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Posts posted by snottgoblin

  1. Again, people don't get involved. Why? I don't understand.

    If I had seen that, there is absolutely no doubt I would have put that guy on his ass.

    What a pathetic piece of shit he is.

    Agree, where are the motocy guys when you really want them to let loose.

    That one time you don't mind seeing 10 motorcycle guys giving him a severe beating and they are no where to be seen...

    The whole thing screams "set up" to me. Three things, how does a camcorder get them on the sound track at that distance, how do they know it was his "wife" ( looks more like a temporary GF to me ) and if it was genuine, the m'bike taxi guys would have done him.

    It's not the first time I've seen a set up on a Thai "reality" show. There was a show about girlfriends a few years back that had a staged fight in a bar between a BG and her "BF"- good enough to fool someone that knew nothing about Thai bar beers though.

    I don't think I've seen any doco about Thailand that wasn't at least partly BS.

    I was in a Nana Gogo many years ago and a guy was throwing a girl around ( not a fight ) and took exception when another guy asked him to stop. Few seconds later he got his ( well deserved ) beating from about 10 Thai guys. IMO Thai guys aren't slow when it's one of their own getting done.

    A camcorder? Have you heard of smartphones? One or two people carry them these days

    Sound track? What soundtrack? You mean the noise of the traffic and the occasional shout from the girl?

    "That distance"? What distance? The footbridge over the turning for Sukhumvit soi 7?

    The moto-taxis wouldn't necessarily have gotten involved 1. Because they've probably bitch-slapped their women in public too and 2. She may have stolen something from him and - IN THEIR EYES - deserved what she was getting.

    Have you considered offering investigative expertise to the Royal Thai Police as a consultant?

    Have you?

  2. It's not the quantity of trolls that is the problem ,it's the quality,it's is so poor ,I hope OP you turn out to be one of the better onesthumbsup.gif

    It's so funny that you were the first reply. Trollerious.

  3. OP, please slow down. Thailand is a littered, smelly shithole lacking the rule of law and filled with any kind of scam and corruption you can think of.

    The biggest scam is likely to come from that pretty Thai woman who is "different" from the others.

    Thailand is a great place to vacation because it has a lot of things you don't have in England or New York. It's a good bet that if your weren't looking for those things you'd be looking at Florida.

    You won't be happy retired and Thailand will lose its luster quickly. Heck, I wouldn't want to live at Disneyland for more than three days.

    I tried retiring in Thailand and had a one year extension of stay for retirement. You can't get that. I lasted less than the year and pulled up stakes and headed back to Oregon. Now I just visit as a tourist, usually for about 90 days.

    Others have asked you to do this on a trial basis. I give you 90 days. Once you've built up enough assets and income that you can afford a first world environment, you aren't likely to want Thailand 24/7/365 and there aren't many who do. Those I know who do, to put it politely, are addicted to certain things in certain areas and it isn't healthy emotionally or physically. Either that or they have a very limited pension.

    Good luck

    Not a troll, and I agree with your general attitude. I suspect many do, but you don't see them here because they move to Thailand, find they don't like it, and leave. I always loved coming to Thailand, and would in the future, but living here full-time is a very different thing. Pollution, sweltering heat, shocking levels of corruption, incompetence, hellish traffic, etc. are easy to take in your stride when you're here for a vacation but get to you when you live here.
    Feel free to join The Oregan Oracle, not everything in Thailand is in Bangkok

    It's spelled Oregon, genius.

    No, not everything is Bangkok. There are many rather large towns and cities and there are small villages. They are all dirty, polluted with litter, the food isn't always safe to eat so you never know what will bite you, and nowhere is the water safe to drink.

    Many of the people who defend the decision to move to Thailand are stuck for any of a number reasons. They went all in and perhaps burned their bridges. They perhaps are stuck or they got taken by a village Isaan woman who while totally lacking education was smart enough to turn their pockets inside out.

    The OP is young enough that he can't guess what his currency will be worth when he's 60, 70 or older. Even Toyota, Honda, Mercedes, BMW and many others manufacture their cars for the US market in the US to avoid the constant risk of exchange rates. "Manufacture in the currency you sell in." The OP would be risking all on exchange rates and unknown issues of inflation.

