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Old Stud

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Posts posted by Old Stud

  1. Chiang Mai is over one million in the metropolitan area. "Chiang Mai province has a population of around 1,547,085 with 170,348 currently living in Chiang Mai's city area."--Diplomatico

    No Diplomatico Chiang mai does not have over a million in its Metropolitan area---Chiang Mai has over 1.7 million spread out in its entire province, a metropolitan area is something that is adjoined to the city.

    & only 1 city in the Uk (other than London) has a population of over a million----Birmingham

    --Metropolitan area--Of or constituting a large city or urbanized area, including adjacent suburbs and towns:---http://www.thefreedictionary.com/metropolitan

    "With a population of 1,547,085 Chiang Mai is one of Thailand’s largest provinces. Of this number, 170,348 currently live in Chiang Mai’s city area with the rest distributed throughout Chiang Mai’s 21 districts, 2 sub-districts." The Chiang Mai province is a huge area. I have read all sorts of numbers, but the one I would agree on is the city area and the towns surrounding the city make up a population of around 500,000. Seems like a million people to me. Seattle, for instance, is a huge city, with many skyscrapers in downtown, but with an official population of 625,000. But the whole area surrounding Seattle has 4.3 million people. When you think of Seattle you think 4.3 million. When I think of Chiang Mai, I am now thinking 500,000.

  2. You want thoughts about other areas of Thailand besides Bangkok . . .

    Chiang Mai is nothing like Bangkok, which has at least thirty skyscrapers going up as we speak. CM has no skyscraper central business district, though there are high rise hotels. It's a huge urban sprawl. There's new construction going on everywhere. They just opened three ultra modern super malls. It has an amazing sports facility, waiting for something to happen. Chiang Mai University is huge, with a Medical school. Hard to tell where the city limits are, but the 170,000 population figure doesn't seem right, you feel the over 1 million person population when you're here. What's interesting about Chiang Mai - I've never lived in a big city, and never wanted to live in a big city, but I've lived here for three years and love it. I met a fellow writer yesterday and he compared Chiang Mai to the Paris of Asia for writers and artists. Lots of talent in this city.

  3. And in your home country you never did this??


    Never. The companies understand earning repeat business and referrals by word-of-mouth.

    They do need to give a window of time because they can't guess how long jobs that are ahead of me will take, but they will be there.

    It works like this. Initially they tell me they will be there "Thursday between noon and 4:00." I say "OK."

    At about 11:00 AM Thursday, I get a robocall reminding me and asking me to "press 1" if I will be there. I press 1.

    If they aren't there by about 2:00 I get another robocall telling me they will be there by 4:00 and again asking me to press 1.

    Perhaps a 2:30 I get a robocall telling me they are on their way and asking me to press 1 if I will be there. I press 1.

    Within a few minutes they are there with bells on fully equipped to make me happy and do it right the first time.

    Part of being in Thailand is understanding that it's not first world, and seeing why, and accepting it.

    part of being in Thailand is also understanding if you pay sh*tty wages or squeeze prices too much you can expect sh*tty companies and even these make you wait. that applies especially to expats married to Thai ladies who are proud to post in Thaivisa how their wives achieved the best deal.

    I had this building project and the driver was always late and would have the order wrong. Farang neighbors said all these negative things about the Thais not being on time and why don't they have a check off list? Next time, I gave the driver a 100 baht tip. Problem solved. On time with the right order from then on.

    • Like 1
  4. I have mostly Thai friends. But I learned something when I first moved here. I took Thai lessons from a college graduate five days a week for over six months. She was totally into teaching. That was it. But after about four months we started talking. It took that long for her to trust me. Once she did, she totally opened up and we had great discussions about just about everything. She always encouraging me to say it in Thai, of course. The problem became that I was paying her to talk about her inner feelings and so on for the whole hour.

    In my experience over the last three years, it takes time to develop trust, and a desire to. Since I have lived in the same Thai compound for a long time now, people come over and talk my ear off, and I mostly listen. In my experience, since I have relaxed into the Thai culture and people tend to like me, having conversations is not a problem. I'm not challenging the OP, but speaking even get-by Thai, relaxing, liking it here and the people, makes all the difference in the world.

