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Posts posted by Jeffreyake

  1. 3) you mean how Thais can benefit from treating guests the way they should be treated. Sure Thais built there state for themselves, but the tourist areas and hotels are built and exist predominantly for foreign guests.

    but it's none of your business for what reason hotels were built. Thais built them for their own reason. And what you or any other foreigner think of it - Thais don't care.

    So how would you suggest you improve all the examples I gave ? Or don't you believe there needs to be any improvement and things are fine just the way they are ?

    Yes, Thailand, as any other country, needs permanent improvement. But Thais can do this without advices from know-it-all sexpats.

    Can you accept that?!

    I think these two measures can improve the life in Thailand a bit:

    1) Get rid of all sex-craving STD-infecting sex tourists. Make Thailand a family-oriented resort.

    2) Introduce a lifetime ban (with all biometric data in the database) for entrance to Thailand if the person were caught:

    -disrespecting Thai state, culture, nation or monarchy

    -offending public moral

    -drunk in a public area

    -paying for sex

    and don't say that Thais are earning money on prostitution, drugs and alcohol. If demand will drop - supply will follow.

    All I am asking for is to leave foreign sugar daddies alone with there filth

  2. I really doubt if the police had any intention of killing the the man. He pissed them off, so they tortured him a little, without intending anything more. The police commonly mistreat prisoners - of every color. It is no surprise to anyone who has ever been in the justice system.

    why nobody speaks about Americanness?!

    or for white American policemen it's normal to torture the person who "pissed them off"?

    I imagine those gigabytes of bashing which would be written here if this story happened in Thailand, and that poor guy happened to be a farang...

    but if he is black and police men are white - lets justify them!

    dear American police-haters! where is your voice against this murder?! or blacks for you are even worse than police?

    "HE IS A SON OF A BITCH, BUT HE'S OUR SON OF A BITCH" rule is still alive

  3. What makes the gov think these people will want retraining and shelters and welfare assistance.

    the question is not what beggars want (a parasitical minority) but what normal taxpayers need. And they need there streets to be cleaned from antisocial elements. Government just found most humane way to fulfill the desire of people.

    • Like 1
  4. Such a shame that the beauty of a Woman's Breasts are so exploited as to be considered something Immoral !

    By making a Big Deal out of the few Exhibitionists , who always Love to expose themselves , like the Ritual called Streaking during Sports Events or Public gatherings , to the Show me your Breasts not sure if T**s would be ok here , in NEW ORLEANS Mardi Gras to RIO de Janeiro's Carnivale bare butts & breasts Dancers ! We live in such a hypocritical world ! , Our Creator did not send us into this world wearing anything but our Birthday Suits , but as some of our Populace aged , someone decided that The Creator's Creations of Human beings , needed to be covered up to Protect us from its Beauty or Ugliness ! When the only things clothing had really been created for , was protection against the elements of Mother Nature !

    nudist detected

    could you please tell me

    1) how do you know that your "Creator" exists? or it's just your belief? and you think other people should believe it just because you say so?!

    2) if he exists, how do you know what were his intentions, when he created human? As I remember, there were some bad references about nudity in the Holy Bible...

    3) If somewhere in the world nudity is tolerated, it's not a reason to accept it here. Many people nowadays believe that cannibalism is acceptable, so what?

    5) "When the only things clothing had really been created for , was protection against the elements of Mother Nature !" Escherichia coli, for example, is an element of Mother Nature also, but I still wash my hands after toilet to protect myself from it.

    Why don't you shit on the street when you feel the urge? why not, this is mother nature's call!

  5. Exactly why is it wrong to walk around in the suit that God made for you? Are you suggesting that God, in his infinite wisdom, created a body in his own image, and then is happy that wowsers like yourself are horrified by looking at it?

    there is nothing right and wrong for everybody. Some people in this country think that idea of Christian God is a human creature. Many have their own Gods. So why do you believe that your God is holier than others?!

    nowadays the bastions of truth and modesty say one thing and do another.

    it was always like that. "nothing is new under the sun"

    and many nations still managed to preserve their own cultures which are significantly different from yours.

  6. Well many tourists come here with the attitude of "I am on vacation and spending money so I can do whatever I like." They hand out leaflets to the Chinese on how to behave in Thailand during Songkran... Perhaps it's well past time to hand them out to farang tourists as well.

    And to their own people

    "their own people" are at their own homeland. and you are a guest (I guess).

    do you understand the difference?

    As foreigners, being guests in this country we should behave and abide by the laws, just as Thai people should.

