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Posts posted by THssii

  1. Thats strange. I never had any kind of bad relationships like many people here seems to have. Yes before I met my wife there was this one girl who was mentally sick she didn't let me go to other cities because she wanted to be with me and always asked "where I was where I go, dob't go come to me", last day we were together was when she came to my hotel I told I want to go to park to sit alone, she wanted to go also I told maybe later I need to think things first, then she started go crazy scratched herself, cried, did all crazy thing, I had to hold her in place to she wouldn't kill herself. I wouldn't call her my girlfriend even that we had sex together (she was prostitute), , she just didn't go away when I had enough of her, she clinged to me like some bug that sucks you're blood, it was warst Thailand trip ever, she demanded that I will be with her all the time, I couldn't go anywhere without her, when I went to Pattaya, she took taxi to there on night and came to my hotel then cried why I didn't tell that I was going away and said that she will stay with me now there, I told I want to be alone, then she went back to Bangkok, she demanded that I pay her taxi bill. Well... I was weak then, I never should let her control me, but now I have good wife, but never had anykind of problems like guys tell here, we are just normal happy couple.

  2. 1 hour ago, Oxx said:


    Given that around 70% of prisoners in Thailand are jailed for drugs offences - mostly minor - I'm pretty sure your guesstimates are way off.


    Source for 70% figure:  http://www.reuters.com/article/us-drugs-thailand-prisons-idUSKCN0ZX01J

    Ah true I forgot the harsh penalties on drug offenses, so there are lot of normal good guys too, thought people with psychopathy or anti-social personality disorder tend to abuse more illegal drugs and have addiction issues than the average "neurotypical" population, but still using drugs is so small offend that you don't deserve to go to jail. But lets say 80% violent criminals and rapists are for have some kind of empathy deficiency abnormal brains that causes personality disorders, like psychopathy and ASPD. I've read one book about Thai warden on death penalty section, he told how some of the people acted. One guy just boasted how many people he have killed while taking to front of firing squad, another one told that he was innocent (very possible) but the evidence were pretty clear and he just denied doing anything wrong.

  3. On 4/19/2017 at 10:20 PM, bangkokbanjo said:

    On a different note, i started learning thai 3 months ago. Many here seem very fluent. Any advice on learning?

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    They might be fluent, Im note even near fluent, but I've read psychology. Many people here make big mistakes about temrinology, but really thats also to blame of thai terminology. They often say personality disorders are mental illnesses, which they are not, they can be cured like some illnesses. Also they are sane they are not insane. But the reason might be that psychology in Asia is different from Western countries. I don't think that in Thailand they diagnose anyone with personality disorder, even that I'd say 40% of Thailand prison population is filled with anti-social personality disorders people and 20% psychopaths. But I thinkl there are some specific term for people who are unable to feel empathy toward another human being in thai, but haven't found yet maybe someone more fluent know it? If you look Thailand news about some cruesome murderers and when they interview the suspect, well they seems to be totally luck of anykind of empathy, blaming the victim and so on.

  4. Dont look youre woman from bars (included western countries) or massage places. Then you are little more safe, but there is still risk. You never know. I had one bad luck after that found goof thai woman who is buddhist by actions too.


    Well my wife "belongs" to group 3, doesnt matter I'm not middle class, I'm lower class and I never studies in universities or anything, just basic factory work, even that I have 130 IQ (mensa qualified), I have adhd and asperger so I cant function very well in school, so i left univeristy becasue I felt its better to be in Thailand then finish my degree ( I make stupid mistakes often). But we have happy life. I would never match with any highly studied middle or upper class thai woman. 


    On 2/7/2017 at 6:14 AM, blackcab said:

    "Thai females that's more aligned to finding genuine love".


    I think you need to think about what any Thai female thinks "Love" is. It's normally not the same as the Western concept of love.


    Ask Thai women what they think love is and you may find you're looking for something that doesn't actually exist.

    I asked and she said its about taking care of other and making others happy. Well thats my concept of love too. What do you mean about this wester concpet of "love" Im sure its same.

  5. I have 13 years older wife. But well not the same thing. I'm 32 I wouldnt neve take under 30 years old wife be it european or thai, they mostlöy too shwallow and childishly. I dont enjoy going to bups or dirinkining beer oi any other partying. I'm nerd I enjoying read books, playing games, but also exercising and take long walks in woods. Most girld under 25 are omnly partyign partying buing new clots and alla that crap no that Even its great to have sex with 18 years of if she knows the trick, but other then sex no thanks.

  6. Is it still hard to get tramadol in Thailand? in Thailand I always I used to use anywhere between 400-2000mg with Valium to prevent any seizures , this think many Thai abusers don't know thats why we can see often news from Thailand where someone is seizure from them, because took too much, doctors should tell, but it seems those who sell under the counter for youth or adults big amounts of it don't care... I stopped using opioids thanks to my wife, my love was for opium, used 4 years in homeland too, very strong withdraws for 1 whole month every day. But well thats in past in now. Opium is real heaven at least for first, but still I know lot of Thai tribe man use it for over 30 years, I don't even want to know what they're withdraws are if they get caught and send to jail.


