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Posts posted by drx13

  1. There is a lot of hand wringing and sympathetic posts concerning the plight of many children in usually 3rd world countries.

    An Australian ethics prrofessor, posed this question to an audience.

    "What would you do if you saw a child drowning, hands up if you would jump in despite your $20 hair do, or new $100 shoes ? Hands up who would ?

    A forest of arms reached for the ceiling..

    "Great how many would send $20 to a bona fide charity that helps save children's lives ?"

    II was not there but imagine very few, the others rationalising what a waste of money such a gesture would be.

    I know how badly this can go wrong. Some Brits seeing the horrors of Romanianian orphanages, collected a load of money, used it to buy a few container loads of food and building equipment. They drove it to Romania and some handy guys improved the accomodation during their vacation time.

    Later someone went to check, the staff had taken the food home..

    So unless you are trying some effective ways to find solutions , and this applies not only to children, but the myriad of evils besetting this planet, you may find it difficult to criticise this post. Not that many will be deterred.

    My conscience is clear as I have direct and financial action.

  2. The "Ask the Lawyer" is an excellent and welcome concept. Unfortunately unlike ubonjoe, there are very few answers, indeed pages of no replies. I believe that as it may have been started to improve the business of th company (nothing wrong with that), it may have had an opposite effect. Unless of course it improved so much it has no time.

  3. I felt more for the burglar or housebreaker ?

    A girl broke into my apt ,thro paperthin paneling on door. She had been escorted by security and allowed to wait and keep knocking while they left.

    She took a VCR

    The CTV recorded her in an out of the lobby

    The police were called next time she arrived, I did "know" her.

    They showed her the CTV after her denials and while not actually striking her, shoved her roughly during the interrogation.

    They then asked me what I wanted to do.

    Disliking their rough treatment of her and the possibility of hanging around in police stations and courtrooms I just said "Forget It"

    The condo supplied me with a sturdy door FOC.

  4. The cost of the will can be nothing if u have very little, and one, or a few beneficiaries, and probably adequate. If you have word wide properties, many descendants etc. professional advice seems a good idea, with the costs being proportionately higher (Proportionally higher than nothing ?..like 0! and other mathematical curiosities,such as Homer Simpson's solution negating Fermat's Theorem).

    At the bottom end, the costs of the will are nothing, to what you will be quoted for the subsequent execution of the will. The Lowest quote I had was Baht 45,000.

  5. Not sure if "illogical" meets this situation.

    Yesterday power failure at local 7/11. A standby generator was running.

    The shop was wreathed in exhaust fumes, customers covering their faces and staff coughing.

    No the generator was not inside the shop, but just outside the door with the exhaust about half a metre from the door and the gases being blown inside, the door being jammed open..

    There was plenty of cable so I reversed it 180 degrees and pulled it away as far as possible.

    I had tried by gestures to get the "approval" of the staff, only to be met by blank stares, maybe the carbon monoxide was already doing its work.

    Of course I should have learned Thai, I might have foiled a mass suicide attempt.

    • Like 1
  6. The harshest penalty the EU and US can impose is cutting Russia off from the western banking system,"

    Doesn't sound like a penalty at all...sounds more like a blessing.

    There we go again. The US trying to intervene in a foreign country.

    Ukraine is under Russian influence, so is Crimea.
    The US supported Saddam Hussein, Ferdinando Marcos, Anastasio Somoza, when they were slaughtering their people.
    How many times do we have to repeat the same mistake?
    US hegemony is a thing of the past.
    Let's worry about the national debt.

    • Like 1
  7. Sihanoukville IS dangerous. I went there for a short VISA-run in august last year. I was robbed in full daylight (1pm) on the big road from traffic-roundabout to the beach - I was riding a rented bicycle, guys snatched my bag. Had bruises and injuries all over my body. When you lie on the road bleeding like a pig and see the guys drive away with your brandnew camera you really feel like a piece of shit. I am sure they had knives, and if I had shown any resistance they would have beaten me or even cut my throat. Police is a farce of course. Anyone who tells me he sees "no bad guys" here: I am sure if there are 3 young men on a motorbike they are mostely bandits (because that is how bag-snachting works, you can't perform it alone and hardly by 2 - it must be the man in the middle who graps the bag and the third who keeps him from falling).

    Oh - and of course, to all who say "Use your brain", "Don*t behave reckless" or "Would you wander around alone or drunk in your hometown?" I can answer: Yes, I wander around alone, even shitfaced in BKK, in Pattaya and in Frankfurt, somtimes at 2am, and it has never been a problem in any city. You can get out your camera and take pictures everywhere in SEA. In my opinion where chance of being robbed in europe or in Thailand is 1:100, in Sihanoukville it is 100:1.

    Read this just in time ! Was going to bike there this week..Any alternatives..Laos, Vietnam Perhaps

  8. Caveat emptor

    If the seller is giving you any type of warranty how are you going to enforce it ? And if he does honor it, you will certainly be responsible for shipping both ways

    If not warrantied, no issues , other than the inconvenience.

    I have bought several "electronic" items on eBay but have always used them first in the US prior to bringing them to Thailand

    I would probably buy new, awaiting info on Apple Thailand issues in other topic

    If I buy used would be checked by Cisco guy who would carry it here

  9. For the same specs does anyone know why there is such a wide range about 20% on new Wi-Fi + Cellular Ipad Air ?

    Thailand prices much greater, but does buying one here have greater advantages in any way please.

    I can get stuff hand carried from USA

    I don't mind paying a high price, but not unnecesarily

    Thank You

  10. Yes, but in answer to a phone number request, have you ever noticed Hollywood movie phone numbers always start with "555"? So "555 5555" is quite a good (funny) reply on two counts.


    The Chinese one was news to me

    When I lived in HK, was in touch with a real fox, but when I gave her my new work number (no cells in those days), never heard from her again, because 4444 was part of the number..it means die in cantonese..I was told..

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