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Posts posted by farang2002

  1. No more than normal,it's just becoming more visible due to an increased use of social media and the like.

    Agreed, in the US on the other hand there's a definite increase

    Not sure where you get your info on crime increasing in the US, but from what I read online is been going down for years. Check your facts before posting something you don't know anything about.


  2. I really wonder how anybody can KNOW that smoking reduces my life experience by 8 years ....

    A lot of pseudo argumentation here.

    As a fact:

    Tobacco does NOT make anybody addicted !

    Nikotin does very slightly.

    What really makes addicted are the so called "addictives" the tobacco industry puts ILLEGALLY into the FILTERS !!!

    They have been convicted many times but paying the fines is cheaper than changing their illegal behavior.

    Much brainwashing going on here .... and even more state propaganda.

    [reading this threat makes it clear that very little is knowledge and much is simple repeating main media propaganda]

    Hate to disagree Brian, but many many studies have shown nicotine to be highly addictive. Better bone up on your research before you express opinion as fact. Nicotine addiction is what makes it very difficult for smokers to quit. I know.. I am a former smoker.

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  3. I agree with H90.

    Remember that probably none of us really know what the truth is about North Korea. We are fed a diet of propaganda in the mass media and most of us choose to accept it without question.

    Making a movie is OK provided you would find the storyline acceptable if the target was the USA instead of North Korea. In my estimation Kim deserves at least as much respect as Obama.. possibly more.

    Maybe you can go visit there and find out first hand. When you come back, (if they allow you out), you can report your findings here.



    Would 70's be OK?  I go to immigration 20 minutes per year; hand them my papers and 1900 baht and don't listen to rumors on rumor mongering web sites. 
    I go to the bank and know the manager and his assistant both of whom speak English, no problems. 
    I go to the doctor 4 times a year; he and all the staff at the department I go to speak English no problems. 
    I don't drive a car much.  I drive my motor scooter because its fun, fast and I can carry the groceries but the doctor says I should walk an hour a day so don't drive too much. 
    I have a network of Thai women who help me do anything I like and have known them for many years. 
    A lot of stress this year.  I went to Bangkok to get a new passport during the coup but no problems.  I went back to pick up my passport with no problems.  I took my Thai wife with me and told her to pay attention because she will be doing the next one when I'm in my 80's. 

    70 is still quite young. I mean if i see my dad only a few more years and he is sharp of mind and strong of body.. 80.. that is a different story.
    70 is quite young? Maybe if you're 99 years old. The average life span of a man is 74 years. If I live past 75 then I will be fortunate or unfortunate. Depends what life will be like in 30-40 years from now.


    I suspect if you're sitting around beer bars all day, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, you'd be lucky to live beyond 74.  Most healthy people I know do not smoke at all and if they drink anything, it's limited to a couple a day.  

  5. Some people have too much time.....Worry if the neighbor smokes and maybe get cancer 30 years later crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

    Don't really give a rap about a smoker getting cancer in 30 yrs... just worry whether or not I will get cancer from someone else's smoke!

    Ever smell the breath of a smoker, especially one with bad teeth? Smells worse than the dirtiest Isaan squatter toilet! Disgusting!!

  6. oh my god....... the queues, the queues.

    No shiite....most times the morons they hire get confused just ringing up a couple items and counting back the change three of four times. Imagine the delays with airline tickets....

    Yeah, one can just imagine what that will be like. Better read your ticket carefully... no telling where you'll end up!

  7. ...note to self.... no dancing on a table when drunk.

    RIP. At least he died happy.

    Read the story again, there is no reference to the guy dancing on a 'table', he was dancing on the "bar".

    Makes no difference whether table or bar: the guy's dead. Anyone ever notice related to these sad posts are most always alcohol related?

  8. My first true girlfriend and I had many make-out sessions listening to the Everly Brothers in the late 50's. Back then I was a smoker too, like Phil Everly. Luckily I found a way to quit when I was about 30, not like my younger sister who died of lung cancer at 61 and my uncle who died at 59. It still amazes me to see people continuing to smoke, ignoring all the associated dangers of tobacco smoke.

    RIP Phil.. and thanks for all the beautiful music!

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