    Need to be very very very careful when using opioids for relaxing, easily it goes to daily use. Oxys are shit and heroin I never tried it is over my line , that shit is really bad, but opium is good and mellow you area able to do work and in home take more to get really relaxed. I don't recommend, strong addiction will follow. I used to much tramdol in Thailand because of my anxiety issues ( I don't use alcohol I hate the effects, so not many optiond, Valium just doesn't do for me, only lyricas if used longer period of time (2 weers) , once I got seizure when didn't take Valium and took 1000mg of tramadol, sent to expensive hospital, bill 1000 dollars, good that my doctor was understandable so he didn't write it was drug induced, so I got it covered. Thai doctors are more often humanly, not like in Europa o in the States, where they whats you witch disgust if you are addict. he was very friendly and asked how you're feeling.

  7. On 3/25/2017 at 4:47 AM, CaptHaddock said:



    Although that sounds like a non-specific term for mental illness, it seems to be the preferred term for a psychopath. 

    Psychopathy is not mental illness its personality disorder. โรคจิต is someone with schizophrenia, or  maybe sever depression, but no matter people everywhere tend to use mentally sick from psychopaths like serial killers or extremely violent people even tho they mostly are totally sane, not lucid. Not even sure if personality disorders are diagnosed in Thailand, but you can be pretty sure there are millions of them (1% of population). Woman who con some farang guy form all his money and house is definitely some kind of narcissism or even psychopath. Anti-social personality disorder thought is around 10% of population. I would be very wary of any people who seems to have very strong charisma and shallow emotions.


    Its interesting that thai world for pedophilia is children loving sickness, but thats is pretty accurate translation from greek word pedophilia which mean love of child. Somehow they forgot to add the sexual side of it to the world, it might sound like someone just loves children little too much (what pedos might do in wrong way?). lol

  8. On 3/5/2016 at 7:03 AM, Johnniey said:

    Yes, there's a big difference between psychopath and psychotic.

    Also there is difference between sociopathy, anti-social personality disorder and psychopathy. I've read some Thai articles about the subject and mostly they use these terms interchangeably sometimes even with narccistic personality disorder. Psychopathy diagnosis is mainly used only in US and if I remember correctly in UK, but it's has it's use because as anti-social personality disorder criterians include mainly the anti-social behaviour psychopathy diagnose is more inter-personal and emotional criteria.. Sociopathy is outdated term. I could write more about this topic, I've studied this for years and I'm very interested in Thai society view on psychopathy. Any recommendations in Thai? I'm pretty sure that in Thailand prison they don't make diagnoses even for  anti-social personality disorder which is used largely almost every wester country.

  9. Drug dealers are the scum of the earth and should be wiped from the face of it

    How they are scum? Mostly they are poor people who need money. Human trafficers and the ones who use their services are the real scum of the earth.
    • Like 1
  10. They may say this, but they don't mean it. It's just a TEST.

    Don't fall for that mate! Thai lady's are so jealous people! She is just testing u ! Or she have some one! Watch out!

    Indeed, I tested this one when I was drunk and she was not pleased at all after I told what I did (I felt strong guilt after I slept with other woman), she cried and was angry and sad. But now I know it was just a test, so don't fall for it! I got upset because she told that I can sleep with other woman, so I had to try how she react's after that.

  11. The secret is learning the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA.) Renditions of Thai words without it, using only approximations of the sounds represented by standard consonants and vowels, cannot duplicate the correct pronunciation. For example, there is no "r" sound anywhere in the Thai word for hand.

    No, the secret is becoming literate in Thai.

    Thai is very regular, with very few exceptions.

    Indeed. Why would anyone want to "learn" IPA? Its totally useless. Same as we should learn writing English in Thai script.
  12. so you can't speak english but can speak thai.

    i am calling BS

    another troll

    Why you think it's not possible (about language skill not if he is troll or real person)? There are lots of material in other languages (like Chinese, Japanese) too than only English, for learning Thai. And English is actually difficult language to learn for people who doesn't speak any Germanic language, I'd say same difficult as Thai for English speaking person.
  13. You see what emotion does to you?

    Not sure what you mean, but yes. Lately been depressed about my situation, but I know I overanalyze and -react, so these have been causing lots of stress.

  14. Well I'm ready to marry her. i stopped sending her any money, and she is still with me. I might overreaceted.

    Took me 5 years to completely trust my wife & another 7 for us to get married. Two years is to short of a time frame. Just my opinion & just advise

    I can see what you mean, but because its long term relationship it's much more complicated. If we were living in the same country then it would be possible to wait that long before marring. I think 2 years knowing each other before getting married is average time for most people. Many get married even earlier.

  15. About withdrawal symptoms, I've been using tramadol as medicine for mental condition, and it has been great, 300-1000mg per day with diapam (to avoid seizures) its been good for coping. After 2 months of daily dose it was followed only 1 week of insomnia after quiting, and that was it. Its only medicine that have helped with my mental condition. Now im on opium. Ive been diagnosed as beeing borderline personality disorter. Ill Rather be dead then quiting, its been holy grail of sanity.

  16. A solid piece of advice,

    if you are a guy (or group of guys) do not enter Thai Karaoke bars (unless accompanied by Thais). I'm sure there are some safe ones but I've heard sooooo many stories of foreigners coming to grief in one. In fact, steer clear of drinking with Thai guys (unless you know them well), another nest of possible vipers!!

    sooooooooooooooo many stories???

    can you give me 5 please, more than interested to here them, as i havent heard anyt. Most likely there is the odd one but come on lets see the facts.

    Yes indeed. I've drunk many times with with thai guys and never had a problem.

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