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Posts posted by VeggieBurger

  1. Congrats, Veggie.

    Can I just ask, how long did you leave the country for? Was it a simple in/out?

    Also, you mentioned resetting your visa. Were you on a double or triple entry?

    A simple in/out. It was a double and I went with bangkok buddy in asok. From what I saw it was for pretty normal for people with a real visa. I even have 3 visa exempt stamps right before for this tourist visa.

    As I was exiting the IO went through my passport and was shaking his head, no no no. at all my used visas. Then finally when he came across my current one he gave a big smile and happily stamped me out.

    Just as a warning to others. There were 2 people who tried to get a second VoA stamp and were denied. So as long as you are entering with a valid visa. It seems to go smoothly.

  2. Exact same discussion was having with a couple of friends the other day for a mate in the position. Do you do the extension at Immigration, then get the second entry BEFORE August 12th, just to be on the safe side, even if it means you lose days from it?

    He also doesn't want to book his return ticket until he knows exactly how long he has left here. I reckon just to be on the safe side, do the extension before August 12th, but that is just a suggestion, not based on any fact.

    Interestingly, a Thai friend who has a relative in Immigration, said the target of this is not farang at all, just Burmese, Vietnamese and Cambodians, but hearing reports I can't believe this.

    I would get the 30 day extension at immigration Thursday or Friday. That would give me till about the 24th of Aug. But I was wondering if going, lets say the 11th of Aug, would it be safer and less risky? I would be loosing 2 weeks. I also don't want to purchase my return ticket until I know the second half of my visa will be honoured.

  3. So I have read through all these posts and have become pretty confused with what is going on. I am currently on a Tourist Visa. This week I will need to go to immigration in Bangkok for the 30 day extension. Then I should be off to Cambodia from Bangkok 30 days after that my extension. I would like to do a quick out and in to "reset" my visa. But I am worried because I have had a few visas already. My passport looks like this... 4 Tourist Visas back to back, 3 of the 30 day visa exempt and the most recent is a tourist visa bought is Loas. In that order. I think it should be stated that I do not work in Thailand. I don't think there is another word for what I am doing besides being a tourist so I don’t know what other visa I could have used. I am planning to head back to the states and the end of this visa but I would hate to have to buy a last minute plane ticket or get stuck in Cambodia.

    I have been reading the Thai Embassy website (http://www.thaiembassy.com/thailand/new-visa-rules.php) and it seems to me they just want to stop the people doing 30 days border runs and buy a "proper" visa. Which I have. I will not be crossing a border in the south. So what are my chances of being denied entry? Should I "reset" before Aug 12?

    Also I want to note that while getting this last tourist visa I gave the Thai embassy a copy of my bank statements to prove I have not been working here illegally.

  4. All this talk over visa runs. It seems they are spending to much time on people doing runs when they should be working on updating how the visas work. The internet is a thing now-a-days. What kind of visa would a person need if they run or work at a US based company. Lets say this person works from home and stays in Thailand. They are not talking any thai jobs. So are they a tourist? or are they working in thailand and need a work visa for a non-thai company?

    You say rather glibly that you would not be taking a job from a Thai citizen. There are many US companies that subcontract work in Thailand either through Thai-based US subsidiaries or independent Thai companies. Did you ever notice the number of Thai names when booting Adobe Acrobat or Photoshop?

    Yes I can say it would not be taking a thai job. Unless you are implying that any foreign job over the internet is a potentially lost job for a thai person -_-

  5. All this talk over visa runs. It seems they are spending to much time on people doing runs when they should be working on updating how the visas work. The internet is a thing now-a-days. What kind of visa would a person need if they run or work at a US based company. Lets say this person works from home and stays in Thailand. They are not talking any thai jobs. So are they a tourist? or are they working in thailand and need a work visa for a non-thai company?

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