    To me its the conversations with the farangs that seem shallow.

    • Like 2
  5. We wouldnt, i can assure you

    ...and im not talking just who you are/age etc. Even if you were hot stuff and a similar age, no, you wouldnt. Why? Because buying me a nice dinner doesnt equal getting into my knickers. I have never had sex with a guy on the first date, never will. Its my preference, because personally i value myself fairly highly and sex, although fun, is something i consider intimate. Of course, there are women who will have sex with a guy at a drop of a hat..or who can be paid directly (or indirectly via a fancy dinner). Some guys prefer easy. Some women do too. I dont.

    Though I believe you, other than hookers, I've never heard a woman say anything different.

    Some right after we'd had sex on the first date. "I've never done this before...."

    A wise man once told me that the most important thing to a woman is her reputation.

    I'm talking back when I was young and "hansum man" and sometimes not too bright in the US in the 70's and 80's.

    One of the dumbest things I ever did was argue with one, pointing out we'd just screwed after barely knowing each other. I learned the meaning of the words, "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned."

    You think i have a reputation to uphold on a forum where i am anonymous?

    Would be far more scintillating and fun to say that i sleep with men at the drop of a hat.

    I'm sure you're a very attractive woman and many disappointed men are standing in line wanting to drop their hats.

    But that's not the point, is it?

    The point is that we are all human beings. As such we want to love and be loved in return. That's our true nature. You say that you are

    selective and want to be romanced, to choose the right person. That's nice.

    But the fact remains, you will get older. Maybe ten, twenty, thirty years from now there is nobody there. No hats to drop. No man

    wants you. Happens to the best of us. Years go by. No one is loving you and you're loving no one in return. Maybe you're in

    denial, but you really do want to love and be loved.

    Then during a massage he or she says, "Would you like me to make you happy? 500 baht."

    And you think, "Why the f not?"

    Report back to us when that happens.

    • Like 2
  6. The best we can hope for is a pleasant sharing of time and space with another person.

    If that's an hour or five hours or over night or ten years, doesn't matter. A pleasant sharing between two people is a good thing.

    Only the two people know whether its pleasant or not. If not they say goodbye. (or hang on for the drama)

    I always go for the pleasant and fun times with whomever I'm with. It's just that simple.

    ..if you are talking about mutual pleasure, then of course everyone would agree.

    However, if taking advantage of economically poor individuals and indulging in p4p, then thats really more about selfish wants than mutual pleasure....

    Suppose I met you and we had a good conversation and I took you out to dinner. I being a man or a woman, whatever your preference. I took you to a more expensive place, somewhere you would normally not go, since maybe you are economically poorer than me. We have a great sharing of time and space - let's just say we did. Let's just say we actually liked each other. Dinner cost me 2500 baht. That's realistic. We're consenting adults and we end up spending the night at my hotel. Why? Because we like each other and that's what we agreed to do. We satisfied our selfish pleasures. Probably happens a billion times a night all over the world. We say goodbye the next morning. We both agree we had a great time.

    What's the conclusion you want to make? Did I take advantage of you, or did you take advantage of me?

  7. The best we can hope for is a pleasant sharing of time and space with another person.

    If that's an hour or five hours or over night or ten years, doesn't matter. A pleasant sharing between two people is a good thing.

    Only the two people know whether its pleasant or not. If not they say goodbye. (or hang on for the drama)

    I always go for the pleasant and fun times with whomever I'm with. It's just that simple.

  8. You ever try to tell a young guy something and he knows more about everything than you will ever know....... Hahaha

    When you start to understand that you don't know shit is when you have real knowledge. There is so much to know and so many ways to interpret the information that you collect.

