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takkatan in the land

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Posts posted by takkatan in the land

  1. Corruption is 'part of Thai mindset'

    yes it is, they are rotten to the core, but they didn´t get there by their own, they got some help, alien´s help
    I am not going to say that they do fair play between them, oh no, they use to cheat one to each other too
    But mostly the reason why thais are so corrupt is because they have always ingenuous tourists coming again and paying again, and people who is accepting their blackmails just to be able to do bussiness here.
    It´s actually some foreigner´s fault because they cheat foreigners and foreigners are back again, they spoil foreigner´s money with racist laws and foolist foreigners still wanting to do bussiness here, this certaintly can make them believe that any single foreigner got a full wallet and empty skull.
    • Like 1
  2. good point is the cocroach can not pass throught the sprout, possible.

    But after this it can be anything.

    Maybe this folk felt sleep in the cinema and the cockroach get inside the ice cream, possible because thais use to buy stuff and don´t eat it quickly.

    They use to carry for long time the ice cream or coffee or whatever they buy, before eat it.

    And we can´t forget there are cockroaches everywhere in the land.

    It would be credible If she should find the cockroach while eating the ice cream in the shop instead of coming back after hours to complain.

  3. "Thailand has been used by some international terrorist groups as a zone of operation, to raise funds or to plan attacks," said Rommel Banlaoi, an analyst on terrorism in South-East Asia.

    Surprised? Not at all... What are the root causes? Exactly the same and for the road accidents, the scams and other major problems that have been increasing in Thailand for the last decade:

    No standard + No control + No safety + No authority + No implementation or respect of laws and regulations + widespread corruption = Total laxism and anarchy!

    it does not mean that Thailand directly supports or funds Terrorism. Of course not. But indirectly because of laxism and corruption, the country has become a major playground for all kind of mafias and terrorists. Remember a few weeks ago, this story about fruits and veggies sold containing formalin? One seller was saying that is only concern was to increase profit!!! Somehow this is the same root cause. Here in Thailand, money can buy absolutely everything. There is absolutely no (more) moral and common sense. So, of course, it reaches a point where a total failed State leads to all kind of abuses and extremes; from road fatalities (Thailand rank 2nd in the World), food full of pesticides and chemicals (No law, no control), widespread tourist scams and the latest, Terrorism activities.

    Actually I am very surprised that a major terrorist attack has not happened yet in Thailand. This country is such a failed State managed by a bunch of clowns.

    Most probably just a matter of time...

    We want to say "WAKE UP THAILAND", but after saying this for 10 years, there is no more hope.

    yes I am agree in every single word,

    and nothing it´s gonna change because they are too proud and too mulish to accept what they do wrong

    There is absolutely no hope, the country will still being a scam and cheating area forever

  4. If you take away

    1. SEX Tourism

    2. Drink and Drug lovers

    3. "Medical" Tourism

    4. Ex-Army/Navy Retirees

    5. Gap Year Students

    6. No spend Back Packers

    7. "Student" Visa people.

    8. Visa Run people (Workers showing as Tourists)

    9. On the Run villians.

    10. Ferrang scammers

    How many ACTUAL tourist would there be?

    Can you add any more

    Also you could add burmese, cambodia, lao, etc. Because they are allowed to work legally without visa and for long term.

    Otherwise I have to tell in my opinion, sex or medical tourists still being more genuine tourists than these ones who are working and doing visa run.

  5. Thai government should actually do something about this culture of taking foreigners passport to rent a $500 motorbike its ridiculous. But we all know nothing will be done. In the 20 years of going to Thailand and renting MB's I have never lost my passport its best to sus out the person ask them if it will be locked up etc its all you can do. I wouldn't give anything to those cu*** on beach road try other smaller places preferably if your guest house rents them out its better than someone on the street.

    I've rented motos dozens of time in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui, and Tao, and never once gave them my passport. Most didnt request it and if they did i said no. If they want a copy fine but never my passport.

    try to rent a car

  6. many people is worrying now and wondering why two possible terrorists can be able to get in a plane with stolen passports

    I just want to remain to everybody that the terrorists don´t need stolen passports to crash an airplane.

    There are many young, blind, brainwashed, fanatic with clean delictive record, who are very proud for doing it and contribute this way to their cause.

    There is no way to stop this kind of fanatism.

    Otherwise I am not going to say that we must do nothing. We have to try it by other possible ways, more control it´s the only way.

  7. "Hundreds of passports are lost or stolen on Phuket each year, raising fears they could fall into the hands of criminal or terrorist networks."

    Thousands of passports are lost or stolen all over the world each year.

    Why single out Phuket?

    Where there is concentration of tourists, crime and thieving is very common.

    Stop, bashing Pucket.

    there is nothing wrong with phuket, is a wonderfull place phuket like many other places in thailand

    the problem is some of the peoples who live in phuket, not only in phuket of course

    in the whole thailand there are lots of cheaters and gangs trying to make money from ilegal activities

    Not only in thailand, this happen in the everywhere, you can say

    yes, you are agree

    but anywhere else in the world almost every single cop is corrupt as well

  8. What a depressingly negative thread, for the most part. If you guys don't like it here why stay?

    maybe you did not understand why we complain.

    If you choose a place to live it´s because you like in there, then consequently you worry about it and you try that place become better every day. That´s the reasonable way to act and sign of evolution.

    But if contrarily you don´t care at all, you just don´t move any finger to try to change it, because it is nothing to do with you.

  9. Being able to own and control 49% of the business you 100% invested in doesn't sound like much of an investment haven to me. Evidence suggests that being a maid or a gardener can be rather lucrative if you have the right boss.

    not only that,

    companies shall become very competitive and shall take advantge of having to employ 4 high skilled, motivated, talented, commited and business oriented and english speaking thai workers for each 1 foreigner worker.

    don´t panic 100% success

    • Like 1
  10. Inside every single thai there is a potential sicko, it will depends of the karma to become a killer or not.

    When they get mad they go blind, they lose the control and they can commit the worse crimes.

    We are reading everyday about supposed normal people who became dreadful murderers.

    Then everyone can choose his prefered version to explain or try understand their behavior and later blame to a certain kind of music, or the alcohol, or the jeaulosy or whatever you want.

    But the reality is that they need very little to lose their minds and show their more savage face.

  11. I would liked to meet this good samaritan the day I forgot a noodles box in the back seat of the taxi wich brought me from big c to my room.

    Usually they try to cheat, first trying to avoid use the metter and then wanting to go allways by highways even if it is not necesary.

    I have found more cheaters than good ones, that´s my reallity, everyone can know his experiences.

    • Like 1
  12. what can be expected from a society that mainly consumes and accepts bullsh^t nonsense tv shows where it's shown as something very funny when a bald singer man got shoot while is singing, falling down and dying. Then like a miracle the guy stands up and sings again and makes fun again, and the show go on. As more shoots more people laugh, more people likes.

    They trivialize Death and they find it very funny. They have very little respect for the human life.

    Have you seen the sicko's face? is just a kid that looks very scare when is surrounded by police, not when he was alone against his unprotected victims.

    A few public executions by the authorities would probably persuade future murderers.

    Would be convenient not only in Thailand unfortunately.

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