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  1. Article says “ Boss “ is in London. Thailand has extradition agreement with UK so why dont they use it to get him back ????
  2. Amazing that , if you dont agree with opposition party, you can just ban them all from politics forever. Who said Thailand is no longer ruled by a dictator ???
  3. Lets see how they feel about this in a years time, go look at what is happening on Phuket already !!!
  4. Good to see the Arab and Indian communities living up to the low expectation the rest of the world has come to expect from them !!!
  5. A VPN wont do anything. On Apple you purchase or download apps via Apple Store. You are registered to a specific sore, ie USA. Lotus app is not available there since they dont have Lotus’s stores, so pointless. if you change your Apple store to Thailand, you can down load it, then just change the store back to USA. I have done this few times and it does not affect any other apps etc since, once apps are on the phone, they do not interact with location via Apple stores you need to remember that the location of the actual phone has nothing to do with the location of the Apple Store you are linked to.
  6. One reason for falls here is the actual hieght of the barriers on balconies is too low for farangs, and, when having a few drinks it is very easy to go straight over if leaning etc. i am not tall, but I keep away from the edge, if you lean over you will not be able to pull back
  7. Why bother to have a review page if you are going to sue people who put a review ? the idea is that you benefit from a review, good or bad, you adjust your business to suit. you will never plaese 100% of customers anyway , so learn from bad reviews and do better.
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