    Thai girls are like other girls around the world. They are fascinated with and enjoy being around guys who are smart, fun and are interesting to be with and talk to. As long as they are not ugly or too fat their age is only a minor factor. Young guys who are stupid and or ugly will never understand this and think they have all the answers. They invent all these reasons why these girls are with these older guys and why these guys are so bad. Jealousy I think is a factor that distorts the mind and add to this their own low self worth and you see the results. Perhaps when they get old they will get smarter and start to understand that they don't know shit .... But some guy are just plain stupid and age can not change that, stupid for life ... Just saying smile.png

    Right on, brother!

  9. I don't give a shit what people think ... as long as they've read all I've posted about myself in copious detail.

    ... but here's a shot courtesy Peter Pan (1954)

    It's just that I am what I am

    And I'm me!
    When I look at myself
    And I see in myself
    All the wonderful things that I see
    If I'm pleased with myself, and
    I have ev'ry good reason to be.

    No problem. I do write in copious detail, but not for the reasons you are alluding to. I am a professional novelist. That's what I do all day long, write in copious detail. My favorite Thailand based fictional novelist is John Burdett who wrote Bangkok 8. In order to write about the underbelly of Bangkok and make it feel real to the reader, you need to go out in the world and live it to some extent. Sometimes novelist even create situations which leads to great stories.

    Boring people don't write great fictional novels. Nothing new/refreshing/exciting comes from always being good and following other peoples' proper life rules and regulations. I engage in TV forums because it can be so out there, off the wall bizarre, and I get to hear other opinions and points of view. I take notes and I'm sure I will use this in my writing someday. So correct - I don't give a shit, ie. I'm not attached to what people say about me. It's not an ego thing, it's all field research which my readers love. I recently spoke in front of 100 people, who applauded the honesty and details of my stories. I'm an artist who enjoys the fine nuances to detail - similar to what you do to find these wonderful quotes and witty comments. All of it comes from somewhere, research, living life, having people disagree, being labeled this or that - all juicy stuff for great fiction. And yes - Tat tvam asi - In Hindu - I am that I am - and I have every good reason to love myself.

  10. this topic is dying, so I will fess up.

    I am a man who loves women. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

    I am a man who loves sex. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

    I am a healthy man who enjoys sex with younger women. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged. Most happily guilty.

    The only gal I have had sex with under 20, was the gal who popped it when I was 20. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

    For HeavyDrinker. I had the loving wife for years, the farm with animals, the big garden, my dream come true in rural Alaska. Two wonderful children.

    Until she left me for another man who she felt would be a better lover. Took me by surprise. It happens to the best of men. And it did prompt me to learn how to be a better lover. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

    I studied and learned about what women want sexually; how to please any woman in bed. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

    Some think it's a crime for me to still want to be sexually active in my sixties. If this makes me a pervert - guilty as charged.

    If they think its a crime to love life and enjoy it to the fullest - guilty as charged. Yeah. I love life. I love women. I love sex. Yeah, I'm a dirty old man you can still get it up. Yahoo!!!!

    I don't give a shit what people think. I love my life. I love my freedom. I love to do as I please. And if the sour saps on TV don't like it, too f ing bad.

  11. “If men could see us as we really are, they would be a little amazed; but the cleverest, the acutest men are often under an illusion about women: they do not read them in a true light: they misapprehend them, both for good and evil: their good woman is a queer thing, half doll, half angel; their bad woman almost always a fiend.”
    Charlotte Brontë, Shirley

    ​The illusion or delusion: the good woman is always good, the bad woman always bad.

    The illusion or delusion: Young men are god's gift to women. Old men are not.

  12. I wasn't going to come back to this topic, but I have to laugh at the whole thing, and what people make up.

    I have always been very young at heart, at spirit and in body. Because of genetics and that I never had a stress-filled career, I have always

    looked 15 to 20 years younger than my age. When I was 63 and traveling around the US, the people I met couldn't believe I was older than 50. When I recently went back to where I came from, after gone three years, everyone was saying that I don't age - that I look so young. Honestly, if I said I was 55, nobody would believe I was that old. I believe staying young looking has everything to do with being happy and loving life, living it to the fullest.

    Those who were ranting about this dirty old man, wouldn't believe that I'm the one they were obsessing about, if they saw me.

