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Posts posted by DonThaiToMe

  1. 11 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Yes I can see what one was worse.... the one that brought out the people to oppose it. Abhisit and Suthep did not want an amnesty they wanted to face the law. 


    Oh, yeah. They always wanted to face the law. Like they did after the mass-murders they were responsible for in Lumpini, 2010. Real stand-up guys those two. That´s what I´ve always said.

  2. “Thaksin has long prepared an escape plan for his sister. He would not allow his sister to spend even a single day in prison,” said the source, who requested anonymity.


    What a joke.


    The Junta more or less admits to knowing about YS ´escape plan´ (of course they knew, they probably escorted her to the border themselves) and at the same time tells the press they couldn´t understand how she "slipped away".


    There were never a chance in hell she would be allowed to spend a day in thai prison.


    And they want people to believe the whole debacle isn´t politically motivated/orchestrated? Yeah right... :coffee1:



  3. Looking for pharmacies that sell tramadol in Bangkok.


    I´ve been out of Thailand for more than a year (lived here 10+ years before), and apparently there´s been some kind of ´crackdown´ on tramadol when i was gone. I walked around lower sukhumvit a couple of days ago visiting a bunch of pharmacies which of most i could buy tramadol from in the past. Now every single one, (except from "Boots" where it was PENG MAK(!) compared to before, and they also were out of stock when i went there today), refused to sell me due to not being allowed to sell anymore by government decree.


    Thailand being Thailand I find it hard to believe there aren´t quite a few pharmacies who still offer tramadol?


    Worth noting is that i need tramadol (or other painkillers) due to a car accident that f*cked up my back many years ago, so it´s purely for medical purposes.


    All help MOST appreciated.


    Thanks in advance!

  4. The fine is 2000 for dropping ciggy butts on the floor but I'd bet the farm that the cop just pockets that.

    I've never had a problem in Suki with cops but there does seem to be a sharp increase in the number of these stories recently.

    I agree. I got fined 2000 baht for a ciggarette butt about 6 or 7 years ago (asked if 500 baht was ok in thai, and he agreed, (ha loi ok mai?).i had actually put out my ciggarette in a flower-box as i couldn´t find anything else, so i guess I was guilty.

    This was between soi 13 and 15 and seen them there ever since, however, this last tuesday I saw the "litter-police" all the way down soi 3 almost, just 50 meter in from the soi about where the swedish embassy sign sits.

    I don´t walk there even close to everyday, but for me it was the first time I´ve seen them "below" soi 13.

    Have also seen them on the "even" side a week or so back for the first time (around soi 10-12) and they had a booth set up there too, maybe used for urine samples, but can´t confirm that, but it had some "protective cloth" around it.

    Both times (soi 3 and soi 10-12) they were checking people, soi 10-12 they had just stopped a "farang" on his bicycle when i walked past and soi 3 they stopped a couple of arabs or indians, not sure which, when I walked past.

    I have never been stopped myself however since my first encounter 6-7 years ago, but feeling a bit uneasy as family and friends are coming for visits now over christmas and new year...

    Be safe out there.

  5. I feel you try to divert from the real issue, once again, same as in the thread where you were the only one trying to defend the issue by talking around the subject.

    I don't have any specific question, people who have access to much more information than me regarding the sale have questions. Why is that if all information is available?

    He doesn't know or doesn't remember? If all details were readily available, then by now he would have had the time to just look them up at the same sources that are readily available to everybody, don't you think?

    Over and out.

    How am I trying to divert the issue? The issue was raised about the land sale and I am asking "What about it?"

    The land has been in the family for decades. It was sold 18 months ago for a price that appears to be a fair value. So, what about the land deal? You're the one with the issue about it. What is your problem?

    When Prayut did not declare his assets he was deemed undemocratic and non transparent and a bad example to the people.

    When Prayut DID declare his assets he was deemed undemocratic and non transparent and a bad example to the people.

    He is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't by some. They argue for the sake of arguing. They detest that Thailand's corruption perception index is improving. (Junta cannot control this index so it is denounced by some) They detest that the Junta are doing a good job. They detest that his constant dialogue is fighting corruption when the previous regimes actions were constant grenades lobbed over the wall of the NACC by their supporters. (not one person arrested for this either)

    Of course the people that have ALL the information is the anti graft commission he declared it too and they have no questions.

