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Posts posted by RationalDiscussionPlease

  1. ..hang em high and/or cut his nuts off are very appropriate punishment IMO

    just one thing .. chemical castration ... and after some years in a nice cell block with rapists and murders ....

    Don't deport, jail his ass here. Diet of fish heads and sodomy for 50 years!

    Really? Castration, nuts cut off, 50 years of sodomy? For consensual sexual activity with a 13 year old girl? A bit over the top. She is not 7. big difference.

    What is wrong with our society? At 13 many girls look like women, it's quite late in pubescence, especially for girls. Curved hips, breasts, pubic hair, possibly been menstruating for a year or longer. This is what nature intended us men of all ages to be attracted to. The attraction is actually completely normal. Acting on it, well that is another story. But in many enlightened countries he would not have even committed a crime. There is a very good chance that no harm, mental or physical, came to this girl (at least not until the police discovered what they were doing anyway).

    The title should read "Man arrested for unlawful sexual acts with teen." There was no "attack" or "rape", he is not a pedophile because of it (actually impressed that word has not been used in a thread for once) and she is not a child. She is an adolescent and he may or may not be a hebephile.

    What about the rights of the "child"? She is not allowed to express love or affection with whom she wants? That's not fair to her. Personally I think these cases should be taken case by case. If there can be "damage" then the punishment should fit the crime. Pretty much every one of my ex-girlfriends have told me that they had early sexual encounters with adults and didn't think much of it.

    Not saying what he did was right, I know many of you are fathers out there with daughters her age, but lets reserve our hatred for those who actually deserve it, those who without a doubt cause harm.

  2. I dont understand what the problem is here and why there are so many vehement comments ,especially when most of the comments are coming from people who have more than like likely done the same thing here in The LOS.

    Why do they call it sexual assault when obviously it was consensual.Americans allow all kinds of perverts intp office,allow all kinds of perverted porn movies ans videos-,porn channel,the Land of the FREE,but then they indignantly go after a guy who succumbed to lust.BIG flippin deal.He didnt rape her and she was likely not a virgin so to me typical American slop.Theywant to ruin the guys life for a little sex,what about a little protection for men from these little sluts who although very young parade around in very"HOT" and sexy clothing,where are the parents.No way in hell I would chase this poor guy down.Here in Thailand-Cambodia-Phillipines-a 13 year old would be very experienced.So what makes Americas 13 year olds so speacial.This guy should have come here first for that kind of activitym,rather than later but the whole thing in America is nothing but Hypocrisy.

    Also I ahvent been able to post my questions on certain topics.Would someone please inform me how to have my question appear at the top of the page as is seen here,THANKS AND CHEERS.

    What makes you think a 13yr old girl in Thailand, Cambodia or Philippines would be "experienced" ??

    I think you better restrict your comments to anonymous posts, cause if you started talking like that in any bar I know you would be making headlines of your own...

    Maybe because a non-governmental survey revealed the AVERAGE age Thai's lose their virginity is 13, well below the world average of 17.

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