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Posts posted by Varangkul

  1. The full report stated that the rider was not wearing a helmet nor did he have passenger. The rider paid insufficient attention to the vehicle in front. No matter what you say about vehicles suddenly stopping, big buses in small roads; if you are the back "marker" it is your responsibility to keep clear, giving yourself sufficient room to stop - or avoid contact with the vehicle in front.

  2. "in Penang I saw the results of a lightning strike that killed a car driver because the badly constructed lightning protection for a high rise building fell on the car and completely buried it. "

    and ....

    "NB you are much safer in a car during a thunderstorm because the rubber tyres insulate it from the road."

    Faraday's law is no protector!

  3. Video on TV show the truck actually driving into the barrier, which was in a "down" position, before striking the train/carriages. The truck did not drive around the barrier, the train was almost clear of the crossing, just two carriages to go. Summise all you like, but get the facts straight.

  4. I do not condone physical punishment that ends the life of a squaddie. However! When under military training you do not argue, nor contradict your superiors. Today's youth seem to think that they know it all, and cannot understand the need for discipline, primarily because they've never received any from their own family. The discipline that is attempted to be induced into these new recruits may very well save their, and their compatriots, lives in times to come, both in and out of service life.

    We do not know the full details of this sad occurrence, and probably never will; too much force applied against a stroppy youngster; the youngster pushing his luck beyond his own capabilities; senior persons getting more and more frustrated over his attitude; and the inevitable outcome of an unnecessary and brutal beating being given.

    Certainly those responsible must take the blame; after all, they too, were disciplined members of the armed forces and should have known better and had more control over their reactions. Criticise the army - the armed forces - all your will, for their training methods but take a look at the places where those recruits may well finish up in, relying upon their compatriots for their own safety. Rant over!

  5. I had five young students approach me in the market place, asking if they could practice their English skills. I was delighted to help. They all brought out note books in which were written standard English phrases, such as, "what is your name?" "Do you like Thailand?" "Do you like Tai food?" You can imagine the others, I guess. I replied to each question, then noticed that each was carrying either a mobile phone or mini-recorder, on which my answers were being recorded. I stopped the "game" and started to ask them simple questions - none of them could answer! I was later told that my recorded answers would be taken back to their classrooms for the "English" teacher to translate for them!

  6. So you pass on the inside?

    Sounds like 2 wrongs making another wrong.

    One of the more dangerous things for me here is that, because I do not ride in the gutter, I am buzzed and passed on the inside.

    Jacko45k. How long have you lived and driven in Thailand? There is no lane discipline here, they use all three lanes - at their discretion! They also drive on the wrong-right side of the road - at their discretion, and dont use lights, if they dont want to!

  7. Goodness me. Petition to lengthen the 30 day stamp on entry to 31 days then. When asked why you want this explain to them "everyday counts and I simply won't make it to the border in 30 days"!!!

    then don't wait until the last day, pretty simple

    For people not on long term visas, everyday counts

    The sad thing is it will be these types of excuses the police will hear all the time.

    It ain't hard. We are adults. I can understand a small child not being able to do it, but we are adults.

    Jamie, Are you sure "we are all adults"? Most of the comments I've been reading can only come from a teenager - fresh from his mummy's Apron strings!

  8. another 1 of those big trucks that just APPEAR in front of you in the darkness...... i find my headlights pick them out quite easily, even at non sensible speeds. thais seem to have problems seeing things in the dark.

    Thais not only have problems seeing in the dark.

    They have far more serious problem with depth perception.

    Depth perception

    depth perceiving ability: the ability to perceive objects and their spatial relationship in three dimensions

    Microsoft® Encarta® 2006. © 1993-2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    ​In my last job in the Middle East all new hires had to take the company drivers test to be issued the company driver license to drive company vehicles. Thai new hires with Thai driver license sixty (60) percent FAILED the Depth perception test.

    New hires from the Philippines didn't have that problem, consequently we had 120 Thais vs 1500 Philippines employees.

