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Pete Beale

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Posts posted by Pete Beale

  1. Hi, my wife will be able to apply for her ILR next year, but I'm self employed and not sure if I'll be able to cover the financial requirement as I can't work due to the coronavirus situation. My wife works and is continuing to work through the current situation, so my question is can we combine our 2 incomes to cover the £18'600 requirement ?  

  2. The hookers on the coconut bar do this all day every day, and the Ladyboys go much further than that with their touching of foreigners, so I assume they all should be thrown in jail?

    Ladyboys are men, so man on man is more acceptable.

    You think it's more acceptable for men to be sexually touched by other men than by ladies, speak for yourself.

  3. No, I am not saying that. Like you I would see how far I could get before she stopped me.

    But when she stopped me, by saying 'No,' pushing me away, moving away, whatever; I stopped.

    But the report in the OP is about girls who suffered unwanted attentions despite saying 'No' or pushing the unwanted hand away.

    I can see, though, that I am in the minority; most posters in this topic believe that it is ok for young girls to be subjected to unwanted sexual harassment by their male peers; and direct childish remarks at those who don't.

    If they have daughters and one of them came home in tears because a boy at school had groped them, would they nave the same "boys will be boys, live with it" attitude?

    I really hope not.

    I see nothing in the news article about it being girls suffering unwanted sexual contact despite saying no, just about suffering unwanted sexual contact. If you was dancing with a girl at the local youth centre disco to Shakin Stevens back in the 80's or Take That in the 90's and you moved your hand down her back onto her bum which she objected to then you already carried out unwanted sexual contact even if you ceased said unwanted sexual contact immediately.

    Hopefully you wont be getting a visit by your local constabulary's historical sexual offences unit any time soon, but might be an idea to have the number of a good lawyer just in case.

  4. I certainly have no experience of subjecting anyone to unwanted sexual touching, groping, flashing or rape.

    That doesn't mean I wasn't attracted to girls at school and have fantasies about them. I even asked some of them out; with varying degrees of success.

    As is obvious to anyone with an ounce of intelligence, my Muslim comment was to show the hypocrisy of certain posters who think it's ok for them to have subjected girls to their unwanted attentions, but, as shown by certain other posts of theirs, would be calling for castration at least if a Muslim boy did it!

    So when you was say 14/15 and with a similar aged girl did you always seek prior consent for any sexual touching ? "May I fondle your buttocks" "could I knead your breasts" that kind of thing. Me personally I would gradually move in, if they wasn't wanting it they'd push your hand away or just say no.

  5. So let resume :

    greece is now under the water and suffer economic disaster.

    Without any ressources to help prevent the migrants to come to Greece or leave it (how to pay the police or border police), I think soon Greece will just give a big middle finger to Europe and let them flow...and Europe deserved it.

    By the way during world war 2 there was 60 millions of refugees trying to leave Europe...

    Nonsense, even if there was 60 million refugees the vast majority were moving within Europe not out. They mostly moved to neighbouring countries or within their home country after borders were redrawn.

  6. Yes, I'd be just as upset if men were assaulted. But assaulting women is about the lowest thing man can do, so yes, I am more upset if victims hapoen to be women.

    I can't believe several posters here side with perps, and blame victims. This is so insane.

    What makes you think they were assaulted by men ? according to a post in this thread a fight occurred with a female member of staff who then was taken to hospital.

  7. BULLSHIT , They will say anything to stop people voting to leave the failing EU just take a look at Greece hanging on by the skin of its teeth.. I will certainly ask for my postal vote OUT< OUT<OUT.

    again one of those without brain.....Briatain without Eu is a economical gnome, a midget. No free trade, pound is falling endless, povert is starting....but anyway future will tell.

    I fear you are the one without a brain ,

    Well he is Irish.

  8. BULLSHIT , They will say anything to stop people voting to leave the failing EU just take a look at Greece hanging on by the skin of its teeth.. I will certainly ask for my postal vote OUT< OUT<OUT.

    again one of those without brain.....Briatain without Eu is a economical gnome, a midget. No free trade, pound is falling endless, povert is starting....but anyway future will tell.

    Norway and Switzerland seem to do ok outside the EU, the UK economy is over twice theirs combined. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll still be able to bail out you lot in the south next time your economy tanks.
    I hope you have a day job and don't have rely upon your expertise with economis!

    Have you looked at the size of these countries (economies and population)?

    Norway has to obey EU rules but cannot change them or even comment

    Great idea


    Norway is the worlds 23rd largest economy with 5 million population, Switzerland 20th largest economy with 8 million population, UK is the 5th largest economy in the world with 65 million population. Do you really think Germany is going to cut its nose off to spite its face and lose such a big market for all those BMW's, Mercedes, Audi, VW's and Porsches it sells in the UK.

  9. BULLSHIT , They will say anything to stop people voting to leave the failing EU just take a look at Greece hanging on by the skin of its teeth.. I will certainly ask for my postal vote OUT< OUT<OUT.

    again one of those without brain.....Briatain without Eu is a economical gnome, a midget. No free trade, pound is falling endless, povert is starting....but anyway future will tell.

    Norway and Switzerland seem to do ok outside the EU, the UK economy is over twice theirs combined. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll still be able to bail out you lot in the south next time your economy tanks.

    You don't want to compare the UK with the economies from Norway or Switzerland, do you? Best joke I heard in a long time

    yeah, POMs could be funny....sometimes

    So can the Paddies be, some of the best jokes I've heard are about them.
  10. BULLSHIT , They will say anything to stop people voting to leave the failing EU just take a look at Greece hanging on by the skin of its teeth.. I will certainly ask for my postal vote OUT< OUT<OUT.

    again one of those without brain.....Briatain without Eu is a economical gnome, a midget. No free trade, pound is falling endless, povert is starting....but anyway future will tell.

    Norway and Switzerland seem to do ok outside the EU, the UK economy is over twice theirs combined. Don't worry, I'm sure we'll still be able to bail out you lot in the south next time your economy tanks.

    You don't want to compare the UK with the economies from Norway or Switzerland, do you? Best joke I heard in a long time

    That would be the world's 5th largest economy compared to the 24th and 20th. Which one would the EU see as the most important in terms of trade ?

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