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Posts posted by Myshkin

  1. How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

    Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

    She hasn't ruined any lives except her own. Every single user is solely responsible for their own life choices, unless they're human slaves being forced to use the product, in which case the slave masters are the criminals, not the sales people.

    Sorry, this is a very naive comment. For the youngster the most important thing is what their peers are doing and if they are into the drug scene, many will follow suit. However, if drugs are not readily available..................I am sure from now on you can work it out?facepalm.gif

    Sure! When peers are doing their stuff we should do the same, whatever that might be! If a friend jumps a bridge, rapes a girl, etc... should I do the same? People are responsible for their own actions, not their peers, nor their friends, family, dealer, etc...

    In today's world, especially in nanny states, people always have to find someone to blame for their own decisions. Smoke and die of cancer, it's the tobacco industry! Burn your lips drinking coffee in a restaurant, sue the owner! The list is endless.

    I am for taking full responsibility of the consequences my own actions, and believe me I took some dangerous ones, but never tried to blame anyone but me.

  2. How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

    Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

    She hasn't ruined any lives except her own. Every single user is solely responsible for their own life choices, unless they're human slaves being forced to use the product, in which case the slave masters are the criminals, not the sales people.

    How do you know that someone has had there lives ruined because the woman SOLD drugs to a young person who then committed a crime under the influence of the drug . Don't you think that that has ruined the person and his/her mum and dad lives as well

    I repeat, she is only responsible for ruining her own life because she broke the law and will be punished for it.

    In your presumptive scenario, the young person committing a crime under the influence of drugs is the one ruining their life (+ family), and the life of the victim (+ family).

    And the same applies whether the product is legal or not. Any product in fact: alcohol, knife, gun, etc... If you kill someone under the influence of alcohol (intentional or accident) it is not the responsibility of the bar (shop,etc...) that sold you the product.

    Products don't kill!

  3. How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

    Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

    She hasn't ruined any lives except her own. Every single user is solely responsible for their own life choices, unless they're human slaves being forced to use the product, in which case the slave masters are the criminals, not the sales people.

    What a load of crap. no dealers no drugs simple as that. Take away the source there is no choice.or opportunity to use drugs

    So simple indeed! Maybe in your dreamworld! The method you defend has failed for alcohol during the prohibition.and for drugs all around the world in the last 50 years, even in countries with long jail sentences or death penalty.

  4. How many lives did her yaba sales ruin ? How many teenagers did she sell to who then stole from their parents, gave up educational opportunities and made other's live's miserable hells. ?

    Yes...it is quite fair for drug sellers. For Users maybe harsh...but for dealers...throw the book at them.

    She hasn't ruined any lives except her own. Every single user is solely responsible for their own life choices, unless they're human slaves being forced to use the product, in which case the slave masters are the criminals, not the sales people.

  5. I've been a victim of most of these overpriced 'scams' and questioned the perp on most occasions with interesting outcomes.

    Gas bottle scam involves charging a B200 cleaning fee.

    Fresh fruit scam where the price is exorbitant and the scales are ridiculously light.

    Nails on the road adjacent to the tyre repair shop scam.

    Motorbike inner tube scam, when a pin prick hole cannot be fixed. And the innertube's deliberately ripped.

    Plumbing scam involves the worker deliberately creating work, sabotaging perfectly good materials that then need replacing.

    Karaoke scam, order overpriced beer and before it's finished another's opened and put on the table.

    Safety-cut scam, disable the safety-cut and charge an exorbitant fee for 'fixing' the problem.

    Second hand car parts scam. Cheap Chinese parts installed and charge for genuine parts.

    Air conditioning scam, 3 guys turn up for a one man job and all want paying.

    Old English saying....on ya bike.

    Happy days.

    If you truly look like your avatar, then I'm not surprised everyone is out to scam you. giggle.giftongue.png

  6. Ok, I understand that.....now, when will the baht drop against other currencies? I am talking a significant drop, not half a point!

    Why the Bath should drop? Some foreigners think quite selfish, just to get more THB for their pension.

    If the THB drops, the gas (petrol) prices will rise, transportation costs will rise, all import goods (cars, parts, electronics, tools, machines, etc.) will rise, even farming products will rise (because of higher gas prices) and finally salaries will increase as well.

    Even land and building costs will increase (all tools and machines are made in China), because of higher import and transport costs and i guess the "Chinese landlord" take the chance to increase his land prices as well, because he know, that the foreigners get more cash for their foreign currency.

    When i came here the THB was 25 to the USD, the German THB was 12.5 to the DM and no farangs whined about.

    You came here when they were still on the DM? Christ, that's what....20 years ago?

    Yes, actually in 1990. Correct!

