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Posts posted by peepingtom

  1. My GF couldn't understand, why I despise my country, and my people so much. I think my lack patriotism raised one or more red flags, because she was getting really upset whenever this subject came up. I tried my best to explain, but failed time, and again. It changed when we have visited Pattaya, and rode one of those baht buses on Sai Song with two khi nok Russian couples from deep Syberia. When we got off, she said "Now I understand", and the issue was closed.

    Yeah, I'm a Russian, and I am ashamed of it.

    Vdim, nothing to be ashamed off. I know many very nice Russians. Every nationality has it's share of <deleted> !

    Western countries are no exceptions ! I am very glad to see your participation in this absurd thread. I hope to

    see you in many more discussions here. Pattaya is for for all peace and respect loving people ...


    So true......

  2. Drunks of any nationality can act bad. I am an Aussie and have seen 1 or 2 drunk Aussies and many other nationalities acting a lot worse than what you describe. No one was threatened, punched, stabbed, physically attacked or shot, but HOW has this topic made it to 2 pages as I thought that rule number 7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Hmmm Moderator Moderator where are you..? Maybe having a few drinks for Christmas?, ok, I forgive you ...

    Methinks that rule #7 means no slurs or degrading comments directing at or suggesting that Moderators are having a few too many drinks and need to be forgiven for their dereliction of duty etc. instead of praising them for their tolerance and understanding hmmmmm.......is it true that a party down under must end in a punch up? Just asking....that's all...ok,,ok,,,you are forgiven...just once.

  3. I live a three hour drive from my nearest allotted immigration office . I said to the officers that I'm in my mid 70s and that it is too far for me to

    drive so may I report by post . No problem , I've been posting for several years now .

    I was told, when first getting a retirement visa, that the 3 month report can be done by registered mail. No idea how to get the receipt.

  4. Soursop is truly delicious but very different from Durian. Soursop is best if cut in half and lightly coated with sugar and left in the fridge for a day. Durian is something that one either loves or hate. I love it, smell and all. It is just plain expensive. The aroma is very nice for those who like the taste. Most important is the first time you try it. An open mind for new taste will determine or you become a lover or a sour puss. Read about them in wikipedia.org

  5. Can anyone recommend a camera shop in Pattaya that stocks items for DSLR's and lenses and PP software. Also is there a Photography club in Pattaya. I am new to this forum and new to Pattaya thus appreciate your help. Thank you

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