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Posts posted by akimagure

  1. The thing is that i have a tattoo on my back that i would like to cover and honestly, i haven't found a model yet that could do the job and the other one is that I know it hurts like hel_l...guys, please do me a favour and don't make tattoos on the back of your neck...it really hurts

  2. well at least he can think himself lucky he didnt do anything rash like stabbing her 24 times or leaping off the balcony .he goes home in 1 piece with a badly deranged head thats all. take an aspirin for a broken heart .

    I am not 100% convinced that it would have been a bad ideea, it would have given thai girls an ideea about what it could happen when a farang is being really f****d up, i mean, try thinking that one of us farangs would do this to a rich thai lady...do you think you would be able to go home alive???

  3. Does anybody know a very good tattoo studio in Pattaya? Since you see hundreds of them, i guess you wouldn't like to take your chances for every tattoo that you have decided to make so you can choose the best after :o

  4. Good point Tiger, actually i am not saying that the thais are always 100% sane and well intentioned...but anyway, killing eachother is not a solution, and we, as farangs, we should be aware that sometimes many of us are competing against thais in acting like idiots, i've seen all kind of farangs making many crazy and bad things

  5. Any news about a pet shop in Pattaya? Anybody...

    Theres about 6 all scattered along 3rd rd. One is called Dog Enjoy and its near soi sophon cable (200m before soi sophon cable on the right going towards pattaya klang).

    Another one is opposite Buffalo Bar (i've seen loads of dogs in there actually :o ).


    Thanks Dave, i really appreciate it, i'll check it out as soon as the rain stops.

  6. Brit, i am not judging anybody, i am just talking about the fact...sorry for my post, i think maybe i didn't made myself clear....and MyNameIsFarang, i am not english, though my english may not be perfect, i will try to improve, thanks for the correction anyways

  7. Brit, my wife worked bar same...i am not trying to insult anybody, i was just trying to explain that most of these girls are not expecting to find a husband between customers, but when they do...they can be lovely and sometimes 100% devoted to the familly, again, i am not insulting anybody, my wife worked same before and i am not shamed of it, ut i know how dissapointed she would be to brake up...please accept my sincere appologies if i've insulted somebody...and Brit...i guess we all know the story about the wolf that can change his fur but not his habit...i guess many of the members had the unpleasant opportunity to get to the same conclusion

  8. This is something that happens all the time, not only in Thailand but also in Italy, Spain, France, Germany and Czech Republic, etc., and it happens much more often than Thailand. The point is that he could have taken a lady from a bar if he couldn't afford a lday from a-go-go, the hole thing was just about a 200 to 600 BHT for the barfine and everything could have gone smoothly. I think some guys just like to play it ruff...

  9. “Everyone” confused over variations in new laws

    You've got that right.

    It is quite interesting seeing this thing play out.

    Is the talk of legalising prostitution still getting around?

    TIT :o

    There was a government backed conference about legalising prostitution in November 2003.....but I don`t think that much has happened since.

    Many arguments for and against....not least from the sex workers themselves who feel that they will become stigmatised if they have to register as sex workers.

    On the other hand they would gain access to health and regular medical checks would be to their benefit.

    Some of the large brothel owners would be in favour of being licensed as it would mean that they would not have to pay large bribes to officials in order to operate.

    At the end of the day this is a 5 billion dollar per annum business and the government will surely want to harness their share which is slipping away in the unlicensed sector.

    Fox, i think you don't get it yet, these money go to government anyway, one way or another, it's not on paper, but it's in the pockets. Would you rather taking 1 million for yourself, or take 1 million and share it with the others???

  10. I still don't get it, they have men to bring in at 2 am, why don't they put more civilians inside and let the people enjoy their vacations? Pattaya is a touristic sight, 90% of the people you see on street are farangs and 80% of the farangs are tourists, Pattaya should be a disco 24hours a day

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