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Posts posted by karl2007

  1. I signed a 1 year contract in August 2022 to August 2023 . It was 10,000 in advance, and 20,000 deposit.


    The rent I pay is 10,000 a month. As I have changed jobs I need to more to another location. August 2023 I told her I would extend but there was no talk about the deposit. And this was just a verbal agreement so no contract was signed to extend.


    I have spoken to the owner to give her notice and she said that I will not get my 20,000 back as I would have to wait until August 2024. I explained that I have completed the contract for the first year.


    Just a side question I paid 1 month in advance on the first day I moved in along with the 20,000.


    i.e. 1st August 10,000 + 20,000. August 31 I paid my first months rent.


    My final day would be 31 March. So I would not need to pay for this month as I paid 10,000 in advanced?


    Thanks for any suggestions,





  2. I am planning to buy a condo next year. I have been working in Thailand and have saved all the money I need from my salary. Which I will use to make the purchase. However, I was going to transfer my money from my Thai bank account to my Barclays Bank and then back into my Thai Bank account. However, that Barclays account has now been closed.


    What are my alternatives to have proof that I have transferred my money from overseas? I will be uses a Law firm to help with the purchase but just wondering about the money transfer. I would like to be extra careful as this is a large amount of money to transfer.

  3. When I bought my condo 4 years ago I used sunbeltasia. I think I paid 25,000 THB and it was worth it. They explained the process, checked all documents, checked the seller, purchase agreement, some other things, and finally made an advance appointment with the land department.


    At the land office the process was finished in under 30 minutes, I was very surprised how simple this was made.


    I would recommend them

    • Thanks 1
  4. I work in a technical field and just recently I have been suffering from anxiety maybe related to the job. So I always feel this the night before and I am thinking about it over the weekend is not a nice feeling to have. This only just started this year.


    I would like to have some have some positive attitude towards my job and to rid myself of this anxiety. I have tried using some self-hypnotize from some articles on the internet but didn't really work.


    Just wondering have anyone tried self-hypnotize or does anyone know of any certified hypnotherapist in Bangkok that has reasonable rates.



  5. I have been working for a tech company for more than 3 years.


    At the end of last year business hasn't been very good as we have lost some of our major clients.


    So at the beginning of this year the company has let a lot of people go. The company pays them what is required by local and the notice period in their contact.


    However, after that there has been a shift in style of management and a lot of micro managing and pulling people up for silly little mistakes. Even if you can explain they tend to say these things,  no excuses, or you need to improve yourself, or you have really slowed down, etc. I can understand the middle management is under pressure and this could be the reason why. I find its best to ignore these comments than getting into a argument and risk being fired. But its very annoying.


    However, in my team there seems to be extra pressure on the team members to complete unrealistic tasks and deadlines. This has created a very stressful work environment. It seems to us they don't want to lay off team members but to pressure them to resign by constantly telling them to improve.


    I am wondering what are the steps to be fired. I would imagine they would put you on a months probation and if you don't improve they will fire you. However, if you have done nothing wrong and only them saying you haven't improved do they still need to pay the local law (3 months, 6 months, etc) and the notice period? Or can they just come up to you and say your are fired and give no severance package? 


  6. I am keen runner and a regular at the National Sport centre on Ramkhamhaeng Rd.


    I used to do athletics when I was in my 20s and now I am back in running shape I would like to test myself with a few 5K running competitions.


    The trouble is I never see anything advertised but I have seen some 5K races being ran, that I could have entered if I had know about it before hand.


    Just wondering if anyone knows of a websites that advertises them.

  7. 2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

    Perhaps you can apolgise and find another way of solving the issue.

    For the future going forward starting from Monday. I will work in another part of the office and just avoid this situation all together. Maybe it will all be forgotten soon and keeping my head down.


    However,  if he is unhappy with me asking him then a warning should be issued first.

  8. I work in an office environment for a large corporation. And I have been having issues with my senior manager.


    Basically, its an open office and he seats not far from me and he does conference calls without any headset.


    As I need to focus on my work I find this a distraction as you can hear the whole conversation over the speakers.


    I have asked him polity to wear an headset many times or take his calls into an office, I have also spoken to HR about this issue and asked them to tell him. I think he looks at me as a junior rank that has no business asking him to do that.


    I think he is getting very frustrated with me asking him. There are many private offices where he can work in. The other day I asked him and he refused so I just abruptly moved all my equipment to work in another part of the office. I think I will do this in the future rather than ask him again. But he might think I have stepped over the mark.