    A lot of men, especially educated and successful men get some of their self esteem from their careers. The OP is talking about walking away from everything, no longer being an attorney, and becoming a nobody in a strange land. It's something to think about at such a young age.

    The OP is an attorney. I can tell by his writing. An attorney is by definition a wordsmith. He can't fake some of his writing style.

    I wish the OP well and I hope he doesn't burn his bridges and regret it.


    Oregon or Oregan, or is it Oregano? ? Who really cares? Maybe Iowa would be a better place?

    You clearly weren't exposed to much of Thailand, and struggled to live in a country that didn't treat you as Bwana. Not all towns or villages are dirty, polluted or dumps. Not all people who live here long term are stuck here, not all have been taken by a country girl, and not all are giving up careers.

    Maybe that makes you feel better to think of it that way, sadly a large percentage of people who arrive in Thailand are devoid of the skills required to live overseas. One wonders often, how these fools managed to get a passport and work out wether to go to arrivals or departures at the airport.

  4. OP, please slow down. Thailand is a littered, smelly shithole lacking the rule of law and filled with any kind of scam and corruption you can think of.

    The biggest scam is likely to come from that pretty Thai woman who is "different" from the others.

    Thailand is a great place to vacation because it has a lot of things you don't have in England or New York. It's a good bet that if your weren't looking for those things you'd be looking at Florida.

    You won't be happy retired and Thailand will lose its luster quickly. Heck, I wouldn't want to live at Disneyland for more than three days.

    I tried retiring in Thailand and had a one year extension of stay for retirement. You can't get that. I lasted less than the year and pulled up stakes and headed back to Oregon. Now I just visit as a tourist, usually for about 90 days.

    Others have asked you to do this on a trial basis. I give you 90 days. Once you've built up enough assets and income that you can afford a first world environment, you aren't likely to want Thailand 24/7/365 and there aren't many who do. Those I know who do, to put it politely, are addicted to certain things in certain areas and it isn't healthy emotionally or physically. Either that or they have a very limited pension.

    Good luck

    Not a troll, and I agree with your general attitude. I suspect many do, but you don't see them here because they move to Thailand, find they don't like it, and leave. I always loved coming to Thailand, and would in the future, but living here full-time is a very different thing. Pollution, sweltering heat, shocking levels of corruption, incompetence, hellish traffic, etc. are easy to take in your stride when you're here for a vacation but get to you when you live here.

    Feel free to join The Oregan Oracle, not everything in Thailand is in Bangkok

  5. Thanks yes on balance that seems like the better option - I was originally considering both TE and the investment visa but I agree that TE would be better.

    I don't think you can go wrong with TE.

    You will see a lot of hate about it, but that's from the Merchants that can't afford it, and are scratching around on dodgy ED visas or doing multiple border runs. If you was considering the investment visa, suggest you get the 2 million baht TE

  6. I assume khun Andrew has had his latest log in banned as well? He is not so much an investigative reporter as a recycler of gossip, title tattle and half truths. His personal duels with certain people are tiresome and boring. He has said he is proud of being a 'sensationalist journalist' I think that sums him up well. The bottom line is his enemies are still living in Thailand while he had little choice but to leave. Did some good work there is no doubt about it, but too flawed, lightweight and vindictive to be taken seriously as a journalist of any note.

    Why do you call him "khun"?

    I think he's trying to show his Thainess

    • Like 1
  7. I am a 19 yr. resident of Thailand. I use a factor of 0.285 when comparing prices here with my home country,Canada. Or, expressed the other way, prices there are 3.5x Thai prices. I think for someone from London, you could probably use a factor of 0.2 to 0.25. Think about health insurance costs, if you will need to buy that here.

    what you on , I can live for a 1000baht a week easy, but i can live Thai, it depends on what you want out of life try moving after you have your Visas sorted out, Then try living in-Thailand first, Thats what most people do then they get an idea on what they want out of Thailand.

    Ha ha ha you can live on 4000 baht a month easy...............are you sleeping on the street and begging to get your food ?

    Canarysun is The King of The Scratchers, but thongkorn might be a real contender

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