    However, the way some of them behave (maybe more than some) and their blatant disregard for the law and authority beggars belief.

    The Thai people should take a good hard look at themselves and the way they act in their own country before complaining about the poor behavior of a few guests.

    Not a day goes by in Thailand where I don't see someone breaking the law.

    Thailand needs to concentrate on cleaning up its own mess, not worrying about a few wayward guests and how they might tarnish its image or reputation.

    "Their own people" could certainly benefit from a leaflet showing them how to treat their guests. Especially those that interact with them i.e. Taxi, van and bus drivers, tour operators, hotels, restaurants, jet ski operators, beach chair vendors, in fact anyone in the guest related service industry and let's not forget the immigration officers and RTP.

    Maybe they could run a public awareness campaign on tv outlining the does and donts concerning guests.

    But if they did that then they should also run campaigns on road safety, public safety, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence, gambling and the list goes on.

    But given that I have never seen a public awareness campaign of any form on tv (which in itself is appalling) I highly doubt it.


    why for some people it's so hard to understand a simple idea?

    1) it's none of your business how Thais abiding there own rules. you can see, understand and know whatever you like - Thai will not give a rat's ass for this.

    2) it's Thai business how guests in Thailand abide Thai laws

    3) how Thai people can benefit from treating foreigners the way you like - none of your business either. Thais built there own state for themselves, not for you and they know it better what is good and what is bad for them.

    do you know why?

    because Thais are at their own homeland. and your are not. so you either abide all rules or go to another country where laws are more suitable for you.

    Thais built there country and society as it is now. This country attracts a lot of foreign tourists and expats who like this country as it is, because Thailand is what it is.

    but some people have this special type of personality - just can't live somewhere and not bash the place. mostly this minority consist of losers-sugar-daddies who were thrown out by there own societies, who didn't find there place there and feel deeply unsatisfied, miserable for there drunken wasted life, which they spent chasing pleasures. and here in Thailand they keep contaminating society with there destructive hedonistic attitude, which is completely antibuddhist.

    Some Thai children day by day see these sugar daddies, there lewd parasitic way of life and think that they should be like them (and not like their Thai parents) to succeed - role model. What these children can't realize - is that sugar daddies are looser in their own society.

    Those spoiled kids are like a delayed-action mine under Thai society.

    do you, for one second, believe that any country would be appreciated for such "guests"?!

    by the way, this whole "public awareness campaign" idea is a part of Western left-liberal discourse.

    do you want to know what was the profit of western pharmaceutical giants from "bird flu public awareness campaign", for example?

    Why do you keep maniacally impose these sick manipulative ideas?! Leave them for yourself, please.

  7. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

    Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

    500 killed in traffic during Songkran. No one gives a sh1t

    Hundreds of women beaten up every day by drunk/drugged men. No one gives a sh1t

    Children are sold into prostitution every day. No one gives a sh1t

    Most corrupt police force in the world. No one gives a sh1t

    As for your comment about residency and citizenship just shows how little you know about Thailand.

    On your yearly 3 week holiday?

    so why you are still here?!

    handcuffed? passport stolen?

    please tell me, I really want to know!

  8. why do you think Thais should tolerate all these sugar daddies...

    Wouldn't that question be better addressed to uncounted family members in Isaan, taking the benefits of sending their young women off to be bar girls?

    not at all. because these "uncounted family members" are in their own country thus can do whatever they want. But sugar daddies come to foreign country to fulfill there lust.

    citizen can do what they want in their own country - if they abide laws they choose for their homeland, but guests, foreigners, aliens can be useful for the society, useless or even harmful - and should be treated accordingly.

    any country has a right to get rid of foreigners who damage country's economy, social harmony, morality, culture etc.

  9. An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

    You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

    Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

    Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

    dear sir, could you please explain me who you think you are to tell Thais, in whose country you are just a guest, what they should do and what they shouldn't?!

    unbelievable effrontery....

    and I completely agree with authorities - these spoiled farangs, infecting other nations with there lechery, should be treated like in Singapore - caning and 7 days in jail.

    some of these alco-sex-addicts really believe they are precious customers - in reality the damage is much bigger than profit from them.

    look on this situation from Thai point of view - strangers come from abroad just to shit in their home. for sure Thais want to kick them out.

    no country need such "guests"

    • Like 2
  10. And they will do it no matter what the victim is wearing if they think they can get away with it.

