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Posts posted by dzodun

  1. The whole push for a vaccine has a twofold purpose: 1). BIG money for the developer; 2). Control of populations, with required certificates for travel, schooling, etc. The history of vaccines is fraught with failures and disastrous side effects over the long term, even the short term. Introducing pathogenic virus particles from species alien to the human genetic biometric makeup, along with mercury as an adjuvant, will endanger humankind worldwide to unknown epigenetic distortions. That vaccine developers know this is testimony to their utter disregard for humanity. It's all about the money and control.

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  2. I booked a return ticket on Korean Air back in mid Feb. I flew from Bkk on May 1 st to the States. My return flight is scheduled for July 11th. On June 3rd KA notified me that their flight from Dulles to Seoul, and then on to Bkk, was still scheduled. They have tweaked the hours a little, a change they asked me to agree to. No problem on that. KA made no mention of any requirements related to

    Covit-19. They are either being very optimistic or they know something we don't. 


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  3. In reference to my earlier post, just last week out of the blue both my travel agency and Korean Air sent me emails saying that they had changed my flight on May 1st from 9:35 PM to 11:30 PM. They asked me if I agreed to the change or not. If I didn't agree they had various options available. I agreed to the new flight time. I expect both Korean Air and One Travel know what is going on. 

  4. The reason I came in July on a volunteer non-O visa was to carry out the duties of the director of an orphanage foundation whose farang director was deathly ill and being treated at a VA hospital in the U.S. He has since passed away but the foundation still exists to fulfill certain outreach services it has performed over the years, though we currently do not have any orphans. An English speaker with some knowledge of the foundation and it's mission is needed. I have visited and supported the orphanage for nearly five years so I am familiar with the situation. I also have the necessary educational background and training to qualify as its temporary director while the future is being sorted out. After three months a volunteer visa may be continued up to one year with a work permit, but that can be difficult to obtain, especially when the board of directors is spread about and the new director is still in America.
    It is true that I do not have a Thai wife nor the income to qualify for a retirement visa, so I must try other ways to fulfill this need until the orphanage future is decided and put back on track. It does seem that the local Immigration Officers seem to know little about the volunteer non-O visa, and talk of certain income requirements, that are not in the law as far as I can ascertain. Any insights or advice would be much appreciated.
    Thank you.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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  5. Yes, you can. After that it might start to be hard for you to get any more exempt entries or tourist visas to Thailand this years, though.
    So if I want to stay in Thailand for another four or five months, would it be better to go to Savannakhet and apply for a 2 month tourist visa, which would carry me over to next year, then do another visa exempt, followed by a 30 day extension for 1900 baht at Immigration. That would give me 4 months, taking me to early March of 2020?
    Thanks for your help. ( I am from the U.S.).

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  6. If you do not have a lot of visits to Thailand this year, then you would be able to enter on visa expemt 30 day with no problem. Just see to that you can show 20k baht and have a ticket out within 30 days that can be rebooked after your extension.

    Yes you can extend for another 30 days at an Immigration office for 1900 baht 
    I came to Thailand in mid July on a three month non O volunteer visa. After not getting a work permit I could not extend it, so I did a border trip for a 30 day visa exempt. Am I now able to go to Immigration to extend for another 30 days for 1900 Baht?

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  7. In this whole sequence I did not see one reference to the fact that muriatic acid is

    commonly used to etch old concrete before painting. You will find instructions on any can of paint that can be applied to concrete to first "etch" the surface with a mild solution of muriatic acid before painting. This is because the surface of bare concrete constantly "hydrates" over time. As it absorbs water the surface is gradually decomposing. This decomposition must be removed so the new paint will have a solid substrate to bind to. Frequently an older, generally exterior, surface must first have algae and mildew removed with a bleach solution as mentioned above before "etching". After each step the surface should be neutralized with copious amounts of water. Before painting the substrate should be allowed to dry thoroughly.

  8. Yes, you could have applied for a 30 day tourist visa extension, costs 1900THB. Probably he was confused because of your other questions.
    You have to complete this form (you can also get this at the immigration office): http://bangkok.immigration.go.th/download/form_tm7.pdf
    So now, even though I am not on a tourist visa, I could have applied for a tourist visa extension? As I mentioned earlier, I am currently on a non o for 90 days. I got it based on a stamped
    copy of the foundation certificate, along with an invite letter from the director. They also asked to see my updated bank passbook. Twenty thousand was a good enough number.
    Could I possibly go back to immigration, explain to him that I got him confused, and ask for a tourist visa extension. It would save considerable time and expense driving to Chong Chom and back.
    Thanks again.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  9. You will not be able to get an extension at a border crossing. If you qualify for a 30 day visa exempt entry that is all you could get.
    You would have to go to a embassy or consulate to get a new non-o visa to get more time.
    Requirements for an extension for volunteer work is here: https://www.immigration.go.th/content/service_21 
    The requirement for a work permit is up in the air at this since some work permit offices are saying it is not required for volunteer work under the new rules.
    So could the officer I saw today have given me an extension? He did not seem interested in what I am trying to do at all. I had a Thai lady with me on the board of directors but he paid her no attention. If I had already applied for a work permit, would he have done differently?

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  10. It is possible to get a non immigrant O (non-o) visa for working with a charity. The is a non-r visa to perform missionary or other religious activities. Both would require supporting documents from the organization you would be working with.
    After getting the visa it would then be possible to get a one year extensions (90 days in some cases for volunteer work) stay. After you have your extension your family members could get extensions equal to the length of your extensions. They would first need to get non-o visas to apply for the extensions.
    I volunteer for a Christian foundation (orphanage). So on this trip to Thailand I came in on a 60 day tourist visa. Then I went to Savannakhet to switch to a non o so I could then apply for a volunteer visa. I know about the need for a work permit, which I do not yet have, because the foundation is currently updating it's personal on their board, etc. They are trying to make me assistant director and get me in the yellow book. So today I went to Immigration to ask for an extension. The officer did not seem to know about a volunteer visa; he went through the money requirements for marriage and retirement visas. Otherwise he tells me to go to Cambodia for an "extension". My visa runs out on the 31st. In order to continue in my quest for a "volunteer" visa, what should I apply for when I go tomorrow to Chong Chom?
    Where can I find a difinitive Thai government discussion of "volunteer" visas.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

  11. I am trying to get a non o visa as a volunteer. Immigration says a work permit is required. The labor ministry, in addition to other normal requirements, such as work history, etc., insists that the orphanage foundation I plan to work for pays me. The main point of their needing a "volunteer" is they cannot afford to pay anyone for the many duties I would have. Donations are down this year and the acting director is off in America seeking medical help, so there is a real need for someone to carry out some duties in his stead. The labor ministry also assures me I must pay income taxes. Even if I am paid a nominal amount, it will not exceed my deduction amount of 190,000 baht, as I am long since past 65. My current non o expires at the end of December but the immigration officer says he will give me a 30 day extention until my application is processed.

         Any comments? Anyone else have experience having a volunteer non o?

  12. So I received my non O/A multiple entry visa last September 30th in Savannakhet. I have made three entries since then and plan a fourth before my last re entry date this month. Should I be expecting to receive a new 90 day extension or an automatic second year on my Non O/A, and what should be expecting to pay? Do I need all the paperwork again or simply exit and re enter at any border crossing? Thank you in advance.

  13. Has anyone made a border run to the Chong Jom/O Smach crossing in the last few days? I heard that recently

    Thai soldiers shot at four Cambodians who strayed across the border near there and killed one woman. Have

    there been any repercussions by Cambodian authorities at the border there that might affect any aspects of entry/

    exit procedures? Thanks

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