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Posts posted by pittsdaulga

  1. Ok. Sorry for the late response. Please remember, when I wrote this post I was drunk very very drunk and I get a little emotionally insecure. I hate when someone is mad at me for something I feel was not my fault.

    I'll try to answer all the questions asked or comments made.

    Yes, she knew this was a temp job because I like my first gal a lot. So I was a little shocked at her becoming shocked when I told her may gal is coming back to Patong in 2 days... "whatever" would have been sober response. Most likely the correct response as well.

    Come on guys,whereustay in disguise,same style,except he did not mention sweating, or if he had weighed her,3 post's ,i am not falling for it,in a wheelchair,this is sinking low even for whereustay,i am sure it is him,check the writing style"i know this is last minute" who the hell say's that unless he is off to see the sweating hi so teacher again,i wonder what his laundry bill is from cleaning those sweat and excretion soaked sheets,come on now whereustay admit it is you.

    What?! blink.pngWhen reading posts I bare in mind that grammar and the spelling of English maybe poor as it may not be the poster's first language, but this truly confuses me. What do you mean by sweating, a teacher, and what's wrong with my style of writing? If you want to know where I staying, it's in Patong, Phuket. Yes, she helps me clean in the shower but I have the hotel do the laundry. I stated that I was in a wheelchair to give people reading an idea of what and why I need special help. It was not to gain sympathy. I hope that answers your questions/comments.

    Have you made your own problem?

    --I don't think I did. I just over reacted to her attitude. Had I been sober, I'd have brushed it off as I did the following day.

    Have you flirted with the temp girl?

    --Nope. I gave no signs of love or anything like that.

    Has she completed her work to a satisfactory standard?

    --Yes, she was very good helping me, however, I should note that she is not a nurse or an aid. I met her through a lady friend that works with her from time to time at Tipan (a disco in Patong). She's a 'freelancer'.

    I asked her for the following help before she was hired:

    I need some help dressing as my hip and shoulder are still mending from a fall. Both were broken.

    I needed assistance in the shower as well. The accessibility in Thailand isn't the greatest and I wanted her in case a fall.

    She also assisted me in using the toilet.

    Any errands I needed done, she did as well. Getting food, drinks, meds or whatever.

    What I did not ask of her, but she did on her own accord:

    Hand jobs in the morning

    An occasional BJ

    A hair cut from head to toe.

    Screwing one or more times in the evening.

    I'm guessing the above mentioned behavior is indicative to her chosen profession. I did tell the once that she did not need to do that to be repectful, but she went on. I'm a guy and I'm not about to say no to the above.

    On the day of her departure, she looked a little sad (do to a lack of a good gig, I'm sure) but made no fuss. I did give the tip.. many timescheesy.gif

    Seriously, I gave her 2k more and she was surprised and confused. I did this because she was great to me and if I find myself without help, I can call on her.

    I hope this answers any questions and apologize for my drunken post. I hope it entertained some of you. biggrin.png


  2. I know this is last minute, but I how when I wake I'll have a couple answers Back ground: I'm in a wheelchair and need help with the shower and other personal issues. My main woman went away for a month to see her family. She is coming back tomorrow and the current (temp girl) is now upset with the news of her coming back. I'm guessing jealousy of her and her losing a paycheck. I was going to give her a tip of 3-4K baht as I have given her a 1k baht a day for her assistance, but based on her sadness and pissy attitude, should I forget it and give her the normal 1K baht for the night and move on?

    I'm at a cross road of fair and me being generous. Some outside perspective would be helpful from the more experienced members.

    Thanks for reading my drunk concerns.


  3. Hello all,

    A new guy here. I've been reading the forums for a week or so and I would like to ensure that I understand how the Tourist Visa works and to have a couple questions answered. I am a US passport holder that is sending in the information for the Tourist Visa tomorrow. My friend and I are planning to live in Thailand for some time. He will work as a teacher, but I do not work. I'm retired but I'm 37, so I can't do the Retirement Visa.

    If anyone could answer some questions for me, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Once I have the Tourist Visa and fly into Phuket, will the first 60 days start on the date I arrive? My friend and I are staying in Phuket for a week or so and then we want to check out Cambodia. Will the reentry from Cambodia reset the 60 days or would the time (two weeks) in Cambodia add on to the original 60 days?

    The 30 day extension I understand. I would need to go to the immigration office and pay the 1900 baht fee & fill out some forms. I figure I would travel out of the country a day or so before the expiration date of the extension and apply for a new Tourist Visa and start the cycle again with another extension after those 60 days. Is my understanding of this process correct? May I continue to apply for Tourist Visas every 90 days to my hearts desire or would there be a limit.

    Also, when applying for the second Tourist Visa can I apply and receive the Visa that same day and come back or would it take 2 to 3 days processing?

    I need to make sure I have everything and anything in order when I do the "Visa runs" as travel is not the easiest for myself as I am confined to a wheelchair. I hope all understand my concern for details.

    Thanks all for your time. biggrin.png


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