    Touching up, sexual assault in whatever form it takes, wherever it happens, whenever it happens, happens no matter what the victim is wearing.

    could you please show us some scientific research which proves that appearance does not increase the chances for women to be sexually assaulted.

    thank you

    Along with every other post you have made so far on this thread,


    the best argument


  11. Thailand is trying to change it's tourism model from sex-tourism to family - oriented. For sure all depraved sugar daddies who came here for cheap harlotry hate it.

    sorry guys, your immoral hedonistic attitude is an anachronism in modern Asia. all "dragons" and "tigers" look in other direction now. So please find another place to fulfill your salacity.

    No it isn't.

    Rape is about power and control, what the victim is wearing is not what matters to the rapist.


    absolute lie which was implemented by American feminists. for their opinion, woman can do whatever she wants to provoke a man and if he succumb to provocation - woman can sue him for harassment. women use natural biological mechanisms to attract a man and when he is attracted - he is trapped by pro-feminist state. everybody can be manipulated and controlled by pro-feminist law. harassment charge is the best way to get rid of a political or business competitor (remember Dominique Strauss-Kahn). All rape charges were lifted but he lost his chances on French presidential elections.

    the best position for woman parasitism and money extortion

    all you ran away from western feminism but keep trying to implant it here. even animals don't shit where they live.

    • Like 1
  12. Dear all Thailand bashers!

    as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

    so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

    is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?

    I fail to see how this is bashing Thailand. Walking around in shorts is not secret code for "Please sexually assault me." It doesn't matter if I'm in Thailand, Australia, the US, or the back end of nowhere.

    Freedom from sexual assault (and not being blamed for being sexually assaulted) is a fundamental human right and isn't subject to geographical limitations.

    this is classic example of neo-colonialist way of thinking. you apriori believe that your moral values are better than others

    and how are you going to enforce this "freedom without geographic limitations" ?

    let me guess... carpet bombing?

    1)"fundamental human rights" is just 200 years old Western idea which is now used to discredit and manipulate sovereign governments. who told you everybody should accept it

    2) "freedom from sexual assault" does not justify provocative behavior. every women in the world knows what buttons naked ankles and breasts push in man's psych. women use it to manipulate men and to force them to give away their resources. and when provocation goes wrong - sexual assault can happen. does it mean that the rapist is innocent? no! does it mean that a women's decision was a cause of the rape? yes! that's why changing women's behavior to non-provocative can help from men who can't control there libido. this is a fact, which all leftists like you deny for 50 years.

    but Thai government doe's not give a shit about your weird destructive left-wing ideas. so calm down and relax.

  13. Dear all Thailand bashers!

    as I've red in this topic and many others - you hate Thailand, Thais, Thai government etc.

    so why do you torture yourself so fiercely? why don't you go back to your wonderful civilized Western countries?

    is it a kind of kinky weird pleasure - to hate a place, suffer and still live here?

    The only real suffering we are exposed to here, is reading nonsense posts like yours!!

    We are criticizing to double standards of the Morale Police here, in other words standing up for the Thai people>

    No government official anywhere should tell women how to dress, and say if they get assaulted, they had it coming...............

    Now be a good boy, and go back under your bridge!!

    why do you think Thais should tolerate all these sugar daddies in pith helmets from the West come to their homeland and try to teach how Thais should live?

    what is moral and what is immoral

    what they should do and what they shouldn't

    why don't you keep your view on moral values (which some people call lechery) for yourself and let others deal with there internal issues?

    who, please tell me who, lied you that you know it better how other nations should live?!

    Or even better accept that just because you live somewhere other than your home country you should not cease to think.

    Or even accept that when someone makes a crass, stupid and patently false claim, as mr sin did, they deserve all the abuse they get.

    It's not bashing if its highlighting the truth.

    you are making statements based on your moral values, your cultural background etc. But here in Thailand people have different ideas about there country development. and they don't care of what you think. because of these ideas Thailand became what it is now - attracting millions of tourists (including you) every day. You chose Thailand as a place to live because of this ideas and principles. And now you are bashing them.

    you ran away from emancipation, which destroys western society, and here you try to instill the same infection (!!!). even animals don't shit where they live.

    Thailand is what it is. you have neither power nor moral right to change anything here. Thais would never need your opinion about how to manage there own country. So why don't you either accept Thailand as it is or leave it?

    instead of this you are keep staying here and bash the country, like Muslim immigrants bash "anti-Muslim discrimination in the UK" but do whatever it takes in order not to come back to their wonderful Muslim homelands.

    This is what I don't understand

  14. he is not an activist but an agent of influence of foreign forces who wish to topple sovereign Thai government and replace it with there puppets again. they proclaim democracy as there goal because it's much easier to manipulate and buy ignorant electors than an independent government serving national interests.

