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Posts posted by trevor4

  1. This is the spokesman of the defence ministry.

    Not the army.

    Yingluck is his boss!

    Armed Forces now calls for national unity before it is too late

    IMHO This sentence sums up ALL that is wrong with Thailand!

    How can you call for "national unity"? People have different opinions and ideas. Even if they were not bought and sold, as they are in Thailand...how can anyone say "be unified...or be punished"!

    ...and the Army, most of all!


    Refer to the above post and the OP. wink.png


  2. 1) The good minister is full of crap.

    2) Thailand should never have lost its status as leading rice exporter in the first place. But hey, thanks to Thaksin, the idiot PTP and their rice corruption schemes.

    At least their cronies got rich(er).

    You obviously don't recall the Democrat's attempt at forming a rice price guarantee scheme.

    None of the Democrats ever had to feebly proclaim:

    Thailand to reclaim world's leading rice exporter role next year

    The loss of the title, World's Leading Rice Exporter, occurred under the Yingluck/Thaksin administration.

    And now, yet another title loss for Thailand under the Yingluck/Thaksin administration

    Cambodian Jasmine rice wins world's best


    Congratulations, PM Poo. ermm.gif

  3. Haha... The shame of it. They obviously don't want their meeting sullied by this disgraced rabble who just embarrass themselves, their voters and their nation on an almost daily basis.

    Also it would fly in the face of their theme..... "Change Minds and Change Me, to Be Excellent".

    That would be undermined the moment anyone from this government stepped into the room.

    Yes, a major snub to be added to all the 'no confidence' vibes coming out of other major institutions here, such as University Committees who opposed to Amnesty Bill.

    "shame"..."disgraced"... "snub".. .

    all very accurate descriptions...

    and because of that, good basis for Yingluck to sue the Chamber of Commerce for defamation by not inviting her.

    The ShinCorp battalion of lawyers is no doubt preparing the papers now.

  4. Either I am missing a few screws up top or seriously does this woman even understand what she is saying? Nothing to do with the government but the MP's in total voted for it. Who the hell is the government if it is not the MP's and the PM. I guess she is a hireling of Yingluck so the pretty but lacking in the brain department is understandable. It certainly shows that Thailands issues are not just corruption but incompetence and no accountability.

    No this woman is a Thaskin floosy, she wrote a couple of book about Thaksin while she was AWOL from the army. She has no qualifications for this position, but like to moan about the Dems.

    It interesting to note she is also making this complaint at the end of her statement..........

    "The deputy government spokesperson also asked the Democrats to stop creating misunderstanding among the troops by spreading rumour that the Department of Special Investigation plan to take legal actions troops responsible for the crackdown of red-shirt protesters in May 2010."

    attachicon.gifSunisa Lertpakawat.jpg


    hahaha... hadn't read this post before replying myself.

    Anyway, just another example of someone sleeping with someone to get ahead and another example of unqualified people serving on the taxpayer's payroll. Something she shares with her boss, Yingluck.

  5. Either I am missing a few screws up top or seriously does this woman even understand what she is saying? Nothing to do with the government but the MP's in total voted for it. Who the hell is the government if it is not the MP's and the PM. I guess she is a hireling of Yingluck so the pretty but lacking in the brain department is understandable. It certainly shows that Thailands issues are not just corruption but incompetence and no accountability.

    Her qualifications are that she is Thaksin's biographer (and rumored gik). A former Army LT that was discharged for being AWOL, while meeting with Thaksin in London.


  6. 1) The good minister is full of crap.

    2) Thailand should never have lost its status as leading rice exporter in the first place. But hey, thanks to Thaksin, the idiot PTP and their rice corruption schemes.

    At least their cronies got rich(er).

    You obviously don't recall the Democrat's attempt at forming a rice price guarantee scheme.

    None of the Democrats ever had to feebly proclaim:

    Thailand to reclaim world's leading rice exporter role next year

    The loss of the title, World's Leading Rice Exporter, occurred under the Yingluck/Thaksin administration.

  7. 5 extradited in plot to import North Korean meth

    Washington Post - ‎1 hour ago‎

    Five men have been charged with conspiracy to import 100 kilograms of nearly pure North Korean-produced methamphetamine into the United States, and federal officials said the case illustrates the emergence of North Korea as a player in the global drug trade.

    The men were part of a sprawling international drug trafficking ring led by a former American soldier, Joseph Manuel Hunter, who has separately been charged with conspiring to murder a Drug Enforcement Administration agent and with importing cocaine into the United States, federal officials said.



  8. Well are they international drug dealers, international hitmen, both, or

    They are both.

    Additionally, here's an interesting, previously unreported, wrinkle to the story regarding the source, quantity, and purity of the drugs they were trafficking...

