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Posts posted by saree

  1. I been worked many brand in furniture business. I thought currently Ikea is over a little bit reasonable price and marketing policy need to mix variety globe source but mostly made in China and eastern Europe because there low costs. Consumer must have knowledge in furniture if you don't need feeling like go to buy a lotto. "Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union." Frank Lloyd Wright

  2. Hi Saree,

    Can you recommend where to find tradtional-style, solid wood furniture at a good quality/price?



    Dear JK.

    I don't have any idea about what your need. If you need tradtional american-style like are Berhardt Americandraw or Manchester furniture. your can buy from factory outlet-sale at chonburi(those new furniture are not second hand but made like tradtional-style with solid rubberwood and veneer press on engneering wood

  3. ก็ได้ kodai = for using when your must agree something but you don't like that or you don't have any idea.

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