    I think now he might recommended me for being fired for having an attitude problem or an abruptive nature as he is getting fed up with me. I have decided to bite the bullet and work in another part of the office and keep my head down. But I am not sure if its too late for this now.


    We have a very good HR department and they are understanding on this issue. And they do follow procedures correctly.


    Do I have any legal protection from getting fired if I think its unfair?



  9. 11 hours ago, digbeth said:

    if the salesperson don't know or can't be bothered to ask someone who does in the whole dealership, they don't deserve your money, imagine the time come service.... 

    You are 100% correct. The dealership sales people were friendly but not helpful asking them questions and trying to get information was too much hardwork. And when they ask me to come back the next day it seems there had forgotten all about this. I think they were expecting me not to return.


    However, I went to another Toyota dealer and the sales people were super involved in showing me the cars and most of all the question of changing the language was simple and can be done (I don't know why the other dealership did know this). They processed my documents and booked my car and offered a larger discount with extra options. Completed the whole process in a few hours and keep me update on the progress. Should receive my car in the next 2 months.

    • Like 1
  10. Have anyone purchased a Toyota Cross Hybrid?


    I went to the dealership today to find out more information about purchasing the Hybrid Premium Safety.


    The car is equipped with 7 inch media screen that has Apple Car play, and digital gauge cluster.


    The 7 inch media screen can be changed to English. But the gauge cluster is in Thai language so notifications when the car is charging the battery, warning messages, popup messages, and other information messages are all in Thai. I asked him if this could be changed to English and he said he didn't know. I asked him to find out for me but I don't think he will as his English wasn't the best.


    Seems impossible as this car is told in other countries and switching language I would be as easy as change the language on a smart device.


    I did email them [email protected] but they never got back to me.


    Anyone have any thoughts on this



  11. Hi,


    Thinking of buying a new Toyota Cross Hybrid Premium Safety in Bangkok.


    I will be buying in cash and just wondering is it worth asking about special deals and getting free operational extras.


    As I will be buying in cash I thought that would be a good reason for the dealer to offer extras.


    Just wondering if its worth asking as this is my first time I am buying a new car here.


  12. Went to home pro and order some kitchen tiles.


    The home pro workers delivered to put the tiles on the wall. But said I need to buy the trims before they could start the work.


    I went to home pro again and found out that they don't have any trims for 6mm. The smallest they have are 8mm.


    As I my tiles are ~4mm thick 8mm would be too big.


    I am surprised they don't stock trims for the tiles they sell.


    Doesn't anyone know of where I can buy PVC white trims ~6mm thick?

  13. I have checked the following but its not listed https://carmanuals2.com/


    Been thinking about buying the Toyota Cross hybrid Model


    Went to a dealership in Bangkok and had a look at their models.


    When I ask the dealer if he provide the owners manual in English he said its only available in Thai language.


    He offered to translate it for me by reading some of the Thai version. But I turned this down as this is something I would want to read when I get home and maybe not remember (most of what he said was in broken English anyway). He then said we don't have one and just walked off.


    As the car has many features I would like to read about as I would like to learn more.


    Is this just the one off Toyota dealership that don't provide English manuals?


  14. Hi,


    I have seen many of these type of labels, but because they are always in thai, I can never understand if they are good or bad.


    I have attached a picture of an air-con Panansonic Invertor. I asked the seller in the shop that I wanted to install a low energy one.


    Can anyone explain what this means. The 5 is pointing to a single star. So I would suggest that this is not very energy efficient. As it would be pointing to the 3 stars.


    If anyone can point me to some English information about what these means.


    I have uploaded the images


    Many thanks in advance



  15. Hi,


    I am preparing to buy a condo and need to have my money transferred from my parent account to my Thai account.


    I have done some research and have been told that the bank in the UK transferring the money should write a letter saying that the money being transferred is for buying a condo. Otherwise the land department will not accept this and refuse to put my name of the title deed.


    I am not sure if the banks in the UK provide this service. The bank in question is Barclay's Bank.


    Just wondering if anyone has transferred money from the UK to a Thai bank account for the purpose of buying a condo


    Many thanks in advance for any information.


  16. Hi,


    I have just resigned from my job and given in my work permit.


    I went to SCB and wanted to do a swift transfer as I need to transfer my money to my parents in the UK.


    However, they said they need to have a work permit to be able to do that.


    Just wondering if there is any other options that are cheap and do not require a work permit?



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