    International bankers think Thailand borrows not enough of freshly printed green paper. this should be fixed

  15. Has anyone considered that this could be the fault of the tourists? Maybe the tourists refused to pay the highway toll, because they thought that the taxi driver was cheating them. Not everyone knows that they are supposed to pay the toll themselves, and not the driver. The story about the driver missing a turn, and not wanting to turn back seems a little far fetched.

    Rasmus, are you Thai??

    Blaming the victims and all that........................coffee1.gif

    are you racist?!

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  16. Pinochet was good? Insane! Pray to god Thailand doesn't come anywhere close to emulating that murderous thug.

    Human rights violations during the military government of Chile refer to the acts of human rights abuses, persecution of opponents, political repression and state terrorism committed by the Chilean armed forces and the Police, government agents and civilians in the service of security agencies, during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet in Chile since September 11, 1973, until March 11, 1990.

    According to the Commission of Truth and Reconciliation (Rettig Commission) and the National Commission on Political Imprisonment and Torture (Valech Commission), the number of direct victims of human rights violations in Chile, it accounts for at least 35,000 people: 28.000 were tortured, 2.279 were executed and around 1.248 continued as Disappeared. In addition some of 200,000 people have suffered exile and an unknown number would have gone through clandestine centers and illegal detention.

    this is a manipulation. this commission shows data about victims of both sides - military junta and communists.

    MrPerfect took care of one obvious flaw in your argument. I could compare GDP per person between large modern democratic economies and countries like China (comparing city-state economies like Singapore or the Vatican wouldn't be valid), or question how many people in Japan, South Korea or Taiwan want to roll back the clock to their more authoritarian past, but I'll take a different route:

    A common complaint against US democracy often posted here is that it's bought by the rich--people like the Koch use their wealth to influence elections in a manner far out of proportion to their individual votes. It seems that this is close to your idea of votes being proportional to wealth and taxes, the mechanism is not the same but the outcome broadly is.

    Do you approve or disapprove of the democracy (partially) for sell aspect of the US system?

    yes, for sure elections are manipulated by a group of rich citizens. and this is the only thing which protects America from communism

  17. Chile, Taiwan, South Korea--societies in which an authoritarian government helped the countries get started after war or revolution, but which didn't really take off until some semblance of freedom was allowed. Communism, another authoritarian system, was also good at rebuilding the Soviet Union and eastern European countries after World War II, but unable to keep up with the free world after reaching a middle-income level. The Korea's are interesting examples; it seems to me that the democratic free South Korea is doing quite a bit better than the authoritarian North Korea. Do you disagree?

    I ridiculed djjamie's pro-junta claim that repression isn't all that bad, and you somehow interpret it as a voice of envy and a call for redistributing wealth. Since you've established the precedent of liberal interpretation of posts--are you a fascist, a communist, a monarchist, or just an opponent of democracy?

    there were no war or revolution in Chile - just an democratically elected president Allende, who happened to be a communist. Taiwan and S. Korea made that famous economic jump during there 50 years authoritarian rule (this is what China is doing now), there economic growth slowed down after "democratic reforms" pushed by US left-liberal fundamentalists

    Soviet Union collapes not because they reached "middle-income level" but because of

    1) uncompetitive planned economy

    2) 8$ per barrel oil prices

    3) war in Afghanistan

    in fact Soviet economy was in collapse when Gorbachev took power in 1985. But modern "new-lefts" would never admit this

    and for sure S Korea is doing better than N Korea, but because N Korea has a truly socialist economy which leads to hunger, and S Korea actually is still far from real democracy and people there are scared of communism which on some level protects there politics from populists. With true democracy and without N Korea as an enemy - S Korea would drift to socialism within a few decades or even years.

    US is partly protected from socialism because there is no real democracy there - any candidate for presidency has to pass anti-populist filter of Democratic or Republican party, which are, in fact, one party, split about 200 years ago to protect the political environment from true competition (and populists). and notwithstanding aforementioned, every next US president drifts to left. Obama is a perfect example. after Obama republican president will make one step back from left - then next democratic president will make two steps further.

    in Thailand Taksin is a perfect example of populist

    in Venezuela - Chaves and Maduro

    Zimbabwe - Mugabe

    etc etc

    as for me, I just understand that true democracy leads to socialism, so humanity should develop something different.

    for my idea the main problem of democracy is universal suffrage. from history we know that all things start to get wrong after any country (with real democracy) adopts universal suffrage.

    only citizens who pay more taxes than they get back from state budget should have a right to vote.

    all kinds of social parasites (whose one and only idea is to rob and share) should be exempted.

