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Posts posted by Jip99

  1. you included all america in your statement and its not true. pity you cant admit where you erred. or that you can't spell duel.

    As I suggested earlier eat another Twinkie it is obvious your nutrition level is not adequate to support your minimal brain function. Of course I cannot make an accurate statement about the thoughts of the 330 million minds living in America; I didn’t realize I would have to take it down to such a rudimentary level and make such an obvious distinction for your understanding.

    A single sentence in a five paragraph commentary about Thailand referring to America and you persist bringing the conversation back to America isn’t the tread about Thailand? Why don’t you go back and read it so that when you engage me your comments have meaning associated with life in Thailand connected with your replies.

    I find your comment about my level of grammatical skill simply laughable, are you serious? Structured replies formatted in English are unquestionably not on display in your simplistic one-line responses.

    you continue to avoid the fact that colour IS in fact a very important factor in american life. and you claiming it isnt just because it isnt to you is a distortion of the facts. and grammar and spelling are two different hings..

    This is so elementary I would think you would have acquired this knowledge at this point in your life. Skin color is only important to intellectual morons, people that need to make excuses for their failures.

    Intelligent, motivated, resourceful people are successful no matter the color their skin, they adapt, they don't quit, they don't make excuses and they don't fail. They don’t waste their time thinking about their skin color they are busy succeeding.

    I can only assume by your posts that you spend your time making excuses and thinking like a failure.

    That is, of course, if their skin colour allows them the opportunity in the first place.

    I see that the arrival of the new year has done nothing to improve your rudeness to other posters.

    • Like 1
  2. You might be right. Those good muslims might not symphatize with terrorsits, but they don't condemn them either.

    I remember during the 70s/80s/90s in the UK, lots of folk used the same (flawed) argument to attempt to justify their bigotry towards the Irish.

    Would that be bigotry to ALL Irish - or just those who were blowing up places like Birmingham ?

  3. I sometimes think the real failures are those who continually post anti-Thai posts on here and other sites.

    There are quite a few who never post anything positive and will even try to get an anti dig in to a positive topic.

    These are the "All Thais are" types who don't appear to have ever been outside their own little bubble.

    I wonder if some do stay here or if they just got scammed by their ladyboy on their one visit and are so bitter and twisted they have to take out their bile in any way they can.

    Meanwhile, each to his own, my life style would probably not suit most who live in this country nor would I want to live their life.

    Some might consider me a failure because my life doesn't conform to their version of good but I still think I am better off here than where I came from.

    Life is good, live it your way and don't knock others for doing it their way.

    If you are happy with your lot then it is unlikely that you are a failure in the truest sense.

    Please don't link failure with criticism of Thais. Rose tinted glasses do not mean you are a success and I would suggest that the most successful amongst us hold a balanced view of Thailand and the Thais.

    More than one Thai acquaintance has said to me "The only thing wrong with Thailand is (some of) the Thai people" so please don't put them on a pedestal where they are immune from criticism.

    • Like 2
  4. "Man of the Year" is assigned to a person that has had the most, and most significant impact, on Thailand and Thai society - a point I clearly explained in the post preceding yours.

    Do you deny that Prayuth has had the most significant impact on Thailand and Thai society over the past year?

    Yes a Negative one

    Another one who quickly forgets the debacle that existed prior to the coup.

    • Like 2
  5. OK...... you try moving money from a bank in the UK to your account in Thailand.

    Sounds like a UK banking problem to me, I send money from my U.S. bank and don't have problems.

    No beechguy, it is at the receiving end - no one to process it in Thailand

    I'm well aware of that, but then again, I'm intelligent enough to read a calendar, and keep an awareness, that I'm not in my home country, so plan accordingly.

    Also, from the U.S. I can do ACH transfers through Bangkok Bank in New York, I don't seem to have a problem on the receiving end. Perhaps you all should persuade the U.K. banks to do something similar.

    Non issue for as I planned my cash flow with the holiday period in mind.

    Again, nothing to do with the UK end, I can get funds here in 3 to 4 hours - but not when the Thai banks are closed.

    We can transfer via Bangkok Bank in London but it is more expensive and takes longer (1 to 3 working days) - frankly, I am not impressed with BKB in Thailand.

    At the end of the day whatever works for each individual is OK by me. That still doesn't make a 5 day closure very convenient.

  6. Have a look on local forums ... search using the town names.

    It begs the question "Delivery to where?" if you are asking about 2 towns that are 60km apart.

    you're right, a bit confusing.

    deliveries in these two cities, delivering only within their city

    Where do you live? Or are you asking for free business advice????

