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Posts posted by ffaarraanngg

  1. A bit of a beating is the kind of thing that could happen the world over, when one women is getting revenge on the slapper who has been shaggin her husband.


    But what gets me with this is just the way everyone else in the room is just continuing with their business as if nothing is happening, i've no doubt they rarely if ever see this kind of beating but they just walk around like lobotomised drones in "one flew over the cuckoos nest".


    There is just no response from them, either join in, stop her, reason with her, jump up and down like a monkey ... do something but don't just carry on like nothing is happening, its not normal human behaviour. 


    This sums up the Thai psyche to a tee, and its something i will never and do not want to understand.




  2. On 06/01/2017 at 5:31 AM, tukkytuktuk said:

    Although the murderer is a nasty, evil man, he is quite right about not fighting back when someone mugs you. This fighting back approach has been the cause of countless deaths worldwide.
    When I go out I carry 2 wallets. One with old credit cards and 200 baht in and another with my new credit cards and about 2,000 in cash. In case I need it. Then if I'm robbed I give the wallet with 200 baht in to the thief. If it was my iPhone I would still hand it over. Not worth dieing for.


    Someone pulls a knife on you and you think you're abut to be stabbed may decide to fight, its a natural instinct.

    You're just some mug who has never been involved in any violence whatsoever so have no idea what you're talking about.


    And your story about taking 2 wallets out everytime you go out is just weird and not true.


  3. On 09/01/2017 at 4:26 AM, chrisinth said:

    I will have no sympathy for these two when they are caught and really do hope they do time for this.


    For anyone thinking this is a trivial matter, try doing this to your own national flag in your home country.......................;)

    Almost not allowed to fly the George Cross in England, its disrespected so much by the establishment and PC lefites, one is deemed a Nazi for flying it.

  4. 16 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Yes, well posted. Similar to what happened in the OP article except the vomiting of the women maybe put off the mans descision to have intercourse.

    After reading the Ched Evans incident I have to side with those who appalled by the 36 year old mans decision to take the drunk 21 year old women to a nearby short time hotel.

    Although no sex took place, she obviously was in shock waking up naked in a strange hotel room.

    Got to love the way a load of sexpats become all moral on the internet ... but i'd be willing to bet almost all on here take advantage of impoverished women to get them into bed. Paying for sex is illegal in Thailand, going to a room with a drunken women i hope is not yet a crime and never will be unless the lefties and illiberal liberals get their way.


    She is a grown woman and she decided to get drunk and or take drugs and go to a room with a man, if they had sex it would have been fully consensual on both parts ... meaning she should not go to prison also for taking advantage of a drunk man.


    Liberals and lefties really are the shyt on my shoe when it comes to making out all men to be aggressors and rapists.

  5. 20 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:

    But how does the girl prove retroactively that she was too drunk to give consent?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Show a bar bill, have CCTV show her staggering ... friend state she was drunk, its not difficult.


    That football Ched Evans just done a 5 year sentence then after several appeals had the conviction overturned. His football career has been ruined because of it, and the only reason he won on appeal is due to his wealth and high profile meaning her ex's of which there were many came forward.

  6. On 05/01/2017 at 6:50 AM, huanga said:

    It just goes to show, if you have money and power, this is the country to be in.


    Something definitely defies the usual logic when this hi-so girl (drank her ass off, got into his car, puked herself into oblivion) accused him for rape/molest/kidnap, all in the face-saving gesture. In the US, it will be a he said-she said, and the doctor's report already gave him more credibility than her.


    If the family is so concerned with its name and reputation, they should have sent her behind to a "catholic" school long ago to learn how to keep both of her mouth and you-know-where shut! 

    Its worse in the UK, if you take a girl home who is drunk and have sex you will do 507 years when she decides its rape.


    Even if you are drunk yourself.


    Thailand really does take all the bad things from the west and not many of the good.