    So every Thai gal I was with would ask how old I was. And I would have them guess. It was no surprise to me that ALL of them gave me the same answer an ordinary American would give me - the 45 to 50 year range. If I told them I was 65 they would never believe it - like I was lying. Because I was told the same thing all the time by ordinary people, I knew they weren't just saying I was younger to make me feel good and get a better tip.

    So the irony - THEY (the working gals) didn't think they were having sex with a dirty old man. They are very comfortable with a 45 year old man. Especially one who took them to dinner, got to know them and treated them with respect. And since my body works just as good in every way as your typical man half my age, there was absolutely no problem.

    It's all an illusion. And really not worth getting in a lather over.

  13. Thanks for all the replies, Pattaya is the one that seems to be suggesed the most albeit I have been told to avoid it like the plague, full of Russians, vagabonds and even the the girls from Isaan give it a wide berth, but nevertheless I will be going there on my return in a few weeks.

    No one has suggested Krabi ?

    Check my posting about Aonang - its in Krabi. Nice little town, even has a Starbucks and nightlife.

  14. I am sure we all understand this is Thailand, but there is nothing sadder or more pathetic than an old man trying to justify how virile, attractive and good looking he is to a girl 30 or 40 or even disgustingly 50 years his junior, ewwww tell me about all the ones you aren't paying for first because only a desperate man counts prostitutes in the numbers of girls he has slept with. I am sure your family is really proud of your exploits well done clap2.gif

    What planet did you just arrive from? From you avatar it looks like an evil empire where sex is a very very nasty thing.

  15. Original Post: I am looking at settling in Thailand, I have been to Patong, Hua Hin, Chang Mai, Chang Rai, Koh Samui and Isaan.

    Patong,ok but expensive for accommodation and not really Thailand, Hua Hin, didnt feel like Thailand, Chang Mai, liked the feel of the place but would a beach location, Kou Samui, too quiet and limited as it is an island. Isaan, mm no.

    I would like a quiet beach location with the option of having a walk about for a few beers and shops, accommodation with a proper kitchen where I could have internet and decent TV. I have been advised to stay clear of Pattaya although I will have to go for a look myself.

    OP - After making a couple of my own suggestions and reading others - please keep in mind that the word "Pattaya" is like a time bomb ready to go off on any TV posting - I keep thinking that you might consider Thong Sala on Koh Phangan. It has a wonderful open dining market in the center of town, and many beach front bars. You can find a great place to rent for under 10,000 baht a short scooter ride from town. If you want excitement you can go to the Half Moon or Full Moon parties, or half dozen other Moon parties. When the Full Moon Party isn't happening, Haad Rin is a spectacular beach.

    Downside is that you need to go to Kho Samui or Sarat Thani to fly out, but the ferry is right there a Thong Sala, and they go all the time. The internet can be a problem, but they keep saying they're working on it. Don't go there four days either side of the Full Moon festival, as most hotels will double their rate and require a five day booking. No problem if you plan a trip in low season not during Full Moon.

  16. . Beautiful place. I met the man who pretty much owns Aonang, and he won't let the Russians in.

    Does he have a patent on the "Russian Repellent Spray"? I would like a can or two.

    Funny. The elderly man owned something like 50 banks and sold them all to a bigger company in the early 80's, then bought up all the beachfront property in Aonang. Owns the Krabi Resort, a couple others and an island. He was mayor for seven straight terms before his brother took over, and now is special console to the governor of Krabi. They have recently put in wide sidewalks up and down the main street, hundreds of palm trees and flower planter boxes. He won't allow any rentals on the most beautiful beach - that is, no beach chairs, no jet ski's, no annoying venders, only long tail boats that will take you to some of the most scenic places on earth.

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  17. The best beach in Thailand...is Nha Trang, VIetnam...arguable most beautiful beach in the world...