    Asian drug gang busted in alleged plot to smuggle North Korean meth into US

    NBC News - 6 hours ago

    Federal authorities have arrested and extradited five members of an alleged Asian drug ring in Thailand and charged them with conspiring to smuggled 100 kilos of North Korean methamphetamine into the U.S. The bust was connected to the arrest in September of a former U.S. Army sharpshooter, a federal law enforcement source told NBC News.

    The five defendants, who hail from the U.K., China, the Philippines and Thailand, were arrested in Thailand in September, arrived in New York Tuesday night and were scheduled to appear in a Manhattan courtroom Wednesday.

    For fair use, it continues:


  9. The red cheerleaders here don't seem to understand that in a corrupt country like Thailand checks and balances are vital. The Government has done all they can to remove them and put cronies in important places so they can control it all. If they can control the senate too there is no end to the corruption and theft of the countries money. A impartial senate will also check future governments. Its important that the checks and balances are restored in all of the bodies to undo what the reds have done. This is the only way to ensure a fair and as less corrupt a Thailand as possible.

    From this I am to believe that there was no corruption before 2000..


    That's quite the gymnastic twist of common sense and reading comprehension. huh.png

    He's saying that corruption proliferates and increases when proper checks and balances are not maintained, such as when Thaksin was a despotic leader with his control of the tainted, non-independent Senate.

  10. This fellow was probably just mentally unbalanced. If the reds wanted to disrupt the anti-PT protest, they could just dust off the RPGs that were used against Bangkok, the BTS and other 'anti-redshirt' targets back in 2010, against PAD in 2008.

    In addition to the red shirt bombers and RPG users during those years, they also utilized, as posted, the mentally ill, who they promptly abandoned once imprisoned.

    How did they utilise these mentally ill people

    Or do you think it more likely that these mentally ill people may have been living on the street and caught up in the curfews?

    They were actively recruited and used by the red shirts to do just the sort of provocative and violent behavior this latest one did.

    As the study of them reflects, they, and the others recruited, like the unemployed and homeless, were abandoned once they landed in jail. And in jail they stayed, unlike the red shirt leaders who presented millions of baht in cash for their own bail.

  11. Thai court rules against charter amendments

    BANGKOK Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:25am GMT

    (Reuters) - Thailand's Constitutional Court ruled on Wednesday that government efforts to amend the constitution were illegal, but stopped short of dissolving the ruling Puea Thai Party and its coalition lawmakers who supported the amendments.


  12. Thai court rejects government's bid to amend constitution in new blow to ruling party

    Associated Press
    Nov. 20, 2013

    Thailand's beleaguered government, plagued by street protests over an ill-advised attempt to help ousted former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, faces a fresh challenge as Thailand's top court has rejected the ruling party's attempt to amend the constitution, dealing a political defeat to the government.

    But, the constitutional Court's Wednesday ruling turned down a request from the government's opponents to dissolve the ruling party. The ruling follows another political setback to Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra's government


  13. Somehow this does not strike me as sounding like a peaceful mobilization on the streets and certainly not what tourists will want to be greeted by in the fast approaching "high season". Just sounds like trouble.

    Unless those tourists wander into the Rajamangala Stadium there's not much chance of them coming across red shirts


    November 20, 2013 1:13 pm

    The pro-government red shirts rallied outside the Democrat Party head office at noon Wednesday. They blew sports air horns outside the party in a protest.


  14. Sorry to the "academic" who forgot to teach his students it's wrong to illegally change what's written on legal documents:

    November 20, 2013 1:59 pm

    The Constitutional Court ruled that the process to amend the charter on senators' elections and qualifications had violated Article 291.

    While the court was still reading its verdict, the early verdict stated that the draft submitted to the Parliamentary meeting was not the same as submitted by Udomdej Ratanasatien.

    As a result, the court said the process was illegal.


  15. Wow, they must be really worried at PT if they start rolling out the house trained academics.

    Can imagine the profs side of the phone call.

    "You want me to say what? Ok, how much do I get? No problem"

    Lifelong-politician-but-now-"Professor" Ukrit and a benefactor meet


    Somebody break the news to Thaksin's chum:

    November 20, 2013 1:54 pm

    The Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday that it has authority to review the petitions against charter amendments on senatorial elections and senators' qualification.


  16. The DSI chief expressed appreciation to Mr Karom for the “anti-whistle” support and said Mr Karom’s petition would strengthen legal action against the former Democrat MP to life sentence or capital punishment.

    I wonder if the same charges and punishment shall apply to red shirt leaders and their financial backers for the 2010 riots and insurrection? whistling.gif

    Thank God we have a competent Government now who can bring the financiers to justice. The Dems blocked a few accounts and then forgot about it, probably as it came a little close to home.

    Now we have a Govt who can get the police to carry out their duties and they are criticized for it. priceless.

    Are you suggesting the Democrats were funding the red shirts?


    Give him an hour or so to sort that one out.

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