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  1. As a painting contractor in the US for 40+ years I would recommend the following: try to clean off any markings with lacquer thinner; sand said areas as necessary to present a smooth appearance; spot prime/seal all such areas after cleaning with TSP (or equivalent). Primer should be oil or lacquer based; of course any cracks and damaged areas should be taped and patched as necessary, and sanded for smooth appearance. Then apply one full cost of a latex based primer, tinted towards final color choice if possible. Finally, apply good quality finish coat(s) of latex paint as needed to present an even appearance. Oil based paint can be applied if so desired but I prefer water based to avoid strong odors. This process may be a bit of overkill, so some steps may be unnecessary. Choose one bad area and experiment. Then proceed as time permits. Be sure coatings are fully dry before continuing. Good luck!
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