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Posts posted by opothai

  1. It`s not the dogs fault its the owners fault.

    you are correct, and if the owner can not look after the dog then it has to be taken away from him, to save any further damage, and especially to young ones and babies, of which i have no doubt this dog could kill.

    if a new owner can not be found then the dog has to be destroyed i'm afraid.

  2. PM affirms government open to all suggestions for solving southern unrest

    The Prime Minister affirmed that government officials are open to all suggestions for solving the southern unrest.

    Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 24 June 2007

    get the special forces or your most intelligent forces to infiltrate and get amongst the insurgents and play them at thier own game.

    the longer this is going on the stronger the insurgents [ murderers ] are getting.

  3. taxin will never go back to thailand unless it is under his own steam.

    do you not think that respective governments are going to forget about all the wrong doings that the thai authorities have let pass unpunished, and just thrown aside,

    then after consideration just give the thais what they want.

    me thinks that issue like the killing of the two lovers by a copper will still be sour in the mouths of the british powers that be. or at least it should be. and thier are plenty more issues that have been swept under the carpet, no doubt.

  4. you can not be serious about giving these people [murderers ] any part of southern thailand.

    it has been shown time and again that these extremists will fight each other for ultimate power and the more backward they are the more radical they become.

    if you give in once to these terrorists do you not think it will create more and more problems in the future,

    get real and see that they are trying to kidnapp part of thailand through threats and cold blooded murder.

    i'm sorry to say that the powers that be need to infiltrate these extremists and slowly but surely destroy tthem from within.

    talks can not be held because there is no one to talk to, even if they could talk one faction would want more than the other factions.

  5. Yes a very sad moment, this is ethnic cleansing by the muslim insugents. Education it would seem is an enemy of these people.

    unless they are doing the educating.

    this situation is not going to stop for a long long time.

    there are lessons to be learned though, do not let the insurgents get any sort of a foothold.

    this situation has been handled with kid gloves from the start.

    as soon as the recent troubles flared up again a few years ago the authorities should have been down thier en mass.

  6. i paid 180,000bht for 1 rai about 3 or 4 years ago, 12km from the centre of korat.

    since that time i have tried to buy more but no one wnts to sell any land in the village.

    from what i have gathered the majority of the open land is owned by two chinese famlies and they simply accumulate land and will not sell.

    as said bafore land is only worth what people are willing to pay for it.

  7. bro, if you have been keeping up to date with what is happening down south, you will know these muslims down south are murdering on average about 100 "innocents" a month now. and it is escalating.


    Military force should be used, but talks and hearts and minds campaigns also need to be part of the equation. If not this will probably be a bloody conflict that lasts for decades. The more that force is used, the more outside help will come to back the insurgents-meaning, since it is muslims vs. non-muslims, serious jihadists and terrorists who make the stuff the insurgents do look gentle. It also makes it more likely for attacks to spread outside of these southern provinces. Who knows what role Malaysia will play if things get uglier??

    good points

    this part iof the post i find most interestig.

    the muslim insurgents will imho go for power amonst themselves, even if they did get concessions.

    then it starts to be a fight amongst themselves to see how radical they will live.

    will it be very radical

    just a little radical

    will it be moderate

    all over the world the extremists have very different agendas, and they have no problem arguing amonst themselves as to who or what faction wants power,

    take a look at palistine, iraq,and iran.

    it seems to be the most violent of these factions will not accept middle ground.

  8. Maybe they should really look at Chechnya and how Russians deal with it. There are many similarities, and Russians seem to be close to solving their problem.

    They don't mess around, mean business, and are prepared to take a lot of heat. In the end those who were really fighting were eliminated, and those who were not, got the point.

    it seems harsh, but it works.

    same in china it just will not be tolerated.

    but in the west we seem to be under the illusion we can talk and give the murdering terrorist types concessions and they might stop.

    until we take these idiots on fully i can only see more and more terrorists coming through. with nothing to deter them.

  9. common sense,

    comparisons betwwen countries,

    if say in england every thai or foreign neighborhood was raided with a vast number of immigration officers, just to weed out the odd overstayer or illegal immigrant would all you people that say what they are doing in pattaya would be acceptable in europe and the west.

    i could prolly tell you that if the police started doing heavy handed checks their would be up roar umong the pc brigade.

    and how much weight would ' if they've got nothing to hide, nothing to be worried about ' carry, i wonder.

    surely the odd random checks would be easier and just as fruitfull.

    and furthermore why arn't the police cracking down more on the beach road incidents as heavy as the immigration.

    doesn't make sense to me

  10. ******NEWS******UPDATE******

    It seems that this British man received his just deserts after all!

    SOURCE: Pattaya People: May 1st 2007

    well there it is.

    when in pattaya with your wife or gf and a thai man or even a falang starts to get over friendly, you are within your rights to give him his just deserts, with a lead pipe no less :o

    very sad reporting.

  11. according to the morning papers here in blighty, there have been a couple of bids but thaksin looks like a done deal as he is making 50 mill available straight away and has proof of buying power.

    prolly a couple of suitcases he brought along with him to the meet, held on the walk over bridge, liecester services M1.

  12. People who blame the victim are, in truth, also terrified of the thought that it could happen to them too.

    So the brains of these terrified people trigger a defense mechanism to protect themselves against such fear, and so they tell themselves, "It wouldn't happen to me because... ummm... because.... ummmm.... Oh! Because I'm not that stupid! It was his own stupidity that caused it! So I can feel safe now because I'm not as stupid as him!"

    Similar to another thread where a farang was beaten up by cops for a ridiculously lame reason and the other posters blamed it on the victim's "stupidity" (he defended himself from a plainclothes drunken cop on a rampage and so the cop's other cop friends beat up the victim), and where some posters even said he deserved it.

    good point

    i read that post too, and as with this one, thier are some strange and interesting points of view.

    but as in a lot of the posts than maybe construed as whinges, absolutely no compasion towards the falang.

    we all make mistakes sometimes, or are some just downright perfect.

  13. I can say yes to that, this guy really should know better, I recognise him as a bar owner in soi 7.


    If your right and Pattaya is allowing a walking tatoo like this to run a bar, theres no hope for the place.

    As was said the photo says it all.

    I don't think he looks worse than most bar owners in that area (not all, just most).

    I will say it again, of course nobody should grope anyone, but having said that, when you go into a red light district (and I really don't give a rats arse about how many non red light shops there are, it is a red light district) you must realize there is a chance you will get groped. In fact, that goes for any place where people are known to get drunk. Worldwide.

    All those people screaming about how he put his hands into her pants, nobody know the truth, but I have a strong feeling that he probably just squeezed her bum or something like that. hel_l, it happens to most of us all the time, and worse. More often than not if I go to that area my private parts are being groped, more than once, by the bargirls. Chill out and get with it.

    Besides there seems to be a lot of comments from people who have never been to this Soi, let alone Pattaya or Thailand. :o

    good comment pc

    when in these areas groping goes on all the time, it seems to go with the teritory.

    this is not an isolated case of the woman making a complaint, and no doubt she will be compensated.

    then we have the scenario of people possibly getting scammed by false allegations,

    no one should grope another person, but i can see when in soi seven or eight you can get carried away with the atmosphere.

  14. i tend to agree wiyh the general theme of the op.

    the moo ban where i stay for a while every year treats certain poorer members of the village with distain, and they do appear darker in skin tone.

    i can liken the attitude to school in the uk, the poor kids always seemed to get a rough ride.

    maybe the idea behind this poor treatment of the underprivalaged is to make one feel better.

    do not mosconstrue this as thai bashing, it happens all over the world sometimes more in one country than another.

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