    Although OP was asking about Thailand, I totally agree about Nha Trang. Incredible beach, a great theme park on an island, a cable car over the ocean away, amazingly wonderful beach facing restaurants. My hotel room suite overlooking the ocean was 2000baht a night, but anywhere in the world it would be 12,000baht a night. Great nightlife. We went on a day boat tour of the small islands. At one point four tour boats locked together in the middle of the ocean, formed a square pool in the middle, and a boat party began. Tons of fun! Vietnam is definitely worth checking out as a place to live.

  18. I have lived in Chiang Mai for three years, but come from Hawaii and missed the ocean, so I went looking down south. I spent a month in Lamai, Kho Samui checking it out. Not as bad as Pattaya and Patong, but there is a Russian invasion. I'm not anti-Russian, but too many of any one nationality clustered together changes the ambiance of living in Thailand. I spent a few weeks in Aonang. Beautiful place. I met the man who pretty much owns Aonang, and he won't let the Russians in. Many Swedish and Finland expats. The rents go down farther inland. I really like Koh Phangan. I need good internet reception, and it's pretty iffy there. Kho Tao is cool, especially if you like diving. Cha-am may be the best place to invest - it could be another Pattaya in 10/20 years, but right now its a bit boring for my taste. My best choice: Aonang.

    • Like 1
  19. All this talk about (oh my god!) farang men having sex with Thai women . . .

    BANGKOK, May 28, 2014 (AFP) - Thai police on Wednesday said they had charged five defrocked Buddhist abbots with sexually abusing eight boys at monasteries around the northern city of Chiang Mai.

    The abuse was discovered after police rescued one boy from the abuse ring last year, police said, adding all the children involved were under 15 years of age.

    "Four of the abbots volunteered to disrobe, but one denied the charges and was forcibly defrocked," Major General Prachuab Wongsuk, of the northern police region, told AFP.

    He said police found alcohol and pornography during a search of living quarters at five monasteries.

    Police believe the abbots were acting together and Prachuab predicted that more monks would be arrested soon.

    Those charged face a maximum of 20 years in jail if convicted.

    Monks in Thailand, where some 95 percent of the population are practising Buddhists, have been hit by a series of scandals, with local media reporting cases of drug-taking, drinking, gambling and visiting prostitutes.

    In September, authorities seized nearly $800,000 worth of assets, including a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, from a monk who was defrocked for a controversial trip in a private jet and who was also accused of fathering a child by an underage girl a decade earlier.

    What has that got to do with anything?

    Are you comparing yourself to pedophile monks in order to make your situation seem less bizarre?

    Seriously bad form.

    There are priests and rabbi's etc all over the world who also do these despicable things. ..and frankly its disgusting that you would use this is some kind of way to take the light off you. Should be ashamed.

    I'm not comparing myself to anyone, and I'm certainly not ashamed. This is absolutely what this whole 400 posts is about. People saying I'm right and you're wrong, I'm so good and you're so bad. This article came from Thai Visa news today - illustrating that we can all agree that anyone forcing sex on children is disgusting, as is have sex with farm animals - all the things we don't want to talk about. I'm sorry you don't like to be reminded of anything that happens outside your very small parameters of whats good and bad, right or wrong. But, whether you like it or not, there is nothing wrong with straight sex between . . . (drumroll)

    Two legal age consenting adults.

    It doesn't matter if its two men together, or two women, a man and a ladyboy, or an older man and a younger women. If you argue about two men sleeping together and go on about it being disgusting - that's called gay bashing. To me that is disgusting behavior in its own right. It's the same with grouping all Thai bar girls and bashing them. When you insist on your Senior Bashing I find that very offensive and out of line.

  20. All this talk about (oh my god!) farang men having sex with Thai women . . .

    BANGKOK, May 28, 2014 (AFP) - Thai police on Wednesday said they had charged five defrocked Buddhist abbots with sexually abusing eight boys at monasteries around the northern city of Chiang Mai.

    The abuse was discovered after police rescued one boy from the abuse ring last year, police said, adding all the children involved were under 15 years of age.

    "Four of the abbots volunteered to disrobe, but one denied the charges and was forcibly defrocked," Major General Prachuab Wongsuk, of the northern police region, told AFP.

    He said police found alcohol and pornography during a search of living quarters at five monasteries.