    I just bought a new car and on the third day a stupid Thai woman hit the back of my new car while it was standing still in mid-day traffic on Pattaya Beach Road 3. Problem, no depth perception for which she MUST wear spectacles (glasses) but glasses do not make you look beautiful so 99% of Thai woman but their glasses while driving in their handbag. So now I'm sitting here 30km out of town without a car which is in the body shop to get the damage repaired.

    In the Real world if you have to wear glasses for depth perception correction it shows on your driver license MUST WEAR GLASSES and in addition the photo on the driver license shows you wearing glasses, NOT SO IN LOS. So in LOS they wear their glasses to past the Depth perception test and then put them back in their handbag. SO THEY LOOK BEAUTIFUL.

    LOL in LOS

    When I applied for my Thai driving licence, I was told to remove my glasses for the photograph! I once had a Thai driving companion who admitted that he could not see over 30 feet in front of him in the dark!

  9. None of his business.

    It's precisely his business. He's head of the US army in Europe.

    And what has that got to do with the price of cheese? He is not the head of the European army, nor the British Army, no even the Nato forces. He is a US Army officer with no authority to talk politics - either of his own country nor any of other democratic country.
    He's not talking politics.

    But the Argument on Britex is very much politics Craig. Ask the British House of Parliament

  10. Well, there are some pretty dumb comments on here today. I put it down to poor education and reading the crummy red top newspapers

    As Churchill once famously said, the best argument against democracy is a 5 min conversation with an average voter!

    Frankly it was a pity we agreed to universal suffrage.

    But, back to the point

    Firstly, all informed people agree that the best solution is to stay and reform the EU from within. I can't be bothered to give all the reasons but I will if pushed. Prepare to be seriously bored.

    I'm sure our American cousins would like us to do substantially more to assist with the heavy lifting within NATO. Right now we could not do the Falklands or the first Gulf war.

    Relying on massive economic muscle is a key benefit of the EU both to stare down that nice Mr Putin and to counter balance the occasional OTT action from across the Atlantic

    Right now the UK occupies a particular sweet spot. Crazy to upset this finely balanced apple cart at a time like this. If the USA starts to implode we might be grateful for a few friends and partners

    Now, off you go and read some comics before bed time.....

    OK, So from one of those poorly educated average voters, can I push you to inform us WHY we would be better off in the EU.

    General Grouse thinks that Britain can help reform the EU from within. Something that has not been achieved in the last 40 years (apart from some refunds that Margaret Thatcher was able to negotiate.)

    It is the dumbest argument of all the many dumb propositions that would tie us to this elite in Brussels that we could hope to persuade 27 different countries that our particular view of reform would somehow be magically accepted by all our brothers and sisters over the water.

    Totally agree with Blazes. Whilst a member of EU, Britain has had an uphill struggle to gain any foothold and is always fighting 27-1 in any discussion - about anything. The only reason the "others" in the EU want Britain to remain "IN" is for its financial strength - the second largest contributor to the EU; its military strength - no one else wants the expense - and its association with the USA and the rest of the British Commonwealth. One other point - people Are getting mixed up with Britain in Europe and Britain in the European Union. Britex will still leave Britain in Europe - and a member of NATO, but outside the grasp of the greedy EU!

  11. CNXBKKMAN - so, if I wear an orange or (God forbid) scarlet frock, name my business, home, car or dog with an English language abbreviation which, somewhere on the planet, may possibly suggest police, army, etc, etc, I should accept running the risk of being subjected to all kinds of immigration et all hassle?? Even after being here perfectly legally for 10 years?

    I dread to think how many wars across the millennia all over this darn great rock floating in space have been started by a ' cultural faux pas'

    About time I cranked up option 2 - Kompat here I come!

    Oh, come on. You've lived here for ten years - and learnt nothing about Thai culture? There are certain - many - colours in Thailand that it is wise to consider when and where to wear them, for fear of hurting someone's feelings. Red and yellow have political connotations, purple has religious connotations, and so it goes on. No matter how "legal" you may have been for ten years, it doesn't show on the colour of your shirt - or dress!

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