    I thought they switched from DM to EUR in 2002: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deutsche_Mark

    • Like 1
  7. So they are asking for respect and confidence, the problem is you don't ask for such things, you have to earn them.

    Then they say the Thais do not feel uncomfortable under martial law, but there is no freedom of speech under martial law, so the Thais are not allowed to express their feelings.

  8. laubau, on 09 Mar 2015 - 18:54, said:laubau, on 09 Mar 2015 - 18:54, said:
    Costas2008, on 09 Mar 2015 - 14:43, said:Costas2008, on 09 Mar 2015 - 14:43, said:Costas2008, on 09 Mar 2015 - 10:43, said:

    Prime Minister, actions are better than words.

    Keep up the good work you have started and don't pay too much attention to the media or groups against you.

    History will judge your good deeds but will never mention your intentions or feelings.

    You should move south and hang out with the minority that wants to hold onto Thai power forever. "History will judge your good deeds but will never mention your intentions or feelings". History will also judge your bad deeds!! Real democracy is listening to the will of the majority regardless of anybody's views. Full stop!! For your info, Thai Visa and others reported that the Red shirt leaders who interrupted the ASEAN meeting in Pattaya are being prosecuted because Thailand was embarrassed by this. What about the Yellow shirts that took over the airport which was must more strategic and cost Thailand much more money? Why is nothing being done to these leaders? There are numerous other cases much like this! Regardless of what he says, obviously the PM is very partisan as recent court proceedings and his comments have shown. I just do not understand that you being from Greece which is where Democracy was born, can hold the views you do!! Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!

    His preferences are more likely the 'Greek military junta of 1967-1974'.wink.png

  9. northernjohn, on 16 Feb 2015 - 21:48, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Does a statue of limitations apply if you have skipped the country?

    tullynagardy, on 16 Feb 2015 - 18:33, said:
    WitawatWatawit, on 16 Feb 2015 - 18:27, said:

    For the love of God, will you read what you have written? You're a clot if you think the anti-Thaksinistas believe it all starts and ends with the grubby one. Honestly, how dumb can you get. Everyone knows the history of corruption. - and that the grub is just the latest manifestation. He just happens to be the most greedy, rapacious, diabolical of all. And his time is now, not last century. And he must be wiped out NOW, not next century. For the love of God.

    Bless, you really have it all worked out sport, don`t you? alt=thumbsup.gif>

    I`m anti Thaksin as well. His main claim to fame was his autocratic rule meant the country was now pillaged to the benefit of a slightly different set of crooks. Following Khun Prayuth`s intervention it`s back to the original group of crooks who have dominated the country for centuries. Yay! alt=blink.png>

    If you don`t have the intelligence to understand what the military/elite grouping represents don`t get angry and result to name calling - go out and read and educate yourself wai.gif.pagespeed.ce.ptXUXgG4cAx1lGI2wn7 alt=wai.gif width=20 height=20>

    Excuse me for interrupting your rambling but it was pointed out to you that we are in the twenty First century. Things are not the same as they were last time you were awake.

    Twenty First century? Thailand? You can't be serious! blink.png

  10. In reply to Chicog about flu shots....the only time I ever got one of these, it resulted in the worst flu/bug that I've ever experienced. And as the saying goes....once bitten, twice shy. I will never get a flu shot again.

    That's not to say it won't work for the majority of others.

    Just my experience for what it's worth.

    I share exactly the same experience as CMKiwi.

  11. bannork, on 25 Dec 2014 - 20:39, said:

    jake, it's Christmas, the season of goodwill and fine grammar, let's not denigrate our fellow posters today, leave it till next year...

    In the meantime, a song for humanity-.... majestic yet tragic like man.

    You've got good tastes! One of my favorite artist! Cheers

  12. In my humble opinion this condo is probably in one of the best location of Chiang Mai, the rental prices are reasonable and all the units I have seen were in attractive condition and well furnished. After one year, I can really affirm that I do enjoy the place and made some good friends, and maybe also some yet undeclared ennemies.

    However, following recent posts things might get ugly before they get better (or worse?) and I am glad that I'm only renting, thanks to the shrewd warnings of some long time members on this forum. It looks more and more that there are two clans fighting to grab the power, but not having a horse in the race I do not feel overly concerned, yet interested in observing how it will turn out and learn a bit more about how these issues are resolved (if ever) in Thailand.

    My only concern is when is the swimming pool going to reopen? It was originally planned to be closed for maintenance from 10/5 till 10/15, then postponed until 10/21, and now delayed again till 10/31. It cannot seriously take 3 weeks to fix pool leaks. So, if anyone from the new management team could confirm there will be no further delay I will gratefully revert from a temporary grumpy renter to the self declared happiest swimming renter this side of the Mae Ping.

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