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Posts posted by Simone

  1. Can anyone give me any advice on shipping belongings to the UK? I'm moving back and I need to send some stuff. Maybe about the size of 2 suitcases. Needs to be cheap - not necessarily speedy.

    Many thanks

  2. Can anyone offer a loving home to two beautiful ginger kittens? They're only 10 weeks old and are both female (which is unusual for ginger cats apparently). They're very healthy and playful and affectionate. They have already started their vacinations. We can provide litter tray, food bowls etc. We are very keen to rehome them as soon as possible. They really need to be taken together.



  3. It's a side road off Sukhumvit in Bangkok, close to Soi Cowboy. The girlie bars/clubs there are more expensive than the other gogo/beer bar areas and favoured by Japanese clients.

    I disagree, it is frequented by mostly expats from England that are not English teachers, as it costs more.

    OP, get yourself over here, forget Uni or getting a degree.

    I did a degree course before I came here - waste of time.

    You can always buy one here.

    You spend 4 years teaching in Thailand and I guarantee you will be a better teacher than some spotty 22 year old graduate who is coming out for a year or two.

    Disagree - big time!! How can you educate others if you aren't educated yourself? And what if that spotty 22 year old graduate held a degree in education? He may not have the 4 years experience but he would have a sound knowledge of methodology. The last thing we need is more bad teachers. People who think they can teach English just because they can speak it? Not worth the money they are paid.

    Get a degree.

  4. Have you tried Red Chilli? If you head to Rawai from the Chalong Circle you go past a service station called the Lemon Green or Green Lemon, not sure which. Just a little further is a sign with a red chilli on it. The owner is a lovely guy - half Thai half Indian. The food is delicious. It takes quite a while to cook because he starts everything from scratch. I can recommend the onion bajhis (sp?), the dahl and the saag. Yummy!

    There is another Indian in Chalong on the road to the pier but it isn't half as good. I'd say it's worse than the stuff we get back home!!

  5. My mum wants to belatedly donate some money to a tsunami charity. I was wondering if anyone could suggest a good cause that is still in need of some cash.



  6. I definitely agree its about that time!! Freedom Bar is a definite yes but a Friday night might be a problem - I work until 9:30. Plus I wouldn;t inflict my alcohol breath on my students again!!

    But lets definitely get something organised.

  7. Totster,

    Your avatars rock!

    Sunday - no can do. Its a school night!! shouldn't really have done last Friday either and Saturday was duly painful!! So this Friday is out too. Sorry! But go ahead with Sunday and we will see you at the next one. :o

  8. So.. the unoffical, Monthly TV spin-off party is to be come a regular event...

    and why not...

    So we need a venue for next weekend, ideas, thoughts, slurings?

    Did we decide it had to be in the Rawai/Chalong area? Memory a bit fuzzy!!

  9. Grooooooaaaan........my head hurts.

    Ditto!! Had a fab time until things took a turn for the worse...got home eventually safe and sound. Froliks apologises for his apalling behaviour and would like to ask permission to tag along next Saturday for part 2 if he promises to be on his best behaviour.

    See you all again soon!!



  10. Hi

    I'm new on this forum but have read it for a while now. Just wondering how old most of the regular posters are?

    There seems to be some younger ones but quite a lot of 'seasoned campaigners' out there as well?

    Maybe you could start by telling us how old you are? :o

  11. Cool. And you figured it out too. :o

    Good to see you bought a helmet too. Good thinking!

    Nice looking bike... :D

    Just might suggest getting a proper helmet and one with a flip-down visor. The amount of junk flying around in the air when riding is incredible. One ugly bug in the eye or dust cloud from a passing truck is all it takes to ruin things.

    I agree - the helmet in the basket was a free gift with the bike (as well as a t-shirt and jacket, woohoo!) and it's by no means ideal. It's a poor fit and I would prefer a visor. I'm considering getting a full face helmet - any recommendations?

  12. At the risk of being "harsh" (a recent accusation), I must ask if you have considered the possibility that you may also need some resources regarding the proper use of English?  In your opening paragraph you have more than a few errors in spelling, capitalization, usage, punctuation, and grammar, and some of your sentences are so awkward I had to read them twice to understand what you were saying.  It would be embarrassing if the Korean kid started correcting you.

    However, to the question:  if you don't understand the equations he showed you, chances are you're in over your head.  The fair thing to do would be to admit you have no idea how to handle the math you're supposed to teach him and give his family the option to let you teach solely as an "English" teacher or else bail out.

    Recently, the proliferation of EP/MEP programs has created a high demand for English-speaking teachers in skill areas OTHER than English, for which there is an exceedingly short supply.  A lot of money is wasted on pretenders, which is what you are attempting to become (for which subject, I will not say).

    Finally, though, to address your call for help:  if you knew enough about math to be considering this job, you would know what to CALL the math, which would greatly help us in attempting to help you.  Some examples include:  arithmetic, geometry, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, probability, combinatorics, statistics.  Perhaps if you search on these words you will find equations similar to the ones you didn't recognize somewhere among the results.


    At the risk of being harsh? I think its a given that you were being harsh! I make a couple of typos and suddenly my grasp of English is being questioned? Sticks and stones buddy - but if it made you feel superior that's all that matters.

    I asked for help - does that really make me a pretender? I thought that's what this forum was for, or is its soul purpose to provide fodder for your ego?

    Rather than turn this into a heated debate between the two of us please feel free to PM me with any further objections to my posts. At least then you aren't boring the socks off everybody else who reads the post.

    Maybe you should change your username to 'Ijustwannacriticise'. And maybe you could learn to spell 'want to'. Just a thought.

  13. I Have to teach English for maths ( he is going to a bilingual school and will be tacght maths in English so wants to be able to understanmd what the heck the teacher is going on about.) to a 16 year old Korean student. When I asked him to be more specific he drew a bunch of equations on the board that I couldn't make head nor tail of! Can anybody suggest websites where I can get printable maths resources from that we can work through? Have tried BBC Bitesize and it looks a bit too basic.

    I might also mention that maths was never my strongest subject at school hence me becoming an English teacher rather than a maths teacher!

    Please help!!

    p.s. in a few days he will also want to learn English for science and English for technology...and so on! :sad:

  14. Suzuki Best 125 limited. no electric start but sexy looking bike with big storage space under seat. Also - no bulky dash like wave. At the end of the day its the bike that felt most comfortable.

  15. Ok - I know this post has cooled down a bit but I have one more question. I have chosen my bike and now I could do with a little guidence on maintaining it.

    To begin with I'm sure somone mentioned that I should drive at a slower speed for the first few hundred kms to break the engine in gently. IS this correct? Roughly what speed would that be for a 125?

    Oil - checked how often, changed how often, how much will it cost (so I don't get ripped off)

    Anything else I should know?


  16. Welll...I don't use anything hi-tech at all! I have one of the cheappy thin plastic rain coats the Thais wear, I roll up my trouser legs (if I'm wearing trousers) and I carry a spare pair of shoes. Haven't had any problems so far. I drive verrry slowly in the rain partly because I'm scared and partly because I can't see a ###### thing! Helmets with visors are a must. (better than my sunnies!)

  17. What am I doing wrong?

    I hoped to lose weight here but it just isn't working! I don't eat or drink nearly as much as I used to but I haven't lost any weight at all! :o

    I see Thai people tucking into huge meals and they don't put weight on!

    Think I will forever be carrying a spare tyre. And I'm only 24!!

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