    BUT then PTP logic dictates that the anti graft commission are in on the conspiracy as that sits in well with their agenda. If the journalists stated there was no hint of corruption they too would be in on the conspiracy.

    PTP logic right there folks!

    Do you have some secret PTP logic-lexicon dj?

    Or do you just write it yourself, so it will suite your own agenda?

    Whybother, you were asked for a link to the Chan-Ocha-land deal, as it was all public information according to yourself, and then provided a link to a news-paper article(!?), and after that you have only been trying to change the topic. Not cool.

  6. these unfortunate people got caught up in a situation were there were armed gunmen all around them engaging the army, the sad reality is if they had removed themselves from the area this would never have happened, if they really want justice they need to ask the man in the sand and those on the stages why they placed armed terrorists into the crowd, did they think the army were just going to stand there and be shot at

    The questions that should be asked are -

    - Did the army have a right to be there ? well of course they did

    - Were there armed terrorists amongst the crowd of red protestors ? by all accounts it seems there were

    - Did the red leaders give orders to shoot at the authorities ? by all accounts it seems they did

    - Did the army have the justification to return fire ? by all accounts it seems they did

    - Were people not wanting to be involved given the opportunity to leave the area ? by all accounts it seems they were

    - Are these victims still being used as Thaksins pawns ? unfortunately it seems they are

    The whole argument around these unfortunate casualties hinges on one thing, were there armed gunmen firing at the police and army amongst the red protestors - if the answer to that question is "yes" then case closed

    What complete BULL!! I was there in 2010, you were obviously not!

    • Like 1
  7. when people/companies use the antiquated thai laws to silence anyone telling the truth about them we really have to wonder, in any other country when you tell the truth you are respected but here if you tell the truth and someone loses face or worse still, money, they take you to court. Until such time that the law backs up the honest people and not just the rich this country can never improve. The courts need to be able to base their decisions on actual facts and the truth, not on how much it cost someone to have the truth about them exposed. Corruption is the reason it is till ongoing and this needs to be stopped, ethics need to be implemented and the guilty parties instigating these trumped up charges made to face the law themselves, this case will show the world what Thailand really stands for, a wrong decision could cause real problems for all thai companies and the country itself.

    Quite similar to how the US of A treats Snowden, Jukian Assange and the likes, wouldn´t you say?

  8. Sadly this is common story with Swedes! Yes it is the low cost of lubricants!

    I personally know this man and he is a repeat offender and really doesn't want to go back to Sweden.

    He is very obvious in his location and when I offered to have him sent back to Sweden he said he did not want to go.

    So as usual the media is only telling half the truth!

    Seems some have found out that Thai's are compassionate, and the odd farang taking pity on them too...

    And as pointed out as soon as they are shipped home and can raise enough money to buy a cheep air ticket they will be back.

    You´re a real "Swede" expert, aren´t you?

    Around half a million Swedes visit Thailand anually and 1 mentaly ill guy which we know very little about the whole story why he is where he is and suddenly it´s "common story with swedes" Troll post of the year.

    • Like 1
  9. The only reason Democracy is difgicult in Thailand is due to the Dem/ Military "Allegiance". Its an obvious pattern time & time agsin. Dems are minority/ wamt power/ Cause political turmoil as a setup/ prelude for the "Brother" military to step in. It it endless!!

    What utter and complete rubbish! Democracy is dependent on the rule of law. Without the rule of law there is no democracy, either here or in any other country. From the simple refusal to don motorbike helmets to the massive corruption that runs all the way through the Thai system, you can see that the rule of law is sadly lacking. And why is that? Perhaps it is because of the Thai characteristic? Or perhaps because of the failed education system. Whichever, when you have a system as corrupt as the system in Thailand it will extend all the way through to the political management of the country. Corruption is counter democracy: at the local level nothing moves until you've slipped someone a backhander. Try running a business here. Everything is licensed and in order to obtain that licence you have to pay the Government officers under the counter cash. All Thaksin did at the end of the day was to exploit this sytem. In order for him and his cronies to remain at the top of the corrupt tree, they had to manage the politics. There was no, and there never has been, any democracy under the Shins because it was simply not in their financial interests to run a free and fair elctoral system and they were very good at manipulating everything. Sadly, some Dem politicians have also been caught up in this process. However, Abhisit tried to run an open and honest system and he even faced opposition from within his own party. There was never a Dem/Military alliance as you claim and there is no evidence at all to suggest that. It's just an idea that you have due to the lack of understanding of the whole business/political/cultural process in Thailand. Sadly, I can't see much changing. Corruption now is worse than ever. Due to the coup's strengthening of controls and application of existing laws, it just means that the price of corruption has risen. By that I do not suggest that the army is part of this process, but those that have run licensing committees and the like are still demanding bribes and increasing their price.

