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Posts posted by Jip99

  1. Looks to me like honesty gets your pension stopped, is inconvenient and a bit like 90 day reports, unnecessary. I am not advocating not telling them a death occurs. These forms are merely to see if you are still alive, the time to let them know is when you are not, constant checks are intrusive.

    'Constant checks' are sensible and good business practice.

    Pension trustees of private pension funds do it as a matter of course.

    Frankly, an annual check after age 70 is not unreasonable.

    I think some thought should go into making the reporting system a bit slicker - even electronic.

    • Like 2
  2. Dory is catfish: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangasius.

    It is being sold everywhere in Thailand now, often 'as if' it is sea fish. It is also now very common in the West, sold in the UK as 'basa'. Edible if well seasoned but, in essence, tasteless and takes longer to cook than sea fish. I have had to send it back undercooked a few times in Thailand so try to avoid it now.. I think tilapia fillets tastes much better and makes a good deep fried battered or breaded option. I know because the nearest to juicy English chip shop cod I have found in Thailand being sold as deep fried breaded 'fish steak' in Pricha night market, Udon Thani. The man cooking it is fastidious, and must buy it super fresh and sells out every night.

    Fresh 'sea perch' is sold in the supermarkets, and my Thai lady says in thai in Thai it is labeled as 'snapper', so Im not sure what it is. Macro sell it as fresh chilled steaks, Tastes OK. I have bought small frozen grouper fillets in Macro. They were very tasty and I like it. Im told by a friend they stay to soft for 'fish & chips and he prefers Macro's frozen grunt fillets.

    In Buriram Makro they kindly provide a wall chart of all the fish types with English translation.

    I had a restaurant for 3 years and we sold beer battered fish and chips with mushy peas. It was our best seller - but I accept your comment about taking longer to cook and being relatively tasteless (compared to cod), seasoning was important.

    However, I would take Pangasius any day to the muddy tasting farmed fish that I have had too many times in Thai restaurants.

    • Like 2
  3. pretty much spot on except the white snapper description.

    i buy them here from our local fisher for 200THB a kg and they are from the sea...

    red snapper is 150THB a kg...

    but es described above Cod is the best...

    The Brits favor Atlantic Cod and Atlantic Haddock for fish and chips.

    Rimping in Chiang Mai has nice (frozen) Atlantic Cod. Grouper (pla kao) is good - firm and flakey.

    Avoid the dreaded Mekong catfish (aka "Dory" aka Pangasius" aka "Panga") at all cost!!!

    What was your issue with Pangasius ?

  4. advice for op with 2 posts; while the experts are replying to the standard isaan girl template story try to concoct a more creative less contrived bait post for the future

    Hooked nearly 200 so far (including you and me).

    I would say that is pretty good bait.

    It could actually divert into "Farang is a racist/insulting term" if anyone responds to the post from marko kok prong

  5. You are in the wrong town, province and country.

    Time to consider your options.

    Have a nice flight!

    clap2.gif Well done. The first `go home crew` to crawl from under their stone in this thread, congrats!

    Amazingly, this comment comes from a man that started a thread whinge last week about Thai`s attitudes towards Americans recently due to the US` criticisms of the Thai junta when in all reality, most Thais have no idea about their government`s policy or that of any nation! Suppose you know this already, right? wink.png Off thread there but needs to be said.

    Man starts a thread, probably frustrated as hell and in need of advice, yet only your concerns or posts are there to be worried about it would seem.

    And looking at your likes for this comment, no surprise there at all.

    Grumpy man.

    Please excuse me for my thoughtless reply.

    On second thought, after reading the other posts here, I should have said,

    Go to the village headman ( the guy with the pretty flags at his house) and tell him ( in English, since you have been here long enough now that all in they village should have learned your language by now)

    "I have come here to live in your country and in your village, with your people and I do not like the way you live.

    Since I am from ( fill in the blank with your home country ) you know I am more important, smarter, and better than you and your people.

    So, it is time for you all to change your life style and culture and make this the kind of place that I want to live!

    And be careful, I have talked to other foreigners on Thai visa, a web site for uninvited guests in your country, and they have given me good advice on how to get rid of you as village chief if you do not do as I demand.

    You have been warned!"

    Yeah! That should work!

    Choke dee!cheesy.gif

    ( that's good luck in English )

    Actually Willi, you may have stumbled upon something there.

    If we ALL did that maybe the rural Thais would 'develop' rather than being left behind by their ASEAN counterparts.

    Still, learning manners, respect, consideration for others may be too much to expect.

  6. How does one change village headman? can they be fired? what offense must occur inorder for a village headman to be removed from his position?

    They are elected by the villagers. I suspect you are not a Thai citizen (not many called Derek). No vote for you I am afraid.

    He could 'canvass' (cough, cough).

    • Like 2
  7. IF you like her and she fun to be with, the answer is not to run or dismiss all isaan girls as what has been described above many times.

    First, sit down and explain to the girl. I am NOT paying for more than what you and I eat or do for activities. I am ok with occasionally going out to local food joints and I am ok with paying for your immediate family ONLY. Clarify this before going and before ordering the food.

    IF the parents, sisters, brothers, etc...want stuff, tell them you are not going to pay.

    IF you like the girl for what ever that is worth, don't be run off by the actions of the family. Confront it and end it... it is not difficult to say no. It is not difficult to get on a bus and leave.

    2 years here and I have never paid out more than a reasonable amount of money for the gf, food and fun. When we go out, I almost always pay for everything as I can afford it and she deserves it for putting up with me....55555... and for stopping at the market and bringing me a bag of mangos and papaya and insisting on not taking money from me for them.

    A very good point - which is why I suggested reading Thailand Fever.

    It will help to understand the cultural differences and you can then set your stall out for what you are prepared to pay and where/how you draw the lines.

  8. blood is thicker than water...old saying- though your chances to get a successful relationship without sponsoring might be minimal...

    sad but true...

    If you're "sponsoring," can it really be called a successful (romantic) relationship?

    In my book, it's the very definition of a sick relationship, so prevalent in Thailand.

    It's ok to pay for a nurse to wipe off my sorry ass if I can't walk or to pay a maid to

    cook and clean for me. I would feel so pathetic if I were to pay to someone to

    pretend to love me. But then it's just me.

    People who are happy with trophy wives do not mind paying for "love." Thailand

    is a paradise for them as almost anyone can afford a trophy wife here. But then

    there is no complaining about being milked.

    You seem to be confusing "love" with sex.

  9. LFI ?

    I think the effects are similar to HPI and equally irritating.

    High Pitched Imbeciles (HPI) is what I am suffering at the moment.

    My peaceful solitude at the computer is being broken, nay shattered, by the missus watching some group of excitable Thai females competing to see who can shatter a wine glass first. That, of course, is not what they should be doing - they should be discussing the latest film/Thai soap reviews. Why TF can't they just talk normally like a BBC Songs of Praise programme. NO! they have to test their vocal range to it's upper limits.

    Never mind LFI, this is akin to a hot knitting needle being pushed into your ear drum. The fact that the missus is on the sofa sleeping through it all does nothing to help my condition. If I turn the TV off she will wake, bright as a button, and lambast me for switching off the programme she was watching. If I wake HER and ask her to turn off the TV, celibacy will be guaranteed for the rest of the week!

    The fact that this is happening in Isaan is coincidental.

    Before the "leave if you can't accept the local culture" brigade start up I would point out that even changing the missus is unlikely to avoid the HPI phenomenon occurring in Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai or even Ban Kruat.

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