    Police believe the abbots were acting together and Prachuab predicted that more monks would be arrested soon.

    Those charged face a maximum of 20 years in jail if convicted.

    Monks in Thailand, where some 95 percent of the population are practising Buddhists, have been hit by a series of scandals, with local media reporting cases of drug-taking, drinking, gambling and visiting prostitutes.

    In September, authorities seized nearly $800,000 worth of assets, including a Porsche and a Mercedes-Benz, from a monk who was defrocked for a controversial trip in a private jet and who was also accused of fathering a child by an underage girl a decade earlier.

  21. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Grandpa should stay with grandma and take time visiting the grandkids or going to play bridge. Not whoring it up with kids his grandchildren's' age. The thought my grandfather not being celibate is completely revolting. Some pouchy, liver warted body with a penis looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme.

    I will assure you that when I reach your age, I will be happily married and not thinking about my need to ejaculate. I will be old and my time will have passed and I certainly wouldn't want to make a jackass of myself or disrespect my family to behave otherwise.

    What an ugly, mean spirited diatribe. Agism at its worst.

    What are you trying to achieve? Your grandparents must shudder when you turn up at the door.

    I can assure you that when you reach the original poster's age you will not be happily married and are

    unlikely to form any real relationship with an attitude that talks about "need to ejaculate".

    Do you really think any partner would like to be described as "Some pouchy, liver warted body looking for relief is only one step away from having to witness child porn. Disgusting filth to the extreme" when they

    went to cuddle up to you at night?.

    Get a life although with your attitude it would be a miserable one

    My grandparents lived normal lives, lived together and were happily married for 50 years. If Grandpa had decided to start chasing 20 year old prostitutes, we probably would have had him committed. Do you not see the perversity of the OP's actions?

    He is okay with his "tantric" release yet should another grandfather attempt the same sexual act with his own granddaughter, he would be the first to start screaming and call the police.

    Its because she's Thai and that somehow makes it alright? There are many young prostitutes in his own country; why the need to come all the way to Thailand for sex? And to be so delusional as to think they somehow enjoy it as they try to choke back their own bile during the "lovemaking"?

    Would you have wanted to have sex with a grandma when you were 20? And allowed her to teach you her "tantric" moves? For $60? So why should it be any different when the genders are reversed?

    You old men are what makes Thailand just the disgusting, depressing whorehouse it can seem at times. I find everywhere I go, its these old men like we're in a senior's home. And its always old men....with that look in their eye. The look that makes you bring your children closer to your side. It makes for a depressing, sad atmosphere being around old people so close to death. Does their family no longer want them? Is that why so many come here?

    My Grandpa was also happily married for 55 years to and until Grandma passed on. Or as we thought. He still lived on his own after that, even when he was already 80 Years Old, but we had to put a stop to this one day.

    That is after my Religious Aunt couldn't get a hold of him for a couple of days so she went over to his place to find him. When he did not answer the door she walked in to find him passed out on the living room floor with only his boxer shorts on, empty wine bottle scattered all over the place, and 3 half dressed prostitutes passed out next to him sleeping. So off to the Home he did go!

    He still had a lot of personal freedom and could come and go as he pleased. Just had to follow a few rules like no alcohol in the room, a curfew, and of course, shall we say, no guests who were not preapproved. Can't say Grandpa liked this too much but things worked out pretty well and okay for the rest of the family.

    That is until one summers day when my dad got a call from the Police Station. Turns out Old Grandpa was at it again. He got picked up at age 82 for sticking is hand up some teenagers skirt at a Bus Stop, and pinching her bum.

    Good Ole Grandpa! One that any Grandson would be proud of! But besides being a bit humorous there is a point to this true story I wanted you to hear, and it goes like this.

    "Don't be so sure you know what goes on in your Grandpa's Mind! You might end up being surprised like we were. Especially since he knows you would have him committed if he does not fit your norm."

    Oh Ya! Before I forget! I also have one more thing I wanted to share with you.

    A sexual act with ones Granddaughter is totally illegal and punishable by imprisonment. A sexual act with a Prostitute over the age of 18 years, in most countries, is not.