    The first line in your post shows that YOURE post is "utter and complete rubbish" and so is youre understanding of politics. A REPUBLIC is governed by the rule of law NOT a democracy.

    Didn´t bother to read the rest of youre post as you already showed your "skills" regarding politics.


  10. All you moaners should be transported back 30 years when there were no meters and no air con..each trip had to be price bargained before leaving. I do occasionally get refused by taxi driver but dont see it as a problem. I have come across 2 taxis in the last 20 years who didnt turn on their meters. Both forgot and suggested i pay whatever i thought was reasonable which i did.

    Either you´ve never tried to get a cab on lower Sukhumvit or you´re lying.

    Don´t get me wrong, I can understand some of them for not taking the fare, but when EVERYTIME you try to get a cab you usually have to hail 5-10 cabs before you get a guy who will take the fare, then it gets a bit tiresome...

    • Like 1

    You people are a sorrowful bunch.   Last night you stayed up hoping she wouldn't return so you can make your ugly comments.  Now she comes back and you start your insults.   Very disgusting group of people here. 

    By all means, please call her on her private line and give her our apologies for ever doubting her.  After all, we should have learned from all the rice farmers how trusting she is and how much she means to them.  She is an absolute paragon of virtue and one we should esteem as greatly as you do.  Give her a kiss for all the rest of us disgusting people.  Tell her that we hope she gets all the attention she deserves.  



    I´ll make you a bet, I hereby promise to do all that you have written in your post above if you promise to make the same thing to Suthep.



  12. For the long term Expats , we know all about this despicable character , those that have just joined us , the history of this megalomaniac is interesting indeed, however there is more important issues at hand for Thailand , although Thailand has to be well aware that the return of this person will cause untold problems , especially if someone delivers the lead poisoning remedy, to be for- warned, is to be prepared, he has six years to go before statute of limitations kicks in , this idiot is just as likely to return , possibly on a donkey with a palm branch.bah.gif

    So you didn't like that Mr. T ok but,

    you do like that he finally got Swampy (airport) done,?

    Your Thai GF/wife and all her family don't like using the 30 health system but prefer to pay full medical fee's?

    You prefer that people go too loan sharks, mafia, for a loan to start a small business?

    You like having drug dealers on each street corner?

    And you do you support uncle Suthep and family giving out land for rich friends and people he can call on favors for latter?

    You like and support the palm oil games Suthep played whist having his snot on the trough?

    And you think it unfair he was made to leave the Dems for just a little corruption?

    So if you despise the man so much then why do you use the very things he has put in place here?

    Do you like Taksin giving millions to court and then saying it was the wrong box of pastries ? (think that is a bigger thing as all what you mentioned) (if you call bribing the courts a little corruption i need to check your morals)

    Do you likeTaksin to change the law so he could sell his company and NOT pay taxes gaining millions and millions of baht.

    Did you forget the Democrats abolished the 30 bath payment because it was more expensive to administer the system then it was worth. But the PTP wanted 30bt again because it feared Taksin would have been forgotten

    Did you like all the innocent death from Taksins shoot the drugs dealer

    Did you like the Tak bak massacre because that intensified the South its problems

    Could you please prove the part about Suthep, because the things I typed can be proven with news articles

    P.s I am no fan of Suthep but I do applaud him and Taksin for getting rid of the current government

    If Suthep did things wrong he can go in jail next to Taksin for all I care all corrupt officials should go to jail.

    LOL, maybe in Thailand,

    But I dobt u´ll be able to prove anything elsewhere with ´news articles´.

  13. Well done I suppose, but I feel it´s just for show, and will be business as usual very soon again.

    On another note, tried to get a motorbike-taxi the other day.

    Like I always have done, "wink" them in when they pass. This time though not a single one stopped, and apparently you had to find a designated MC-taxi stand to get one.

    Don´t know if this was just on this soi or is being implemented everywhere, got a nice, but hot, stroll back home anyway. .

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