    I should let this rambling, incoherent post stand on it's own merits, but I'll point out a couple of obvious flaws:

    As I indicated before, authoritarian command economies are good at lifting countries from chaos and very low levels of development, sometimes quite rapidly, but then struggle to rise above middle income levels.

    You credit an authoritarian communist leader with Chile's rapid development, but then state the problem with democracy is that it leads to socialism. Are you pro-communist but anti-socialist?

    You seem to be advocating a modified democracy in which people's votes are determined by the amount of taxes they pay. That may be appealing or appalling at first glance, depending on your perspective, but regardless I can see a number of ways that it can go wrong. It's also straying from a topic about students protesting for elections, but I can see how someone opposed to democracy would like to seize on any opportunity to explain why it doesn't work. Care to explain what system of government you favor?

    I am anti-commusint and ant-socialist. Salvador Allende was a communist, elected by people, and he destroyed the economy of Chile, then after the coup general Pinochet took power. He got rid of communists and cured the economy. All modern Chile prosperity was made by him.

    I am advocating authoritarian rule + free market economy. Like in China or Singapore. or in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan in there best years.


    elections with tax census. this system can't be find in the modern world but it worked perfectly for British empire, for example

    old slogan in US was "no taxation without representation"

    modern slogan of the progressive humanity should be "no representation without taxation"

    • Like 1
  18. Chile, Taiwan, South Korea--societies in which an authoritarian government helped the countries get started after war or revolution, but which didn't really take off until some semblance of freedom was allowed. Communism, another authoritarian system, was also good at rebuilding the Soviet Union and eastern European countries after World War II, but unable to keep up with the free world after reaching a middle-income level. The Korea's are interesting examples; it seems to me that the democratic free South Korea is doing quite a bit better than the authoritarian North Korea. Do you disagree?

    I ridiculed djjamie's pro-junta claim that repression isn't all that bad, and you somehow interpret it as a voice of envy and a call for redistributing wealth. Since you've established the precedent of liberal interpretation of posts--are you a fascist, a communist, a monarchist, or just an opponent of democracy?

    there were no war or revolution in Chile - just an democratically elected president Allende, who happened to be a communist. Taiwan and S. Korea made that famous economic jump during there 50 years authoritarian rule (this is what China is doing now), there economic growth slowed down after "democratic reforms" pushed by US left-liberal fundamentalists

    Soviet Union collapes not because they reached "middle-income level" but because of

    1) uncompetitive planned economy

    2) 8$ per barrel oil prices

    3) war in Afghanistan

    in fact Soviet economy was in collapse when Gorbachev took power in 1985. But modern "new-lefts" would never admit this

    and for sure S Korea is doing better than N Korea, but because N Korea has a truly socialist economy which leads to hunger, and S Korea actually is still far from real democracy and people there are scared of communism which on some level protects there politics from populists. With true democracy and without N Korea as an enemy - S Korea would drift to socialism within a few decades or even years.

    US is partly protected from socialism because there is no real democracy there - any candidate for presidency has to pass anti-populist filter of Democratic or Republican party, which are, in fact, one party, split about 200 years ago to protect the political environment from true competition (and populists). and notwithstanding aforementioned, every next US president drifts to left. Obama is a perfect example. after Obama republican president will make one step back from left - then next democratic president will make two steps further.

    in Thailand Taksin is a perfect example of populist

    in Venezuela - Chaves and Maduro

    Zimbabwe - Mugabe

    etc etc

    as for me, I just understand that true democracy leads to socialism, so humanity should develop something different.

    for my idea the main problem of democracy is universal suffrage. from history we know that all things start to get wrong after any country (with real democracy) adopts universal suffrage.

    only citizens who pay more taxes than they get back from state budget should have a right to vote.

    all kinds of social parasites (whose one and only idea is to rob and share) should be exempted.

    • Like 1
  19. in a long period democracy always leads to socialism, because any society consists of 80% losers and 20% winners (Pareto principle) so majority will vote for robbing the minority and sharing, as soon as any populist will promise this.

    so martial law is bad for democracy but good for economy.

    what is more important for you? your own prosperity or absence of individuals richer than you? freedom or equality? 80% choose the second option because they are slaves of there ego

    Thailand chose freedom, but "masters in pith helmets" from the West still believe they know it better how other nations should live. and keep trying to indoctrinate Thais with there sick left-liberal dogma...

    HUH?! Democracy leads to socialism you lost me with your first statement which is seriously laughable. Give me some factual examples of that please. Actually its just the opposite if anything as people long to be free and NOT controlled


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