smuggler in the entire world !!!
  8. Article says “ Boss “ is in London. Thailand has extradition agreement with UK so why dont they use it to get him back ????
  9. Amazing that , if you dont agree with opposition party, you can just ban them all from politics forever. Who said Thailand is no longer ruled by a dictator ???
  10. So another one with no insurance ??????
  11. Lets see how they feel about this in a years time, go look at what is happening on Phuket already !!!
  12. Good to see the Arab and Indian communities living up to the low expectation the rest of the world has come to expect from them !!!
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