    Either can be supplied upon request

  7. they are closed on public holidays and weekends. whats the problem with that ?

    The public holidays are too long!

    You would not get a 5 day continuous shutdown in the UK for example

    For most people it is not an issue as long as they don't need to receive funds before 5th January.

    Servicing the ATMs is also a key factor but, like many expats, I have taken the precaution of withdrawing enough money to last the whole of January if necessary biggrin.png

    "You would not get a 5-day continuous closure in the UK for example"

    Well they shut down even the railways for more than that over this Christmas.

    No they don't.

  8. they are closed on public holidays and weekends. whats the problem with that ?

    The public holidays are too long!

    You would not get a 5 day continuous shutdown in the UK for example

    For most people it is not an issue as long as they don't need to receive funds before 5th January.

    Servicing the ATMs is also a key factor but, like many expats, I have taken the precaution of withdrawing enough money to last the whole of January if necessary biggrin.png

    "You would not get a 5-day continuous closure in the UK for example"

    Well they shut down even the railways for more than that over this Christmas.

    No they don't.

  9. I feel it's kind of strange that government would allow banks to be closed for 5 days straight. I am not saying bank workers doesn't deserve a holiday. but there could be ways of handling it without disrupting the financial services of a country.

    what are your thoughts / opinions?

    p.s i calculate wrong its 5 days :-)

    And how much days are the banks closed in Europe?

    Wake up and relax.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    1 day in the UK.

    Now go back to sleep.

  10. they are closed on public holidays and weekends. whats the problem with that ?

    The public holidays are too long!

    You would not get a 5 day continuous shutdown in the UK for example

    For most people it is not an issue as long as they don't need to receive funds before 5th January.

    Servicing the ATMs is also a key factor but, like many expats, I have taken the precaution of withdrawing enough money to last the whole of January if necessary biggrin.png

  11. To me success means to be happy in your new environment.

    Thailand is beautiful, that's for sure, but as I already wrote in some other thread, I am not quite happy here, because Thailand is more for old, retired expat community, not for young expats.

    ... unless they have a brain and can work, or work out what to do with their time.

    Yes, you are right, but I didn't come to Thailand to do nothing.

    I just want to say that it's not easy for young expats to have long term circle of friends within their age bracket, since the majority of farangs here are 50+.

    You all speak about money, but to me being with friends, with like minded people, is important segment of life.

    You make a very good point.

    Thailand (like Spain and many other places) has a retirement appeal. Therefore, many of us over 50 head for this shores and sustain ourselves with whatever resources we have built up over our working lives.

    We did not come here to work

    It is mainly young expats who come to work. I think they would be foolish to come here to retire, they are far too young.

    There will, therefore, be a shortage of friends/like-minded people in your age group.

  12. Seems that some farang should be less condescending.
    Leave NOTHING on the tray.

    Inquire if diligent and attentive dek serves are permitted to keep all "tips in the hand".

    If the answer is yes, TIP in the hand

    At the same time telling them that you TIP only for SERVICE.

    Ask 'em how they like "thai style" tipping. Or Chinese or Russian style. Or low rent Japanese for that matter.

    Add to this comment (if your Thai or their English is good enough) that ANYTHING they have heard to the contrary from their stoopid "aunties" about farangs and tipping is bullshit racism.

    The younger ones get it.

    You will have done your bit.

    The waitress is not a 'beer dek' She is 'service'staff. If you want to tip her give her the money direct not on the tray. Tray money goes to the bar not the staff. Many of these girls are really poor, trying to help their families,and DO NOT GET A SALARY. They rely on our generosity

    and tips. The mean minded, mean spirited, scrooges here make me ashamed. If you can't afford to tip 10 Baht then do not go out for a drink. Do not come to Thailand.

    Actually manic, with all due respect here both to your charitable sensibilities and the needs of dek serves everywhere, I tip for service and I tip well.

    I do NOT tip some kid who grovels to some fake fat auntie farang expert who has TOLD the kid that we are stupid and rich and we have to tip Thais.

    Instead I try to find out where in the bar the old hose bag is roosting and I crack into her about her being no better than a Mae Lao and that she and her racist bullshit belong in a museum of touristic horrors.

    The only tip she'll get from me is that when she visits her kid in Helsinki she should never eat the golden snow she sees outside the bars and pubs.

    ....... and I guess that you are normally alone when you go into these places.

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