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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. So Thaksin’s son is too effete to take on the mantle. He should prepare a room for Paethongtarn in his Dubai mansion I know case she ever has to leave the country in a hurry.
  2. You forget that every police precinct in Bangkok has an alien registration officer, whose sole responsibility is to issue alien books and endorse them for the diminishing ranks of mainly elderly Chinese holders. A lot of plum police jobs would be lost. Actually the issuing of residents books to be stamped in and out by airport immigration is also completely pointless with the advent of electronic gates. Getting rid of those would mean the redundancy of the entire desk of Pol Snr Sgt Majs that do nothing but issue books at CW. The police would fight tooth and nail to protect all these pointless jobs and would argue that replacing the two books with instantly readable smart cards would be a grave threat to national security. But seriously a smart card marked ‘Permanent Resident’ and without the warning on the back saying the holder needs permission to leave his district would make sense for government snd PRs alike. The redundant police could be mobilized to fight crime or lead big cleaning days.
  3. I seem to remember getting a letter to take to the Labour Ministry to verify my WP was real as well as letters to the district office and CW. I was expecting one to the local cop shop too to verify the alien book was real but CW was trusted to do that. I have to admit that creating a forgery of an alien book would probably be a very challenging task. The forger would have to re-create the glue from the 1920s designed to hold the book together for a couple of years until it starts gradually falling to pieces and needs careful repair with sellotape. When the books were first introduced under the 1927 Immigration Act the were actually used as identity documents by Chinese immigrants snd must have started to disintegrate after the first few months of heavy use.
  4. I was given these letters to take to the embassy after I had already submitted all the documentation required from the embassy including the affidavit. So I just put them in the file. Of course the embassy staff have no interest in receiving these letters which are just pointless Thai bureaucracy. You just tell them which consular service you want from them and, if they can do it, they will quote you a price.
  5. Of course not. This is going to become an increasing source of dissatisfaction. Ordinary Thais are going to have to wait for boosters in the queue behind people still getting first and second shots and breakthrough infections will probably be the result. In this context those who ordered Moderna from the private hospitals will probably be glad they did. Expect the government to follow CRA's lead and giving reduced doses as boosters without any endorsement from the manufacturers or overseas regulators.
  6. Prayut can also sing that catchy little ditty about returning happiness to the people he allegedly penned himself after the coup. Most Thais would agree that their cup now overfloweth with happiness since then.
  7. How funny. You would think they would have checked her availability before announcing it. But they were so arrogant that they just assumed she would drop everything and come to Thailand for that kind of money. Even if she wanted to come, she is under contract to YG Entertainment who discovered her in Thailand and made her what she is today. They probably plan more than a few days in advance and have planned her New Year schedule long ago. But what a loss of face for the government. 555
  8. Never liked the place it looks like.. Always crammed with Chinese tourists chain smoking cigarettes and very aggressive mamasans going after cash. Some of the girls were very new to the trade and would openly admit to being 16 or 17, if asked In Thai. They claimed there were 15 year olds too. The mamasan had not even trained them to lie about their age yet. Looked in once at 3.00 am and still open. Young dancers looked dazed and obviously out of their heads on something to keep them going. The bouncers opened the doors often to allow passing cars to see naked dancers on stage. Operating with that degree of impunity obviously not possible without police involvement but the annual police reshuffle just took place. So time to renegotiate. I decided never to step foot in the place again after a couple of visits. It has an upstairs section which they were obviously operating semi clandestinely.
  9. Foreigners eager to visit to Thailand, but few have actually booked flights. That means they are not eager to visit Thailand or they would be booking flights. Face reality.
  10. No cause for alarm? They also said that alpha and delta were no cause for alarm.
  11. Closing pubs and bars and not serving alcohol for such a long time must be having an effect on Thailand's birth rate. Without a few drinks inside them Thai women must be thinking twice about jumping into bed with some guy without a condom, including their husbands. Thailand's demographics are bad enough with an aging population as it is.
  12. People who have had the Chinese vaccines would be well advised to considered themselves unvaccinated and get the full course of 2x 100mg Moderna.
  13. Sounds like the TAT's much publicised promotion camapaign to get rich Indians to come and dump billions of baht in Thailand is falling on stony ground. They should just publicised bank account details and encourage the rich Indians to wire their money to Thaialnd instead.
  14. Playing up this ridiculous SV + AZ combo as if it is better than AZ + AZ and using the Thai people as involuntary guinea pigs is shameful nonsense. We all know the real reason why such huge quantities of SV were imported even after better alternatives came available.
  15. From a leaked letter to the Red Cross we know that the Red Cross will get priority in order to supply the vulnerable group of military officers and families.
  16. Pubs and bars to remain closed in 17 pilot areas after November 1. So bars will reopen in the rest of the country. Great.
  17. Males over 20 and under 30 will have to report for military service tending officers fighting cocks and their wives’ veggie patches.
  18. Not a good idea to let people come from the UK, now that delta is competely uncontrolled in the 4th wave there with delta plus making big inroads. But clearly the political agenda is let in as many tourists as possible, declare themselves saviours of the nation and announce a general election before the 4th wave takes off in Thailand, as it surely will. The remobilisation of idled tourism sector workers may present a greater threat than the tourists, except of course those Brits who will be bringing delta plus with them.
  19. Private school create a two tier society that is unfair. Closing them down puts increased pressure on the government schools.
  20. The TAT and Tourism Ministry never have any idea why tourists come to Thailand or why they don't come.
  21. Soimetimes it can be stressful like when the ambassador was tasked by the FCO with assisting in a BiB frame up over the murders of two British citizens in Koh Tao. It all went smoothly in the end with the exception of the sister of one of the deceased publicly stating she didn't believe the official version which got her threatened with a defamation suit by the police chief. So hopefully the UK got a nice defence order out of it.
  22. You would think an ambassador would know better than to wearing brown shoes with a dark blue suit. BTW does anyone know where the ambassador's residence is since they flogged off the Wireless Road embassy?
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