    Can you not see the difference here? As compared to what you said?

    Great story Goldbuggy.

    In February one of my very best friends passed on. I was one of 100 people who came from all over for his memorial service. I flew from Thailand to Hawaii. Jack loved women. He had an active sex life with women of all ages until he happily passed at 79. He was always wishing he would come visit me in Thailand and have fun with the girls. At the service everyone knew about Jacks sex life, and there was great laughter talking about it.

    In the twenty years were were friends, his biggest sadness was that his "born again" Christian son would have nothing to do with this sinful old man. The son had no idea that Jack's heart was always filled with love. Always sending love to the son, thought it was always rejected. Jack was a joy to everyone he met, huge jai dii. Women, even in their 20's, none of them prostitutes, were forever sexually attracted to this man, who by the way never had an ounce of fat on him. Finally, a couple years ago, his son decided to visit his aging father. He came with his wife and two elementary school age daughters. Guess what? The wife and girls totally fell in love with Jack. He wasn't any of the things the son had talked about, he was one of the kindest, gentlest, most loving men any of them had ever met. They didn't want to leave and they returned the next two years before he passed.

    What was so sad was the shame the Christian son felt for shunning his loving father for all those years, considering him a slimy dirty old man. Jack was a hero to hundreds of people, those who were able to spend time with him and be in the presence of his enormous love. Fortunately, in the end, he was the hero to his son, who held his hand as Jack passed away.

    • Like 1
  22. Generals yes.

    flight attendants. B__ls__t


    Hawaiian appoints new VP of inflight services

    Hawaiian Airlines has appointed Doreen “Dola” Lawrence to the position of vice president of inflight services, responsible for the delivery of onboard customer service and safety system-wide, as well as the management and administration of inflight operations and training for Hawaiian’s nearly 1,500 flight attendants.

    “Dola is a proven customer service leader with a track record of providing high-quality inflight service that will serve us well as we continually look for ways to improve our already industry-leading onboard service,” said Charles Nardello, Hawaiian’s senior vice president of operations.

    Lawrence brings 22 years of domestic and international airline management experience to Hawaiian in areas that include inflight service, catering, customer service, training, and sales. She has been serving as director of inflight and catering for Virgin America since March 2006. Before that, she served as director of inflight service for JetBlue Airways for five years. In addition, she has maintained her standing as a qualified flight attendant for the past 33 years.

    I know you want to argue about a non topic issue because you have lost the main argument so spectacularly but find someone else. I would not give you the specifics of anyones job. Heck I wouldn't give you the time of day.

    So if you think the main issue of this thread is the qualifications of a VP's of major airlines good for you. It's not.

    Then why post an anything. There is no argument to win or lose. The main argument of the post is that anyone can post anything and mostly there is no way to tell whether it is true or not.

    You might have gotten someone a job the only time an ailrline in aviataion history has hired someone VP Flight attendant without any experience and maybe not.Just like the chili ingredient, it's a secret..You like to live in a walled in castle. I have never really questioned why -- you might have plausible reasons. Another plausible reason might be that you are a paranoid nut case but that goes beyond decorum.

    ... and you give me the time of day every time you make a post right up top there. I would think you'd have more useful things to do.

    You're both very intelligent men. Too bad it got off to proving points - hard to do on TV.

    I just happy you weren't arguing that men over 60 are never allowed to have sex with women under 40. Especially with Thai women.

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  23. When a genuine Hi-So Thai wants a job at an American company what they tell them is:

    These are the members of my family who run your major customers;

    These are the members of my family who run your major suppliers; and

    These are the members of my famiy who run the water, power, and transport districts where your factories are located.

    Nonsense. If a Thai person whatever rank wants a job depending on job and/or location there will be an interview. Many jobs filled by high so and high ranking Thais are performed outside of Thailand. The last one I was personally involved with was the supervisor of stewards and stewardesses at a major airlines.

    Maybe you can get me a job counseling wounded and sexually retarded expats. Where do I sent my resume?

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