  7. 5 hours ago, ThaiWai said:

    I was ordering a sandwich at a Burger King when some farang two lines over starting making some comments about my order and my failure to observe some menu options.  He was insulting as well and me being shocked that someone would concern themselves with such a matter I advise him to retain his comments.  He being twice my size and half my age exploded in a rage.  I tried to ignore him and order my breakfast but he was not having it.  He continued to insult me and the more I ignore him the more agitated he became.  Next thing I see is he has left his line and is approaching me in a threatening manner.  I lower my center of gravity, pull my knife from my hip and prepare to fillet him and as I did I pointed out the camera behind the counter.  I then said "That's the camera shot that will be given to your mom of me slicing you into pieces".  He, muttering some nonsense under his breath moved back to where he came from.  He spoke with a British accent but wore a NY Yankees cap.  What he was unaware of is that I am from New York.  I bring knives to fist fights and guns to knife fights and losing is not an option.  I have no time for these holiday muay thai fighters.  I'll drain that adrenaline right from their femoral artery if forced.

    I'm actually trembling sharing the same internet as you.


    I always thought people from New York were like people from London, all fart and no shyt.


    Hence why a load of Africans have taken over your city.

  8. 17 minutes ago, champers said:

    So thats BK and Maccy Ds off the list of fast food places. Anyone seen a mass brawl in KFC?

    Crikey have you ever eaten Thai KFC, i have about a decade ago on 2 occasions the 2nd time only to confirm the first occasions was as bad as i thought.


    It was so memorably bad i wrote about it a decade later on Thaivisa.


    More likely to see vomiters than fighters.

  9. 13 hours ago, chainarong said:

    You miss the point , that's already been tried between 2 coups , what I say is how do you get around the PTP nonsense and Suthep crap , what you don't  have is quality  politicians that can do the right thing , you don't have a good system of government , its all made up to suit the crowd that's now in power, and when they do have democracy it termed Thai democracy , ( Our Way) put it this way,  it ain't no German, Westminster, US styled government and it ain't no brainer what would happen again.

    They didn't try hence the 2 coups.


    They want total power, hence your beloved and corrupt yellow shirts are the problem, no one else.


    No doubt you're a liberal, liberals hate democracy when they don't win the vote and think coups are a perfectly legitimate way of telling people how they should live their lives.

  10. On 30/12/2016 at 2:37 AM, Dustdevil said:

    Have you lived in Japan? They're so racist.

    A westerner crying racist, why does statement just not hold power any longer.


    Could it be because your kind are like the boy who has cried wolf and used the phrase a few billion times too often.


    I'd sooner Japans homogeneous population than the multiculti nightmare that Europe is living under.

  11. 3 minutes ago, chainarong said:

    I'm not sure this guy's got the right year, under the new election rules it wouldn't matter if the PTP got all the votes that the public are allowed to vote on, the balance held by the military and their cronies would outweigh any advantage, also the election of the Prime Minister  is by the house not the people, the whole election process is a shame and not democratic,  however,  anybody got any other idea's how to avoid the B/S that went on before the Junta, because no matter how you look at it unless you want that unstable repeat in the name of democracy , the options are few.......................................................:coffee1:

    Well this may sound off the wall, but they could have free elections where all parties come up with policies to get the most votes.


    And then in 4-5 years time they can repeat this ... by which time the Yellow shirt affiliated parties may come to the outstanding conclusion that screwing over the masses of poor Thais for their own self gain is not the best policy to get elected and realise they have to come up with policies that they will see as beneficial and these people will vote for them.


    I know its a right out there, but you never know it might just catch on. 

  12. On 29/11/2016 at 8:04 AM, JLCrab said:

    I am glad that BigC supplies Thanksgiving mini-turkeys (pre-cooked) for my festive dinner and that, if I were to ask the Thai Girlfriend (no English) what does she think of Trump, she would answer:

    Who or what is Trump?



    Trump is potentially a great man,.


    You want to get one of those air fryers for your roast potatoes as i see just a hob there .... not perfect but not bad.


    Now you can be thankful for ME.

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