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Posts posted by islanddreamer

  1. I'm moving to Thailand in two weeks with my two children, who will be going to school there. My husband will only be visiting on a Tourist Visa (working elsewhere). I can get a Non-immigrant O visa as the (non-working) guardian of my children, who will have student visas.

    I have now been advised by the school that I have to open a Thai bank account and deposit 800,000 baht which needs to be there for at least three months in order to get my visa extension! The Thai Consulate here never mentioned that, and I grilled them pretty thoroughly about requirements.

    This scuppers everything - I certainly can't get my hands on that kind of money....

    Anybody had this experience or have any info? Thanks for any comments!

  2. Pedro, my two-year-old has a communication delay (not sure why just yet) and so I've been reading up about it. I'm going to start him on Omega 3 fatty oil supplements as I've heard they can have pretty dramatic results in some kids. And they are not medication, just vitamin supplements.

    Secondly I'm going to teach him sign language as that seems to help with communication. I'm getting the DVDs from www.signingtimes.com. That may not be suitable for your son as he can communicate but doesn't really want to. But being able to sign certainly helps with language development.

    Finally it sounds to be a very mild form of autism if he interacts well with you and the rest of your family. And loads of people have mild autism that never get diagnosed - and yet go on to lead perfectly normal lives.

  3. Wondered if I should post this in the Ladies in Thailand section. I'm moving to Banchang in July with two little kids and was wondering if you all could give me some pointers on things to do, places to go.

    Any Thai language classes in that area? Yoga? Expat Mum hangouts? Great places to buy fruit? Supermarket in Banchang so I don't have to trek down to Tesco Lotus?

    Any info appreciated!!

  4. I've had great fun reading the posts in this thread and felt I had to put my nine eggs in and tell Sir Burr that the Willard Price books were a huge part of my childhood - recently I discovered one that I had never read - 'Arctic Adventure' - and I'm trying to decide whether to read it and possibly tarnish my beautiful memories of those books....

    Actually, I took a lot of 'Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' to heart, especially the part about Circles of Concern - if it's not within your Circle of Concern, i.e. if you can't do anything about it, then why worry about it.

  5. We're considering a move to Samui and have been in touch with the headmaster of the International Academy for our two boys. I've been trying to find out more about the school without much success. There have been mixed reports on various forums that I've been researching. It appears to have once been called the Bencaja Education Centre and has only recently renamed itself. If anyone has any more info on the school I'd appreciate it!

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